Self-Development: Variability & Singularity
abracad, · Categories: externally authored, spiritualityBy Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
I Wonder Why?
Sometimes I wonder why
There are so many people,
And why
There are thousands of birds,
And why
The earth is filled with insects,
And why
The ocean has all those fish,
And why
The land nourishes plants,
And why
There are so many things
I can’t name them all.
O Lord, is this endless variety
To convince us You exist?
When we were beginners on the spiritual path, there were many things we had to learn and experience. One day while sitting in our teacher’s office, he offered the following words, which are expanded below and help frame this present discussion. “Looking at the earth from the moon, all worry and care is lost in the majesty of the earth’s Oneness.â€Â Often we came looking for answers to life problems and this view- this mystical view of Oneness -was always the answer to life’s infinite variability and vulnerability. While this view of Oneness was transitory- it would come and go- it was the antidote and when we were in this state we knew Infinite love and peace.
Multiplicity of form and seemingly endless variability is a wonder and joy of creation and exists, in part, so we might question, why? It is part of the journey and part of the answer. (more…)