new age spirituality

finding purpose in infinite reality

America, Freedom & Sufism

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, spirituality

By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

Q: What do you think would be the correct vision to meet the spiritual thirst of American people in terms of spiritual orientation and training?

A: America is a special place; America offers the spiritual freedom, alive in each person’s heart to choose what is best for self and others. Here in this country each traveler can freely choose their own life and how they wish to live.

Our higher destiny is alignment with Ultimate Truth and helping others. Some Americans quickly forget that this country was founded by travelers who wanted to be free of the restrictions, rules and the tyranny of others. Leaving the countries of Europe, with their monarchies and religious authoritarianism, these travelers chose to find a world where they could help create a reality more like the spiritual freedom within. (more…)

Gaiam TV - A Spiritual Streaming TV Network

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, spirituality

By Tom T. Moore - Copyright 2014

Recently I was flown to Denver, Colorado to record two, back-to-back one-hour interviews with Gaiam TV about my three The Gentle Way books and my FIRST CONTACT: Conversations with an ET book.  The first interview aired on February 4.  I thought everyone might like to know more about this streaming subscription, Internet TV network.  They will never compete for the large number of subscribers Netflix has.  Instead, they have chosen to be a niche streaming service specializing in inspirational, spiritual (not religious), paranormal, UFOs, astrology, yoga, and exercise topics. (more…)

Wheel of Life

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, poetry, spirituality

By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

What once was
Will no longer be
And cannot be again!

What is developing
Is another form.
Another variation.
A new spoke
On the Wheel of Life.  (more…)

Finding a Spiritually Sound Political Stance

abracad, · Categories: spiritual politics

We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience.
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Human experience is a paradox. Our fundamental purpose is to experience unique individuality, and the many lessons this state presents. However, at essence we remain in oneness with our Spiritual source, and also share the common purpose of re-discovering that oneness as we journey through life.

Humans are clearly the most successful species on the planet. Our achievements tower above anything found in the animal kingdom. Much of that success thus far is due to our social nature and membership of "society". But society needs structure (eg leadership, direction) in order to function. The way in which that structure is determined and implemented is through politics. (more…)

The Tapestry

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, spirituality

By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

Traveler: O Holy One, I have climbed the mountains and traveled the roads. I have made my way through wind, rain, sunshine and now snow to find you. Please tell me, in order to sit at your side, why must the road be so long and the journey so varied?

Master: Before I answer your question, first, you must answer one of mine.  Do you agree to this arrangement?

Traveler: Hesitantly and with some annoyance in his voice, he replied, “yes.”

Master:  And from all this going and doing, what have you learned? (more…)

Health is the greatest gain

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, healing, spirituality

By: Lt Col R K Langar


Health is the greatest gain said Buddha more than 2500 years ago. What a beautiful statement he made which is more than valid in the present time. Health is a state of well living in all dimensions  of our personality  and not merely absence of  disease or infirmity. The dimensions of our personality are body, mind, intellect and spiritual. To this we can also add emotional and social health. Health is a dynamic expression of life. Health is love, joy, enthusiasm and maturity. A person who looks after all the above  dimensions of the personality and keeps them in a good order is an asset to the society, besides bringing happiness to him own self. It is a state when the body, mind, intellect and soul or Atma are in harmony with each other with and with the world outside. It is a state when our capacity to deal with the situations we face in life is largely enhanced. (more…)

A Commuter’s Guide to Enlightenment

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, spirituality

By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

Are you a commuter fed up with the daily grind? I was too until a light bulb went off in my head and discovered a way to use meditation activity, practical traveling strategies and spiritual exercises to help turn my daily ride into something more.  This book’s philosophy and point of view will appeal both to commuters and non-commuters, having something to offer everyone.  Particularly, those of us faced with repetitive, mundane chores we have to do out of necessity, and, if given a choice, would choose not to.

A major question tackled concerns the applicability of spiritual teachings to daily life.  In a society that prides itself on outcome, often there is a healthy skepticism about the usefulness of spiritual values in an often hard, bottom line and scientifically oriented and demanding modern world.

Is it really possible to make something more of an annoying, emotionally draining and repetitive commute to work?  Spiritual teachings assert that under certain conditions and with a little preparation, we all can reach higher and it is possible to transcend daily activity.  Often, it is a matter of attitude, training and expectation.

Hopefully, you will enjoy the following book excerpts, begin to view your commute in a different Light and read further by purchasing your own copy. (more…)

An uncontrolled experiment with the Earth

abracad, · Categories: environment, externally authored

Renowned climate change expert, Michael Mann, says the burning of fossil fuels has brought humanity past the critical 400 parts per million threshold of CO2 in the atmosphere, and urges citizens to make their voices heard on the climate change issue.

Jason Francis interviewed Michael Mann for Share International, November 2013


Healthy Activity: Antidote to Life Problems

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, self help, spirituality

by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

Problems are placed before you so you can overcome them.
- A. Hussain


When life is kicking our butt and things seem out of control; and we are worn down by every day problems, how can belief in something beyond self, help us reach higher?

Healthy activity has long been known as a corrective to some of the problems of daily life. Simply by switching our attention from the problem to something more enjoyable or taking purposeful action targeted at solving the problem; many times our mood becomes lighter and more positive. (more…)

What Happens When We "Die"?

abracad, · Categories: survival

At traditional times of togetherness such as Christmas we remember those who have departed and ponder the fate of personalities we have loved and shared our pathway with.

What is Life?

Spirituality considers the physical universe as but one manifestation of an infinite and eternal source (= Spirit = God). The universe almost certainly holds an enormous variety of life forms in addition to humanity and the creatures we share the earth with. The nature of our source is an insatiable thirst for experience, and it is this thirst that is responsible for this multitude of manifestations, including the bio-chemical phenomena called “life” possessed of varying degrees of free will.

The key points are:

  1. all that exists comes from source and is part of source, individuality is an illusion
  2. source is unbounded, whereas all manifestations are finite

The end of a given life, ie the cessation of function of the supporting organism ( “death”) is actually the point at which the associated life-force (soul) returns to its natural state of pure Spirit, much like an individual rain drop falling back into the ocean. (more…)