America, Freedom & Sufism

By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

Q: What do you think would be the correct vision to meet the spiritual thirst of American people in terms of spiritual orientation and training?

A: America is a special place; America offers the spiritual freedom, alive in each person’s heart to choose what is best for self and others. Here in this country each traveler can freely choose their own life and how they wish to live.

Our higher destiny is alignment with Ultimate Truth and helping others. Some Americans quickly forget that this country was founded by travelers who wanted to be free of the restrictions, rules and the tyranny of others. Leaving the countries of Europe, with their monarchies and religious authoritarianism, these travelers chose to find a world where they could help create a reality more like the spiritual freedom within.

The message of Sufism is the same; you are a child of the Light; free to create your own reality; and when you help another, in the name of the Light, you rise higher than the angels. The spirit of Sufism transcends individual religion and creed; it is the song of love, freedom and joy that is alive in your heart.

According to some reports and tradition there was a hidden Sufi presence on the Mayflower and in the writing the Declaration of Independence. So you see America and Sufism have been entwined since the beginning; mysteriously the Plan unfolds, and each rises up, like the smoke from the evening fire, becoming a better version of self.


The above question/answer was excerpted from book by S. Bitkoff: Sufism for Western Seekers, available for order on


Register for my upcoming retreat weekend atop Bangor Mountain, in the beautiful Pocono Mountains, Kirkridge Retreat Center on Sufism & Enlightenment, May 30- June I, 2014. For information scroll down to program listing: Then click on Detailed Information for full program highlights.

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