Category: spirituality

  • Mitakuye Oyasin

    The Wisdom of the Ancient Ancestors Moving Into the Twenty-first Century

    by Gabriel of Urantia

    Throughout history, the wisdom of the ancestors of many indigenous peoples has been passed on, generation after generation, family after family.  As we look at the crises happening across our strife-torn world today, we find ourselves searching like never before for solutions to seemingly insurmountable problems.  Yet I believe the ancient ones had a key:  in Lakota it is said, “Mi Ta Ku Ye   O Ya Sin,” — “we are all related.” (more…)

  • The World

    By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

    Q:   Why does the world as we know it exist?

    A:   The world is a magnificent cornucopia, filled with wondrous and delightful items. Here we can find exactly what we are looking for.  If we seek enjoyment of the senses, there are many opportunities. Similarly if we seek to learn and draw closer to our higher self, this opportunity exists as well.

    In part, the earth phase of our existence is an opportunity to learn, create and experience all the parts of self and grow closer to that which we wish to become. (more…)

  • Overcoming

    Niánn Emerson Chase

    There are so many challenges we human beings have to face and resolve in order to have a life of dignity, purpose, fulfillment, and happiness. In many places on the planet millions of people have much to overcome in order to merely stay alive; they don’t even consider improving the quality of their lives, just that they physically survive another hour or another day.

    In considering my own overcoming-and-transcending processes throughout the years, I have come to the conclusion that the largest blockage to my peace of mind and enjoyment of life has been myself.

    The Smeagol-Gollum Syndrome

    One of the most notable characters in The Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings books by J.R.R. Tolkien, which were also made into a series of movies, is the creature Gollum who was consumed with getting his “preciousssss” back. When the good and sincere hobbit, Frodo, met Gollum, he recognized something in him. Frodo recognized that at one time Gollum had been a more comely, kinder, lovable personality. In fact, Gollum belonged to a people similar to the gentle hobbits. What happened to Gollum? What circumstances and choices led to Gollum’s monstrous physical appearance and his pitifully devious and deadly ways? (more…)

  • How can we receive guiding visions from the Universe?

    By Sara Wiseman

    When you start to to follow Divine guidance, you begin to experience life differently.

    You recognize that all the plans you have made and all the thoughts you are thinking are ways of moving through this reality we call life.

    This is the way most of the world moves.

    But you also realize that this left brain, rational way of thinking is not the only way you can walk your path.

    There is another option.

    You can follow your intuition. Or better put: You can allow yourself to be guided. (more…)

  • Sacred Sexuality With A Divine Consort

    by Rabbi Allen S. Maller

    Solomon’s Song of Songs begins with: “Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth; for your love is more delightful than wine.” (1:1-2) Who is this bold, assertive female? What does she desire from her lover? How and why is this book of love song poems, so unlike the Book of Psalms, in our Sacred Scriptures? (more…)

  • How does nature communicate with us?

    By Sara Wiseman

    We all know that the animal world communicates with us: we have either experienced this directly in our own lives, or seen it happening with others.

    Sometimes, this level of communication is astounding: we have all heard the tale of a school of dolphins saving a person struggling in rough surf; the elephant that cries upon being rescued from chains; the dog who welcomes a family member home.

    These are beautiful, heartwarming methods of communication with other mammals: our species, part of our extended family.

    Sometimes, the way we communicate with animals is mystic: the wild deer or cougar or eagle who appears seemingly out of nowhere as totem, sent by the Universe to provide a clear and direct sign. Even the reptilian world shows up to give us Universal direction: the snake on the path in a region where there are no snakes.

    But does the non-animal, non-reptilian world—by this I mean the sentient plant world—communicate directly with us? (more…)

  • Do you have a daily spiritual practice? Why it does—and doesn’t—matter

    By Sara Wiseman

    One of my favorite questions to ask people is this: Do you have a spiritual belief system?

    Most people are happy to talk very clearly about their relationship to God/One/All/Divine/Universe, or whatever name they might use for the infinite ineffable.

    It is lovely to hear profound, well-considered manifestos from people all over the globe.

     “I used to be this religion, now I follow my own path.”

    “I believe in God, but not the way I learned it as a kid.”

    “I know there are Divine being who help us.”

    “I believe I am fully supported by the Universe.”

    “I don’t know what I know, but I know there is more than me.”

    “Everything is one infinite soul.”

    And on and on. I love these statements of belief!

    But my next question: Do you have a spiritual practice? often meets with a sort of head-hung, I’m-so-ashamed kind of response. (more…)

  • Eve at your side

    Eve Is Beside Not A Side Of Adam

    by Rabbi Allen S. Maller
    Most people think erroneously, that the Biblical account of  God creating woman from Adam’s side means from Adam’s rib. Since humans have many ribs it seems to be no big deal for men to lose a rib and gain a wife.
    But the word mistranslated as rib in the Greek Septuagint, actually means side (for example Ezekiel 41:5,11 or Exodus 26:26, 27, 35).
    God took the right side, or the left side, from Adam and built woman (who is well built to this day). Built seems to be a strange term to use, but the Hebrew word for side appears mostly (40 times) in the context of building a structure. A wall with only one side does not exist. A one sided building cannot shelter anyone.


  • Spiritual Writing & The World of Pond Stories

    By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

    The following is a discussion generated by a letter from a reader of my new book: The World of Pond Stories; this recent inquiry offers an opportunity to have a discussion about the dynamics of spiritual writing and my experience while writing. Hope you enjoy this interchange.

    Inquiry Letter About Spiritual Writing

    Hi Stewart:

    As I was reading your latest book, I was wondering what your experience was like as you write them. The influence of the Idries Shah books is obvious in many places. I was particularly affected by the story of the Three Sisters which seemed to have a very similar impact to The Tale of the Sands.

    As an amateur composer of music, every so often I get into a mode where new music seems to be coming into my head from somewhere and all I need to do is to capture it. Other times, it feels like a more labored experience requiring a lot of trial and effort.

    So when you write your books, particularly the last one, is your everyday consciousness pretty much just acting as a receiver? A lot of the material feels like it was generated this way.

    Also, how aware are you of the multiple levels present of which every now and then I get a small glimpse? I suspect that some of your writing and things like the overall plot of the Turtle prophesy cannot be contrived by ordinary consciousness and refer to deep transformational processes. (more…)

  • How High We Can Climb?

    By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

    Yesterday as I was waiting in line at the grocery store, it occurred to me that life has a way of coming full circle.  As I struggled with physical pain and growing impatience waiting, compounded by persistent aches, I remembered back to when I was a community worker helping severely disabled mentally ill people.  Often we would take small groups on outings; at the time, their favorite place was a local fast food restaurant.  Many times, a worker would order and bring it back to the table for a group member; the higher goal was to have a person order themselves; plan and place their order by waiting in line, count the change, make sure they got the right food and bring it back to the table to eat.

    For many this was a difficult task because of the steps involved, potential for error and inherent anxiety of looking foolish in front of others. Some people couldn’t easily count change or figure out what they wanted in relation to the amount of money they had available. (more…)