A True Believer Meets His Angel

by Doug Simpson

Edgar Cayce, the Edgar Cayce who was destined to become America’s legendary mystic, began attending Sunday School classes around the age of ten. The lesson being taught on that first day was the story of creation from the book of Genesis. Edgar was mesmerized. He asked his father for a book with the entire story of creation in it, and soon received a gift of his own personal Bible. Edgar’s life-long love of, and expertise in, the contents of the scriptures had commenced. Edgar quickly vowed to read the entire Bible at least once each year for the rest of his life, a promise he faithfully kept. But, at age ten he considered himself ten readings in arrears. Edgar was fourteen years old when he completed his fourteenth complete reading of the Bible. He was quickly regarded as the local Biblical expert and began teaching adult Bible classes while still a teenager.

Edgar was fourteen when he experienced his first vision. One night, as Edgar was almost asleep, his room suddenly lit up like the sun peeking through a break in a cloud-covered sky. Standing at the end of his bed he noticed the figure of a woman, and in his semi-conscious state assumed it was his mother and called out to her. The light and the figure of the woman disappeared. Edgar hopped out of bed and went into his mothers room to see what she had wanted, and was advised that she had not been in his room and to go back to bed. Edgar was not snuggled back under the covers for long when the bright light and the lady reappeared. Edgar assumed it had to be an angel, and never forgot the words that the lady-in-the-light said to him: “Thy prayers are heard. You will have your wish. Remain faithful. Be true to yourself. Help the sick, the afflicted.”

The next day in school, all Edgar could think about was his visit from the angel, and when he was called upon to spell the word ‘cabin’, he sputtered out an incorrect spelling. Edgar was sentenced to remain after school and write out the word cabin five hundred times on the blackboard. This was only the beginning of his problems! One of the volunteer teachers at the school that day was his uncle Lucian Cayce, and the tale of his spelling incompetence arrived home before he did. His father declared: “You will certainly know that lesson before you go to bed this night.” Hours later after much studying and numerous swats from his increasingly irritated father, Edgar could hardly keep his eyes open but still could not remember the spelling lesson. Edgar begged his father for a five minute nap. His frustrated father relented, and left the room.

Edgar had a plan. In his head he had heard “Rely on the Promise.” and assumed it was a message from his angel. Edgar also recalled an incident that had occurred when he was five, but did not understand at all at the time. Edgar had fallen asleep back then with his head resting on a storybook, and upon awakening he was able to recite the entire story word for word. Edgar took his five-minute nap with his head resting on his speller. Smart move! When his father returned, Edgar could spell every word in the entire speller and could tell his father the page number and the location of the word on the page. After a few more good swats from his father, Edgar was sent to bed. From that day on, Edgar had no further problems learning his lessons.

Edgar’s angel never forsook him, and materialized, now and then, or communicated with Edgar throughout his long lifetime, whenever Heavenly guidance was warranted. Edgar grew up to become, in my opinion anyway, America’s greatest psychic. He was born in 1877 and his soul returned home in 1945, but he left behind a priceless legacy of over 14,000 recorded psychic readings, in the caring hands of his Foundation in Virginia Beach, Virginia, called The Association For Research And Enlightenment. If you would like more information on the life of Edgar Cayce, you can do an internet search, or a search at your favorite bookstore. You will be impressed with both results.

© Doug Simpson 2010

Edgar Cayce Readings © 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation.  Used by Permission, All Rights Reserved..

Doug Simpson is a retired high school teacher from Canada. Retirement has blessed him with the opportunity to pursue a second career as a writer and author. His article titled Jesus’ Secret Healing appeared in the April-June 2010 Venture Inward Magazine, and another article titled The Reincarnation Of Martha Washington, was published in the September 2010 edition of Aquarius Magazine, under the heading Reincarnation – Who Do We Come In With? Doug may be contacted at jesuscayce@yahoo.com. His website is at http://dousimp.mnsi.net.


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