new age spirituality

finding purpose in infinite reality

Spiritual Traveler: The Grand Bazaar

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, purpose, spirituality

By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

Traveler:   What is the purpose of life?  From your perspective, why do we come here to live, work, experience, enjoy our self and then journey to another place?

Master:       The great cycle of life is an opportunity to experience who we are on many different levels and join in partnership with the Creator.  Within each of us is a spark that is most like the Light.  We are sons and daughters of a King who have come here to create our own reality, daily.  Once we understand this, we can consciously use our many abilities and spiritual capacity to fully enjoy and participate in this multi-level experience called life.

Life is the grand bazaar; an opportunity to do many things and have all kinds of adventures. (more…)


Self-Development: Variability & Singularity

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, spirituality

By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

I Wonder Why?

Sometimes I wonder why
There are so many people,
And why
There are thousands of birds,
And why
The earth is filled with insects,
And why
The ocean has all those fish,
And why
The land nourishes plants,
And why
There are so many things
I can’t name them all.

O Lord, is this endless variety
To convince us You exist?



When we were beginners on the spiritual path, there were many things we had to learn and experience.  One day while sitting in our teacher’s office, he offered the following words, which are expanded below and help frame this present discussion.  “Looking at the earth from the moon, all worry and care is lost in the majesty of the earth’s Oneness.”  Often we came looking for answers to life problems and this view- this mystical view of Oneness -was always the answer to life’s infinite variability and vulnerability.  While this view of Oneness was transitory- it would come and go- it was the antidote and when we were in this state we knew Infinite love and peace.

Multiplicity of form and seemingly endless variability is a wonder and joy of creation and exists, in part, so we might question, why? It is part of the journey and part of the answer. (more…)


Going Inward

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, meditation, spirituality

By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

Q: How to shut off the ramblings of the everyday mind and hear the whisperings of the heart?

Several weeks ago, independent of each other, 2 people mentioned they wished they could learn how to go inward; they were having a difficult time of it.  Since much of the spiritual journey involves going inward- listening to inner perceptions- they wondered how this inner learning/awareness might be facilitated.  They wanted to be instructed/shown how to do this.

For well over 3 weeks, I have been thinking about their request.  During this period several thoughts occurred to me. (more…)


Is being overwhelmed actually hurting you?

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, self help, spirituality

by Debra Meehl

As spiritual beings having a human experience, how do we reconcile our spiritual essence with human existence? How do we cope with the everyday in light of our divine heritage?

In the era of new age spirituality, we have developed a pervading but misguided notion that enlightenment only appears as and through continual, unshifting peace, harmony, and contentment. We have come to cling to the erroneous idea that by distancing oneself from the negatively perceived side of humanity we evolve beyond our humanness, becoming something higher or better.  But if you are occupying a human body, it is impossible to experience only one side of existence.

The point of our existence in these flesh suits is the experience itself. Our spirits are a reflection and manifestation of the divine, seeking to learn and to know itself; all of itself, in the perfect timing and unfolding of divine flow. This means that there is a time for everything – “…  a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance…” (more…)


Plan for Humanity

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, spirituality

By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

While some look at this world and see chaos and destruction, others see optimism and growth. Yes both are present; and beyond these opposites, what is actually occurring?

According to Tradition humanity is evolving to a higher state; this is over millennia- and if you wonder at your role in all of this check out my new book and the short piece below.

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One traveler at a time, humanity is evolving to a higher state of consciousness. This evolution is both individual and collective. As a race of people we are reaching Higher. This evolution is purposeful and directed so it may be attained.

To help safeguard this Plan there is a hierarchy of servants who work on many levels. Collectively humanity has a potential and destiny. Many of the holy books speak about this potential. These references are part allegorical and part literal. (more…)


Controlling Our Thoughts & Feelings

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, spirituality

By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

“I saw my lower self in the form of a rat. I asked, “Who are you?”  It replied, “I am the destruction of the heedless, for I incite them to wickedness. I am the salvation of the friends-of-God, for if it were not for me, they would be proud of their purity and their actions. When they see me in themselves, all their pride disappears.”*


Thoughts are energy and man/woman is fundamentally a being of conscious energy; creating his/her own body, events and thoughts, moment to moment.

For most spiritual travelers this essential aspect of who they are is left out of their early education; and this ability to master thoughts operates like a magic wand. It is said, he who controls his own thoughts is master of both the upper and lower kingdom; this being the dual aspects of our soul- where both baseness and sublimity exist.

Now when groups of people think the same thought and work together to manifest a potential, the power of thought forms is magnified, and often the miraculous occurs. Consider the power potential of a group of people praying and projecting their thoughts across the planet; this eventuality has been proven by numerous scientific studies concerning distant healing. Also consider the potential effect of a nation of like-minded citizens who joined together with singleness of purpose; we in America saw this with our own Revolution and more recently the world has awakened to groups of terrorists pushing their brand of fear and fanaticism.

In the following, we will examine from a spiritual perspective, the importance of controlling/mastering our thoughts, why we seemingly cannot control certain thoughts/feelings, how students in spiritual schools are taught to handle this situation, and finally offer selected techniques to monitor and control our thoughts. (more…)


The Higher Service

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, spirituality

By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

Duty is a task that you must accomplish; it is a requirement of the situation and something which many people can do.  For example if you are a baker you must come to work on time, complete your work and act responsibly to customers and co-workers.  These are some of the general duties of a baker.

If these duties were to be totaled, they would constitute your overall service as a baker. Service can be described as the compilation, total or outcome of a variety of duties and usually described in relation to other people. Therefore you bake bread for others.

Service on another level relates to duties which are communicated and carried out on a spiritual plane. When one is in service to God/Light personal will is stilled and the servant acts in accord with the Master’s Desire.

Here the servant and Master are one and the duties which are performed constitute the higher service. (more…)


May 5, a Day for Native Women

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, spirituality

By Ele-Elleid Kay

Ele-Elleid Kay

I was born on the Oneida Reservation in Wisconsin where I lived on and off for about 30 years. I was too white on my mother’s side of the family to be a registered tribal member, but my heart was too red to fit into the uncultured ways of the city that overlapped the reservation. As I became an adult I worked on the reservation with the youth, the men coming out of the prisons, and worked with drug and alcohol and domestic violence issues. I felt led by the Creator to work with these souls and take them to ceremonies where they could face the demons that I also had to face in the past. My own life and years of experience impassioned me to live and die for human rights and to strive to build a world that is safe for the next seven generations. (more…)


More Predictions for 2017 and Beyond

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, spirituality

By Tom T. Moore - Copyright 2017

Here are more predictions given to me by Gaia, soul of the Earth and my Guardian Angel Theo, as I’m a self-trained telepath.  These questions were sent to me from all over the world on a wide variety of subjects as you’ll read.

Theo, what is the probability of a private space company, such as SpaceX landing on Mars, before NASA does in the next six years?

Tom, there is a very small probability that this will occur. Go with the 25-year period that has been quoted in the past. These private space companies have not even sent their own Mars rovers and such instruments there yet. There has to be a basis of being able to fly several people to Mars, and then a landing and takeoff have to be accomplished, not to mention the length of the voyage, along with the large amount of supplies that must be taken along.  Brash claims of being able to safely travel to and from Mars are just that—public relations to manipulate the stock. These are, after all, businessmen.

Gaia, how far will plans proceed on building a wall on the U.S. Border? (more…)


Giving & Health

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, spirituality

By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

“God will not show mercy to him who does not show mercy to others.”

The Sufis assert that the highest form of service is self-less, anonymous service that is in alignment with the Truth.

Ordinary charity, or giving to others, is part of being a human being.  It is something which is expected in everyday life; it is part of the basic requirement of responsibility towards others.  Further, in order for the helping to be most effective, it should be done in secret.

In our society, most often, we make a display of generosity.  Pictures which are donated to hospitals have a plaque with the donor's name on it.  Or, lists of donors to a charity are published in newspapers.

This is a beginning and important, however, other levels of charity and giving exist. (more…)
