Category: in the news

  • Report from Germany: Refugees Welcome – Sometimes

    By William T. Hathaway

    Posted on streetlamps all over Germany are stickers showing fleeing silhouettes with the caption, “Refugees welcome – bring your families”. Some have been blacked out with felt markers or ripped partially away. The Germans have mixed feelings about refugees, as demonstrated in the earlier waves from the Mideast and the current one from the Ukraine.

    Refugees Welcome
    copyright-free image from (more…)

  • Covid-19, From a Spiritual Perspective. How To Keep From Getting It

    By Gabriel of Urantia – ADDENDUM ADDED – 10/15/2020

    The University of Ascension Science and The Physics of Rebellion (UASPR) has a staff of medical personnel, a Ph.D. clinical psychologist, and other professors and instructors who study science, metaphysics, and spiritual phenomena—not UFOs, etc., but how true spirituality is a tool that the Creator gives us to heal ourselves and other people.

    The study and practice of healing is not new, for it has been used by adepts and sages, shamans and mystics throughout the centuries, which includes the ancient Druids and their priests, who were students of the energies of the sun and moon in relationship to evolutionary mortals and understanding the laws of nature.

    The science of healing is a big subject that volumes have been, and continue to be, written about. However, we humans are still just at the beginning of our learning. So when we, as healers, hand out a business card, we should realize that we are just beginning to be a healer, and just beginning to be a shaman, and just beginning to be a doctor or acupuncturist or counselor or chiropractor. We need to realize that none of these disciplines has all the answers when it comes to healing, because healing has to be threefold:  the soul, the mind, and the body. (more…)

  • Islam: Religion of Peace & Love?

    By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

    Say ye: ‘we believe in God and the revelation given to us and to Abraham, Ismail, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes, and that given to Moses and Jesus, and that given to (all) Prophets from their Lord. We make no difference between one and another of them, and we bow to God.’” Koran, Chapter 2, Verse 136*

    Often I get forwarded e-mails from fellow travelers who are fearful, reading the headlines about Muslim extremists. These extremists are using their religious beliefs to justify deadly action against others of their own faith; and others who they designate as non-believing or Westerners. In America and across the world, this is a real threat to the way we live and maintaining our personal freedom. These Muslim extremists would tell us how to live, what to believe and kill any who deviate from their view.

    Sadly this is the not the first time that religious belief has been used to justify action and war against others. History is full of examples and it is such a powerful tool and motivator, follow what God wants, that it is continues to be used today. Just read the Old Testament or follow the accounts of the Crusades; Jewish and Christian history is full of examples where deadly force was used to protect and further a cherished belief system. Today in this matter there is little choice; all freedom loving people must stand their ground, raise their voice and fight against those who would take from us.  It is clear that we are long past solving this problem only with words. (more…)

  • Breaking the silence: taking action on cancer and the environment

    In an interview, internationally recognized authority Dr. Sandra Steingraber discusses the mounting evidence linking cancer and pollution, and asks how much evidence is needed before action is taken.

    Ecologist, author and activist Sandra Steingraber PhD, is an internationally recognized authority on the environmental links to cancer and human health. She is the author of four books, including Raising Elijah: Protecting Children in an Age of Environmental Crisis (2013) and Living Downstream: An Ecologist’s Personal Investigation of Cancer and the Environment (1997, revised 2010). Dr Steingraber holds a doctorate in biology and is a scholar in residence at Ithaca College in Ithaca, New York. Jason Francis interviewed her for Share International. (more…)

  • Hugo Chavez (1954 – 2013)

    by Benjamin Creme

    A tribute to this “simple man who became a national hero.” April 2013

    Hugo ChavezHugo Chavez was a simple man who became a national hero, much loved by the majority of the poorer people of Venezuela. He is said by Western media commentators to have been ‘controversial’, suggesting some failures or outlandish behaviour on his part. He was a nationalist who thought in global terms. He was a simple man from simple beginnings, who took upon himself, through love of his country and people, the role of benefactor. He was a man of great ideals who sought to reverse the terrible poverty of millions of his fellow countrymen, to stand up for them and their right to life.

    Chavez used, as is well known, the profits of the huge oil resources of Venezuela to overcome the poverty that roused the ardour of his compassion. For this he was loved by his people and loathed by those greedy forces whose hatred of ‘socialism’ retards the transformation for the better of this world. He was a hero and a democrat, who sought power only for the benefit of his brothers and sisters.

    He is accused by his enemies of leaving his country, potentially rich, with enormous debts. But these accusations come from countries like the US and Britain and others who themselves have enormous debts. Britain owes billions and US debts are measured in trillions. Other countries have their poor, but they do not have a Chavez to support them.

    Benjamin Creme, source: © Share International


  • Humanity at a crossroads

    Interview with Ross Ashcroft
    by Gill Fry

    Ashcroft, an independent film maker in the UK, answers questions about making his landmark film, Four Horsemen. He discusses the basic fallacies and injustices inherent in the neo-classical economic system that has generated the current economic crisis. Reproduced courtesy Share International magazine March 2013.

    Four Horsemen is an independent UK documentary, released in 2012, that questions the global economic system and suggests ways that we can reform it. The film includes a mix of powerful footage, animations and interviews with 23 leading thinkers including Noam Chomsky, Joseph Stiglitz, author John Perkins, children’s campaigner Camilla Batmanghelidjh and former Wall Street trader and journalist Max Keiser.

    On the Four Horsemen website the filmmakers state: “If more people can equip themselves with a better understanding of how the world really works, then the systems and structures that condemn billions to poverty or chronic insecurity can at last be overturned. Solutions to the multiple crises facing humanity have never been more urgent, but equally, the conditions for change have never been more favourable.” (more…)

  • No More Crusading, Please

    by Niánn Emerson Chase

    The Crusades of Then and Now

    Ever since the terrible event of “9/11” in 2001, the dominant culture within the U.S. has taken on new language, language that references those acts of terrorism that occurred in the northeastern part of our country. More than eleven years later, the “costs” are still being calculated. At this time the consensus in dollars is estimated about 3.3 trillion, which includes “hardware” or physical damage, economic impacts, security-related expenses, and the expensive “war on terror” that includes invasion of two countries. Of course, the loss of 2,996 human lives on September 11, 2001 as well as the loss of tens of thousands of lives in the wars that continue to this day and all that accompanies loss of loved ones is nearly impossible to measure. The far-reaching and broad ramifications of this one act of terrorism in one country on one day are still being discovered and are, in the end, mathematically incalculable. And this is just one act of terrorism on one day in one country! How about the acts of terror that have been going on for decades before September 11, 2001 all over the planet? How about the increasing acts of violence that occur daily in numerous countries? How can any of the harm of this madness be thoroughly computed? It can’t. (more…)

  • 2013 Predictions

    Message from MOTHER FATHER GOD through Neferatiti Ife


    There is no doubt that the Earth is going through energy shifts and transitions on every level. 2012 was a year that brought to light some of the hidden side, secrets came out in the open, from the individual to Governments, Banks and the big Corporations. The Mayans predicted correctly that 2012 was the end of a cycle and heralds a time of new beginnings, but for what? The road ahead looks anything but bliss. There is no doubt that we are entering a key moment in our human story on planet Earth, it will be a most challenging time, a time for seat belts as the ride is beyond what we have experience before. Can we rise to challenge the power elites that govern and destroying our world? Or can we save ourselves and our planet from it’s predicted fate? 

    I communicated with the greatest power of all Mother Father Creator for insights into what is to come in 2013 and beyond. The information I received may take you beyond the boundaries of your perception of God, religion and the world you know. Welcome to 2013. (more…)

  • “It’s OK, You Can Buy Now”

    by Gabriel of Urantia

    When 3,000 Americans were killed on 9/11, the dust was barely gone and the rubble not even begun to be cleaned up yet when then-President George W. Bush said his famous line, “It’s OK, you can buy now.” In our profit-driven economy, the big corporations—owned by the 1%—want Americans and the so-called “free world” to be consumers, and the economies of the world are based upon excessive consumerism and materialism. (more…)

  • Trade and debt relations between rich and poor countries

    by Patricia Pitchon, December 2012

    The economic crash of 2008 revealed more clearly the reasons why the international economic system must be changed, and the fact of substantial resistance from those who still try to benefit from that broken system. (more…)