by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
Problems are placed before you so you can overcome them.
– A. Hussain
When life is kicking our butt and things seem out of control; and we are worn down by every day problems, how can belief in something beyond self, help us reach higher?
Healthy activity has long been known as a corrective to some of the problems of daily life. Simply by switching our attention from the problem to something more enjoyable or taking purposeful action targeted at solving the problem; many times our mood becomes lighter and more positive.
In the healthy personality, the mind is so constructed
That it can only keep one thing in it at a time.
-A. Hussain
Healthy Techniques
At various times, the following six techniques have helped me push past the angst of everyday life and return to a happier, more tranquil state of balance.
- Relieve the Pain. First when you are in pain either physical or mental, the first step is to relieve the pain. Take medication, go for a walk, exercise as a form of catharsis, listen to music or have some sex with your partner. Find something you enjoy, that eases your angst. If praying does this for you great. Your job is to find an activity that works most of the time. Another suggestion, call a friend or relative for support; feel their love and let it comfort you.
- Take Action. Confront the problem head on and take some positive action to minimize its effect. If the problem is financial: work out a payment system, get help making payments or add additional hours at work.
- Chronic Illness. If the problem is related to chronic illness and the illness cycle is peaking, find a way to take your mind off the problem, temporarily. Cook your family their favorite meal, call a friend or watch your favorite show on TV. Shift your attention from the problem to something more enjoyable. This will ease your pain and suffering for awhile. If the medical problem is acute, make an appointment to see your doctor; my cousin who is physician has told me, research shows that 1/3 of the time, patients feel better simply by going to see their doctor. It seems this activity of seeking help, sets in motion internal healing activity.
- Get Out of the House. Sometimes when you are confined inside and problems pile-up, the walls around you become a prison; go for a walk, feel the sunshine and breath the fresh air or visit a friend and be nourished by their company. Take a drive to the Mall and walk around looking at the different items; smell the perfumes and buy yourself something delicious to munch on. Personally, I try to get out of the house every day even for 15 minutes; it helps clear my head.
- Long Term Solutions. In our modern lives, many times problems are not easily solved and can go on for years. After a time, these become heavy burdens and until the problem is resolved, we need many breaks from the anxiety and despair of living this way. If you are taking positive action to solve your problem, then you need a place to rest and play: until the situation matures. Keep in mind, that everything ends and one day your problem will be a memory. Until then, you need to have temporary solutions to survive and regenerate. Make a list of things you like to do and incorporate, daily, one of these activities into your life. I call these my happiness calendar. Choosing and planning, one small thing each day I like to do that will make me happier.
- Turn Your Problems Over. If you have taken all possible action, to resolve the situation and it intensifies, then, it is time to admit you are powerless and ask the Universe/Light to help you. Pray, then, take action. Then, pray again. This is the alchemical formula that sets in motion, universal laws.
Guiding Thoughts
You don’t solve one problem by creating another.
-A. Hussain
When you are feeling sad or depressed get up and do something for someone else.
-A. Hussain
The body thrives on activity and a healthy person is an active person.
-A. Hussain
Register for my upcoming retreat weekend atop Bangor Mountain, in the beautiful Pocono Mountains, Kirkridge Retreat Center on Sufism & Enlightenment, May 30- June I, 2014. For information scroll down to program listing: Then click on Detailed Information for full program highlights.
Read my 2 books: Sufism for Western Seekers: Path of the Spiritual Traveler in Everyday Life and The Ferryman’s Dream. Both books are also in Kindle format and available on or local bookstore.
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