
by Michaela Sefler

Likeness to eternal forms,
by proximity adulated,
freeing from bondage
are the responses.
body whole,
in relation to a higher soul
In final attempts,
coming together
two making complete,
intent coming through
as clear as breeze.
Distance relative,
at each point
yet coming together in finality,
constant in the creative force.
Progress, are initial attempts
in all areas
at a single point.

More poetry by Michaela Sefler

Michaela Sefler is an metaphysical poet living in Montreal, Canada. Her poetry is spiritual and esoteric and her poems allude to ancient ideals. In her poetry she draws on  ancient writings, to convey a message of hope, and survival describing present realities in the light of ancient truths. She has six published compilations of poetry. Still true, A fortress in my heart, The sun is hot, Through the ages, and Seven stars., healing tree.

Michaela’s seventh book To Summon Angels will be out in january with Redlead Press.


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