Spiritual Traveler: The Grand Bazaar

By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

Traveler:   What is the purpose of life?  From your perspective, why do we come here to live, work, experience, enjoy our self and then journey to another place?

Master:       The great cycle of life is an opportunity to experience who we are on many different levels and join in partnership with the Creator.  Within each of us is a spark that is most like the Light.  We are sons and daughters of a King who have come here to create our own reality, daily.  Once we understand this, we can consciously use our many abilities and spiritual capacity to fully enjoy and participate in this multi-level experience called life.

Life is the grand bazaar; an opportunity to do many things and have all kinds of adventures. Daily, through our experience and consciousness, we help create our own reality.  Then, after many experiences, it is time to journey to the next place.

Like the stars in the evening sky we are here to illume the darkness; each in our own way providing Light, hope and expressing that which is highest within our self.

Fundamentally, the journey is a spiritual one.  Filled with many opportunities to experience, express and create.  Once the traveler embraces this reality- all comes from the spirit- the real searching and work begins.

Everything is Spiritual

As basis and throughout its fabric, all life is spiritual.  The Creator, through spiritual ether, generates the physical and everything is connected through this physical and spiritual composition: providing awareness and life energy.  Consequently all life exists simultaneously within a physical and spiritual reality; with each of these 2 dimensions having numerous levels of expression.

The Light/Creator/God, or highest directing element, originates beyond both the physical and spiritual; and in order to manifest, operates in our universe through ether and multiple spiritual forms, directing and creating.  It is said, life forms exist in endless variety; with each form having its own specific higher spiritual directing and delineating aspect. Higher directing aspects, or forms, are created through the Light/Creator and provide overall substance and direction to every group of living thing.  Some term these higher directing aspects, ‘Monads.’  Consequently there is a specific Monad for humanity, another for animals, fish, birds, plants, insects and every other living form in the universe.

The human soul is comprised of spirit; this spiritual fabric is made-up of a substance termed ether. Spiritual ether is the building block of the universe. Additionally the soul has as its center, a ‘heart;’ or Divine spark which governs both its higher and lower nature. This spark is most like the Light itself.  It is said the Light/Creator created the spiritual form of man/women, through the Holy Monad or ‘Idea of Man’ and breathed life, consciousness and individual awareness into each traveler’s soul.

By Higher Design, each traveler has individual awareness; ability to become aware of their own capacity to create, destroy and freely choose.  This conscious awareness is different than other life forms.  Consequently within each traveler there is an aspect or spark of Divinity, which makes us all most like the Creator.  Internally, this energy is our soul’s center and is the driving force or heart which governs and expresses mind, emotion, physicality and soul.  When our physical form ceases, it is this heart and primal energy which helps direct our soul’s travel to the next phase.

So it is accurate to say, all travelers have spiritual ability, and that all physical life draws sustenance from a higher, spiritual form.  Additionally since each traveler is unique and there are endless levels of spiritual capacity; these levels being dependent upon each traveler’s individual life plan, destiny and capacity to choose.

Thoughts to Ponder 

  • The ocean of life is a series of ups and downs; like waves moving across the surface water, rarely is the surface calm and still.  Yet far below, the ocean water is less turbulent.  Here in the ocean’s depth, the traveler swims in stillness and is suspended in a deep peaceful embrace.
  • Life is a grand bazaar, or market, filled with all kinds of goods and experiences.  Yet many shoppers look to buy only those things that will make them happy.  Happiness is only one commodity or experience.

Sadly many leave without making provision for the next part of their journey.


If you enjoyed this piece check-out my book Light on the Mountain; available on

Amazon in paper and Kindle. Go to www.bit.ly/bitkofflight.

To contact author go to: www.stewartbitkoff.com.


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