Category: poetry

  • Multi-level Being

    By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

    Each traveler is a one of a kind, original, expression of the Source.
    There never has been
    Nor will there ever be someone exactly like you.
    You are a multi-level being
    Traveling through the worlds
    Expressing and creating who you are.

    O traveler, learn about yourself.
    In this activity there is greatness.



    Read my new book: Beyond The River’s Gate. Book is available on in paperback, Kindle format or local bookstore.

    To Order Your Copy Visit Amazon:

  • Soul’s Journey

    By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

    Many people think they come back
    To this world over and over.
    It is not like that.
    The soul is on an upward spiral toward God/Truth
    And with each journey,
    Sheds the clothes of its former existence.
    Electing to travel from world to world;
    Making it perfect:
    One day to join God/Truth
    As Pure Radiant Light.

    Transmigration of souls
    Is on many levels:
    Not just in the earth phase.


    Read my new book: Beyond The River’s Gate. Book is available on in paperback, Kindle format or local bookstore.

    To Order Your Copy Visit Amazon:

  • Raising a Candle

    By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

    From time to time
    I have to remember
    Why I came here.
    So often, the passing days
    Cause me to forget.
    You see, I hold in my hand
    A candle, with a brilliant flame,
    To fight the growing darkness.

    Yet, when aglow
    I raise my candle high
    So others might see,
    And the Light blinds them.
    They run away, holding their eyes,
    Shaking their head, confused.

    So what am I to do?

    Still, I raise my candle
    Waiting for the weary traveler
    Who needs a Light
    To find their Way.
    Then, as indicated,
    I touch my candle to theirs
    And together we travel
    Illuminating the dark night.


    Read my new book: Beyond The River’s Gate. Book is available on in paperback, Kindle format or local bookstore.

    To Order Your Copy Visit Amazon:

  • A Better World

    by Dr Stewart Bitkoff

    People wonder how to create a better world?
    In theory, it’s fairly simple, but O so difficult to accomplish.
    In each moment, try to rise higher.
    In every situation, out of love,
    Do your best to create the highest possible outcome.
    The highest possible outcome:
    Is that which helps others, self,
    And the emerging higher destiny of the Universe.

    And if you make a ‘mistake,’ try again.
    Unintentionally, if you hurt another:  ask for their forgiveness.
    And if you don’t know
    What the highest possible outcome might be?
    Ask for guidance from the Unseen Forces;
    Then take a chance- doing the best that you can.
    Then leave the outcome up to the Universe.

    In some respect, you are but a player in a Game.
    A very serious, joyous and multi-leveled Game:
    Yet filled with endless opportunity,
    Watered by Grace,
    And where all ‘mistakes’ are absolved through Love.


  • A Higher Call

    by Dr Stewart Bitkoff

    Make no mistake about it life is hard;
    Filled with pain, illness, struggle
    And eventual death.

    Yet, the remedy to this circumstance
    Is love and passion;
    Passion for what you wish to be or do,
    Love for another person,
    Or love of a Higher Call.

    When the night is dark
    And you are lost in haze,
    Suddenly the sun rises
    And shows you the way back Home, again.

    For most, this is the journey of the flesh;
    Both glorious and frightening.
    Remember, this duality exists
    So that you might rise Higher.
    You are a Child of both worlds
    And are set free through love;
    Embrace your destiny.
    You cannot escape it.


  • Moth to a Flame

    By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

    If I could give you one thing
    It would be the burning, yearning
    In my soul to fly higher.

    Like an eagle
    That follows an up-draft
    Over and beyond the cliffs;
    I seek to go higher and higher.
    Like a moth
    That circles the candle’s flame;
    Waiting, to build up courage
    To dive into the fire,
    I seek to loose myself
    Again, in something Greater.

    O where will this restless, endless burning
    Lead me?

    Suddenly, I am overwhelmed
    By a bolt that shatters my brain;
    Then another door opens and I hear:
    “Accept the wisdom of the heart;
    It is only here that you can rest
    And become One, again.”

    What is this Path
    That lies before me?
    So many times
    I have trodden this Way-
    Only to be left
    At the door, again.
    What difference does it make:
    If I go or I stay?
    I know not who I am?
    All that I see before me
    Is the fire of Love.

    Now, I am tired and must rest.
    O spiritual traveler, have pity on me
    For I have pity on you.
    This is the only Way Home.


    Check-out my two books: Sufism for Western Seekers: Path of the Spiritual Traveler in Everyday Life and The Ferryman’s Dream.  Both books are available through or local bookstore.

  • Child of the Universe

    By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

    Each of us
    Is an eternal Child of the Universe.
    Traveling from world to world
    Living on
    As Beings of conscious energy;
    Creating one adventure after another.

    In our present form
    We are bound by physical laws.
    When sickness and death enter
    We forget for a time
    Our individual greatness and invincibility.
    Caught-up in the moment
    Of pain and suffering.
    Wondering why
    It has to be this way?

    O Child of Light
    Remember this is but one port of call.
    One stop of endless possibility
    Along the glorious voyage Home.
    Here we explore
    The many aspects of Creation;
    Learning, partners in the Divine Plan.



    This poem appears in my new book: Beyond The River’s Gate.

    To Order Your Copy Visit Amazon:

  • Prayer to the Morn

    By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

    As the sun ascends the mountain
    And slowly caresses the new day,
    Hear the young birds serenade the morn.
    Expectantly they cry out for food
    Celebrating their opportunity for life.

    O spiritual traveler,
    How do you greet the new day?
    Are you joyous for another chance
    To create your life?
    Is your heart’s song
    Full of joy;
    A prayer to greet the morn?


  • Wheel of Life

    By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

    What once was
    Will no longer be
    And cannot be again!

    What is developing
    Is another form.
    Another variation.
    A new spoke
    On the Wheel of Life.  (more…)

  • Prayer for the Weary

    By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

    O Lord, help me
    Not to be in mind today.
    As You Will, please rescue me
    And lift me higher.
    My thoughts are filled
    With worry and wanting
    And I am so tired
    Of not being satisfied,
    And constantly afraid.

    Guide me.  Help me to rest
    In Your Caress
    And bathe tirelessly
    In the peace of Your Grace.

    O Lord, help me
    To fight this battle
    That rages in my mind.
    Thoughts, one upon another,
    That will not let me rest.

    Help me to pause and kneel
    In the shade of Your Kindness;
    Swimming in the gentle water
    Of Your Grace and Mercy.
    O I am so tired of myself.
    I need a vacation
    From my endless thoughts.

    O Lord, please lead me back
    Into the calm
    And serenity
    Of Your Loving Friends.
    Help me to be still again
    And surrender
    To Your Loving Caress.