The 21st Century New Age Alien-ET Agenda: poems and journalism

1ST Pamphlet…………………..


Poems & Journalism by

Michael Dargaville

Copyright (c) 2024


By Michael Dargaville

The two major forces of the worldwide New Age movement – official alien disclosure and deep spirituality – must rest on libertarian socialism.

All three areas are entwined and are at the root of our current reality.

Currently benevolent loving advanced galactic human aliens surround
our planet in their spaceships. They are called the Galactic Federation.

Our planet will be destroyed by bad reptilian reptoid aliens if we do not officially join the Galactic Federation.

Governments are currently playing an extremely dangerous wait and see game (and have done so for more than 20 years)  because they don’t won’t to change the current basic financial structures of the  planet which are based on the super capitalism of thousands of billionaires and high end multi-millionaires.

Other lower level Galactic Federation human planets with lifespans of between 200-400 years have been destroyed very recently in this war with these bad reptoid reptilian aliens. Earth will be next unless it joins the Galactic Federation.

The spiritual aspect of the New Age movement rests on the notion that an all encompassing God (the Galactic Federation calls him/her the Great Isness of Being) created this universe/multiverse and has a multitude of angels and 13 Archangels.

All religions on this planet recognise angels and some even recognise the notion of Ascended Masters (who are superhuman beings with incredible spiritual powers) who are part of planet Earth’s Spiritual Hierarchy. All planets in the galaxy each have their own Spiritual Hierarchy (or spiritual government).

All higher level human Galactic Federation planets in the galaxy are based on socialism at varying levels.

And this brings us to EARTH.

I will number key points about why and how libertarian socialism is so important for Earth at this moment.

  1. Libertarian socialism is based on the notion of a 100 per cent FREE SPEECH socialist democracy where the ruling party is benevolent and socialist but where other parties and opposition groups exist fully  unencumbered. And no group should not be allowed a voice. In other words INFINITE FREE SPEECH, A FREE MEDIA WHERE ANYONE OR ANY GROUP CAN PRODUCE NEWSPAPERS, MAGAZINES, TELEVISION AND RADIO. But the balance of power is always kept by socialism. Always.
  2. Libertarian socialism advocates for the socialist ownership of industry and land. But they would allow capitalist opposition groups to have private property of industry and land (if they wish). However capitalist monopolies would never be allowed under libertarian socialism . The socialist government that is always under control (in an anarchistic and libertarian way) would always maintain a 60-75/80 per cent stake of industry and land (which includes farming). Socialist industry and land would be never privately owned.
  3. Small business could be totally free based on 100 per cent SOCIALIST free rents for shops, small factories and farming land so that a complete market economy exists. At the same time some small business could be privately owned as a much smaller percentage.
  4. The socialist government would have large socialist newspapers, radio and television but alternative privately owned newspapers, magazines, radio, publishing houses and television would also be completely allowed to operate. Anyone violating and stopping FREE SPEECH would be policed. FREE SPEECH IS KEY IN LIBERTARIAN SOCIALISM. The Galactic Federation strongly supported the Gorbachev communist government of the USSR before it was destroyed by nationalism in 1992. Gorbachev totally freed the media in the USSR and allowed opposition newspapers and total free speech. It was a new type of totally free communism. The Galactic Federation were horrified when the Soviet Union fell apart. There have also been various forms of libertarian socialist governments in the Western world but also in South America (via the Pink Revolution of the past 20 years) and Africa. I personally have a very open mind to other communist governments and parties, especially those vying for a libertarian socialist type of communism.
  5. Housing would be free for those that want it. FREE HOUSING IS THE FOUNDATION OF LIBERTARIAN SOCIALISM. Those wishing to buy “their free housing” are more than welcome to own it privately. Again there would be a percentage threshold of private housing (say 35 per cent). But the notion of ownership is redundant because the socialist government would keep private housing FROM EVER increasing in value. Thus owning a private house is really just the equivalent of a bank account.

THE MOST IMPORTANT aspect of a libertarian socialist government would be the creation of public government owned libertarian socialist hippie communes that are composed of brilliant organic farms that produce beautiful fruits and vegetables that can be sold outside. Housing on these communes would be totally free. All you would need is a tiny house, yurt, teepee, tent, VW electric Kombi van, bus, horsefloat, trailer sailer (to live in), van, motor home, camper van, caravan or Top-up. COMPLETELY FREE HOUSING.

Food would be free for a minimum of physical work. Those who are old, sick or disabled everything would be free.

These communes would have amazing alternative medical hospitals where Indian Aruvedic medicine, Chinese medicine, acupuncture, yoga, chi gung, mind body medine, energy medicine, kinesiology, homeopathy, naturopathic medicine, food medicine, meditation and much else would be available. These hospitals are paid for by the commune farm produce sold outside.

These communes could also be major artistic sanctuaries plus have incredibly funky extensive Zen skateboarding parks, wave pools for surfers, groovy vegan cafes and much else.

  1. Libertarian socialism is the basis of advanced human Galactic Federation alien planets located across the galaxy. The higher and more advanced the human alien planet is via their spiritual development and lifespans, the more perfect the version of libertarian socialism. EVERYONE IS FREE TO CHOOSE THEIR PATH. Galactic Federation human planets have lifespans that range, as mentioned earlier, from just 200-400 years (and this is where Generation Z has incarnated from with their planets being destroyed by bad reptoid reptilian aliens in this endless galactic war) to much longer lifespans. Hydrans look like black Africans  and have 500 year lifespans. Pleiadians live for 700 year lifespans. Sirians have 5000 year lifespans and look European. My home planet (I am high level starseed) has 10,000 year lifespans. Above my planet are humans living to a massive 30,000 years. Sai Baba, the world famous Indian guru who could do super miracles, comes from a human planet with 25,000 year lifespans. Many on his planet can do miracles. The Arctureans have 30,000 year lifespans and look Chinese. All humans in the Galactic Federation reincarnate back on to their home planets when they die unless they are sent out as starseeds when they die. Starseeds come from other human planets. The reptoids have 30,000 year lifespans. The grey aliens, who have no power and did a deal with the USA, have just 200 year lifespans and are extremely low level.
  2. Libertarian socialism is at the basis of spirituality. The reptoid aliens can be both good and bad. The good reptoid reptilian aliens work for the Galactic Federation whose leader is Archangel Michael. The leader of the bad reptoids is Archangel Lucifer.

About 60 per cent of the Galactic Federation is human and the remaining aliens are good reptoid reptilian aliens, dragon aliens, insect aliens and others.

Humans were first formed 7 million years ago in the Vega star system. By 6 million years ago they developed to a high sentiment level and then established human civilizations across the galaxy. By 4 million BC a Galactic Federation of humans were formed because bad reptoids had started a major war on our civilizations.

Earth was first colonised by the Galactic Federation 2 million years ago when Hybornea was founded. This was destroyed by bad reptoids. The Galactic Federation came back and founded Lemuria about 900,000 years ago which was destroyed by bad reptoids around 15,000BC. Earth humans during Lemuria had 5000 year lifespans. Good angels then created a lot of NEW SOULS for the remaining mutated humans as it was unfair to put advanced souls in these bodies from more advanced human civilizations. These mutated humans then collectively reincarnated until present day with good angels creating new fresh YOUNG SOULS as the population expanded. They are non starseeds because their souls were created on this planet. All of Generation Z (born 2002 and after) are low level starseeds from human planets with 200-400 year lifespans recently destroyed by bad reptoid reptilian aliens and have reincarnated here on Earth. Thus they are starseeds but low level starseeds.

Earth will be destroyed if governments don’t change, make formal Galactic Federation and full spectrum alien announcements, and join the Galactic Federation to get the military protection it needs from the bad Luciferic reptoid reptilian aliens.

Earth cannot join the Galactic Federation until a world government is started based on national sovereignty, peace and love. Galactic Federation SPACESHIPS can and will stop all nuclear weapons on Earth and are offering any government who seeks it complete military protection. This makes smaller governments just as powerful as any big country/government. Everything has changed. Truth is needed or this planet will be destroyed. Galactic Federation spaceships surround this planet.


By Michael Dargaville

Our planet Earth faces total destruction if it keeps ignoring the pleas of the Galactic Federation human aliens to join their organisation and tell the alien truth.

Currently our galaxy is in a gaint war where two main alien/ET organisations are literally fighting it out for their own survival.

Most earth governments know the complete truth of our possible destruction but a huge number do nothing because they are afraid it will disrupt their close links to big money and the billionaire world elite.

Negative evil reptilian aliens called Reptoids have tried to destroy this planet even as recently as just slightly more than 20 years ago when they had a psychotronic mind control moon base targeting major areas of this planet.

That Reptoid moon base was destroyed by the good Galactic Federation human aliens in the Year 2000 and thus saved this planet from destruction.

There had been 6000 of these shapeshifting evil reptilian Reptoid aliens living on this base on the moon as part of an attack plan to wipe this planet off the face of the universe.

That attack was part of a much bigger attack on Galactic Federation human planets across the galaxy where these bad Reptoids have attacked more than 500 lower level human Galactic Federation planets with lifespans of between 200 and 400 years. Many of these human planets, who are all officially members of the Galactic Federation, and strong active participants in every aspect of the Galactic Federation, were completely destroyed. And this planet Earth will also be destroyed if it doesn’t quickly change its attitude and behaviour. Plus it is not even a member of the Galactic Federation at this stage and governments couldn’t care less. That is a sure sign this planet will be destroyed.

The good Galactic Federation human aliens want this planet to officially join the Galactic Federation so that it can give the military protection that the planet needs from these evil Reptoid aliens. It is the only way for our planet’s survival.

The Galactic Federation have surrounded this planet for more than 20 years in their spaceships now urging the official ET truth and co-operation but still most Earth governments willfully completely ignore the situation and in some cases even attacks people like me, a major high level human ALIEN starseed, who was sent to this planet by the Galactic Federation to work for them and to represent them.

Of the 500 Galactic Federation human planets that have been recently attacked many of them survived and have been revamped. Many of these planets are only slightly more advanced than earth and a large number have oxygen atmospheres and speak English. English is widely used by the Galactic Federation as the lingua franca of the galaxy. Earth humans have the possibility of living on these more advanced human planets if this planet can change its attitude so we in the Galactic Federation can do a partial evacuation to reinforce the military protection of this planet.

Earth needs complete military protection from these evil Reptoid aliens. The only way it can get the required Galactic Federation military protection is to start a world government in Sichuan, China, based on nation sovereignty and it must be done immediately. Earth cannot join the Galactic Federation until there is a world government. For more than 20 years many governments have just completely ignored the pleas of the Galactic Federation. Immediate massive ET/alien official public disclosure outlining the full truth could get this world government up and running within a couple of months. It is that easy.

Currently governments think that because the Galactic Federation has sent starseeds to this planet that we are safe here. Nothing could be further from the truth. All of Generation Z, those born 2002 and after, are Galactic Federation human ALIEN starseeds who have died on their home planet and been reborn here. But this was done as a last ditch effort by the Galactic Federation to literally save this planet as it is very hard to intervene unless we have access to put in our military installations that are needed on this planet to give more protection from a Reptoid attack. And this planet could be attacked at any time although Galactic Federation leaders have said Earth is currently in a “safe envelope”.

However this can change quickly because of the nature of this massive galactic war. And the Galactic Federation has a legal requirement to give the most military protection to fully fledged members of the Galactic Federation of which Earth is willfully not even wanting to join. So why should the Galactic Federation continue to protect this planet if it doesn’t even want to co-operate.

WE in the Galactic Federation do not even have the ability to gauge where this massive Galactic War will go next. The evil Reptoids are extremely powerful and they have full control of thousands of other galaxies. Do you understand? They could launch a full scale counter offensive involving Earth and we would have to withdraw quickly from this solar system to give our other Galactic Federation solar systems and planets the protection they need because they are fully fledged members actively working with us and for us.

We in the Galactic Federation need the ability to act quickly if such an event did indeed evolve. And it can happen quickly and with no warning. I REPEAT. WE HAVE RECENTLY LOST ENTIRE GALACTIC FEDERATION HUMAN PLANETS IN THIS WAR. THEY HAVE BEEN COMPLETELY DESTROYED. Where do you think the Generation Z Galactic Federation starseed human aliens on this planet come from? The Generation Z starseeds are low level human starseeds because they come from lower level human planets with just 200-400 year lifespans. There are however high level Generation Z starseeds here as well. Not all of them but a lot of them have come directly from these recent wars. And because of this they have nothing to lose plus many were traumatized by those wars.

AND THAT IS WHY WE ON EARTH ARE SO VULNERABLE WITH MOST  GOVERNMENTS THINKING THEY DON’T HAVE TO DO ANYTHING BECAUSE OF GALACTIC FEDERATION GENERATION Z STARSEEDS HERE MEAN AUTOMATIC PROTECTION. It is not as simple as that as we are currently in a state of war. And these starseeds have given their souls to this war and have nothing to lose as they HAVE LOST THEIR PLANETS WHICH WERE COMPLETELY DESTROYED. Planet Earth has the potential to also be completely destroyed.

Here is a brief outline of the Galactic Federation. Humans were first formed on the Vega star system 7 million years ago from primates. They were enhanced by powerful creator forces to develop to a high sentient level that by 6 million years ago they could space travel and set up human colonies across the galaxy. Hundreds of thousands of human colonies were developed. About 4 million years ago these human civilizations started being attacked by these bad Reptoids so they all joined together to form the Galactic Federation. A small minority of good Reptoids are part of the Galactic Federation plus beautiful loving Dragon aliens and insect aliens plus other species of aliens. They are all loved based because the leader of the Galactic Federation is Archangel Michael. The leader of the bad reptoids is Archangel Lucifer. About 60% of the Galactic Federation are human and we use these other advanced love-based reptilian aliens to protect us along with our own weaponry.

As the Galactic Federation spread out around the galaxy and set up human societies a whole range of human civilizations developed. The first Earth human civilization was called Hybornea and lasted from 2 million BC to 1 million BC. It was destroyed by bad Reptoids. The Galactic Federation came back and set up Lemuria from 900,000 BC. This was again destroyed by bad Reptoids around 15,000BC. Earth humans were then mutated to live just 50-70 year lifespans from earlier Lemurian lifespans of 5000 years. At this time positive archangels created new fresh souls for these mutated humans as it was unfair to put advanced human alien souls in these bodies. And these fresh new souls collectively reincarnated on this planet until the present day until Generation Z, who are all starseeds, came along. DO YOU UNDERSTAND? The Galactic Federation currently surround Earth and can and will stop all nuclear weapons on this planet and will give military protection to any country that wants it depending on their human rights conditions.

As mentioned before there are more than 500 lower level Galactic Federation HUMAN planets with lifespans of between 200-400 years. Do you understand? This is vital for you to understand because it is these planets we need to go to. Above these planets are tens of thousands of advanced human planets. The Hydrans look African and can live for 500 years. The Pleiadians live for 700 years. The Sirians look European and live for 5000 year lifespans. When a Galactic Federation human dies on their home planet they always usually REINCARNATE back onto their home planets unless they are sent out as starseeds. My own home planet is Chinese looking on the other side of the galaxy with 10,000 year lifespans. My planet is highly advanced and we produce top level spaceships for the human Galactic Federation fleet. We are hugely advanced in all ways and we are great scientists plus an extremely advanced spiritual planet. Above my planet there are thousands of far more advanced human planets with lifespans ranging up the 30,000 years. The Arctureans look Chinese and have lifespans of 30,000 years. Sai Baba, the world famous Indian guru who had super powers of teleportation and bilocation and healing comes from a human planet with 25,000 year lifespans where many have these powers. Human planets at this level are virtually planets of Ascended Masters. All human planets have ratios of Ascended Masters depending on their advancement (via their lifespans) that join each planet’s spiritual government. Earth’s Ascended Masters are led by Maitreya, the returned planetary Christ who is thinking of leaving Earth because governments will not let him come forward. That is how bad this planet is. It is this type of willful evil behaviour that will destroy this planet.

The Reptoids have lifespans of 30,000 years. They can shapeshift into human form. The grey aliens, who the USA Government did a deal with, have lifespans of just 200 years and are extremely low level and have absolutely no power in the solar system or galaxy. Their own ability to survive this vast war involves a neutrality treaty with the bad Reptoids but that could change at any time. The greys are not part of the Galactic Federation. But because Earth humans come from and evolved from the Galactic Federation they are Reptoid targets. THIS IS ESPECIALLY SO BECAUSE NON STARSEED EARTHLINGS AS WELL AS GALACTIC FEDERATION STARSEED HUMAN ALIENS ON THIS PLANET HAVE SOULS CREATED BY ARCHANGEL MICHAEL. That is why the grey aliens can never do anything to help Earth plus of course they have absolutely no power because they are so low level and only have 200 year lifespans.

So there you have the situation. This planet either starts to immediately co-operate with the Galactic Federation or you will be destroyed. It is as simple as that. We in the Galactic Federation need access to this planet to install our military hardware to protect this planet from the bad Reptoids. Until we do this this planet is under dire threat. In the long term, an evacuation of billions of non starseeds and starseeds COULD BE vital to give room for a major military base of good REPTOID/DRAGON aliens who will work alongside the remaining humans on this planet to militarily reinforce all areas of the planet and the solar system from attack. Of course the situation is fluid. Even abandoning Earth altogether and consolidating our population on another lower level human Galactic Federation planet with 200-400 year lifespans is possible. However there is STILL room to keep Earth as it is if the Galactic Federation can install its military hardware on the planet and of course if we legally and officially join the Galactic Federation. So there are a few major options here. Potential full evacuation, partial evacuation OR NO EVACUATION and the planet stays the same but with intense Galactic Federation military hardware..

THIS IS ABSOLUTELY VITAL. BUT AT THE MOMENT MOST, BUT NOT ALL, OF THE GOVERNMENTS ON THIS PLANET ARE INTENT IN MAKING THEIR BILLIONARE ELITE FRIENDS HAPPY BY NOT UPSETTING THE APPLE CART. And they have done this for 20 years since we in the Galactic Federation have been here and saved this planet from destruction. And if governments continue to do this much longer we cannot assure the long term safety of this planet without your co-operation. It is as simple as that. Your fate is in your hands.

Poetry section of EARTH TO BE DESTROYED


In this global world of love

& death & JAZZ punk & pop

punk & hardcore FEMINIST

women i totally honour you


How i envy your


the entire planet is fighting

over ukraine as the


scream love and peace

& a world government

in Sichuan CHINA so this beloved

Planet is not wiped out

by Luciferic reptilian

shapeshifting REPTILIAN aliens!

OH fuckin Planet Earth

I am YOUR global galactic

Poet – I am your part-time

soul – with a full time

mission to save Planet

Earth from the Illuminati

FUCK FUCK! Oh Beautiful Cunt!

Oh Beautiful Cunt Oh Beautiful Cunt

HOW we cry in our feminist dreams

of 100 per cent LESBIANISM

& global heaven – a fun day with

Archangel Michael! Oh Baby

Open your lesbian legs for me

because of Archangel Gabriel LOVE

wow wow wow BABY take the page

cry cry cry cry for my

death cry cry cry cry for my death

& save me BIG GOD Great Isness

Of Being! Yes! Ah Allen Ginsberg you

are my gay lover & I honour

your love based Sexual Revolution

where JAZZ PUNKISTS were raging

to the Left Wing SOCIALIST communist

beat that brought me to China many

years ago – Mao Zedong channeled

By Archangel Michael – the SAME

Fucking angels that channeled


Punk crew of Newtown AS we sang

From London, New York, Bangalore,

Bangkok, Beijing, Shanghai &

China’s beautiful Hong Kong &

Sai Baba Ashrams in INDIA!

Oh wonderful INDIA! Oh

fuckin India! Oh Sai Baba Ancient

Ascended Master Alien of Love save

my friends in New York &

the sleepy villages of Sichuan where

my SOUL nurtures SUCH high high

beauty! Oh such high beauty! Oh

such high high FUCKING BEAUTY

Oh praise the CUNT! Oh praise

the Cunt as Syria is ripped to

shreds by Washington &

my beloved Democratic Republic of Congo

reels from the 10 million dead!

Oh Karl Marx & William Burroughs

& Lord Buddha MAY the souls of

the Democratic Republic of  Congo line

the chambers of the LOVE DOORS of

the Arcturean Aliens! I meditate in

enlightenment sometimes 3 hours a

day & then listen to PUNK music &

watch my soul to see what’s happening

to my body – we ask NATO

to stop wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen,

Syria, Sudan, Ukraine – PLEASE just

get out & stop being the vile evil filth you are killing millions with your racist 21st Century imperialism & nefarious off-world agenda……please NATO stop your insane evil fascism…………..

my starseed friends are totally

BEAUTIFUL & awesome & the sun shines thru

my being even though an angel that’s

made me listen to the New Wave punk song

“No word From China” & i love Beijing

in Spring – oh beautiful beautiful beautiful BEIJING!

I shine in my spiritual communist soul

Oh Astrid Spielman – whatever happened

to your beautiful beautiful soul as

I listen to Ron Peno sing “Turn

Your Head” & shed tears for your

Beautiful life HOW we were so mutilated

by FASCISM! How we were so put

down! How the LUCIFERIC forces of

FASCISM tore our souls apart as

we tried SO FUCKING HARD to


REVOLUTION of feminism, spiritual communism,

Lesbianism,  Polygamy & BIG BIG LOVE!

I now contemplate ANDRE VLTCHEK

My beloved friend & world journalist

Fighting American & western fascism! HOW I

LOVE YOU! How i love your SOUL!

Oh those beautiful Gabriel Angels I

can hear them healing you beautiful

Andre Oh Archangel Gabriel YOU

produced the best punk music &


New Age reality and then listening to

Peter Jeremias’ beautiful song “Dusk”

I saw Andre Vltchek in a vision & then an email

comes from THE GROUND CREW

giving me fucking hope as i consider

great literature such as the Sex Pistols,

Charles Bukowski, Henry Miller, Kathy Acker, Oh beloved Kathy Acker my true hero,

Feminist pornography, Tristan Taormino,

ANNIE SPRINKLE, Annie Sprinkle,, Michael Dransfield, Gregory Corso,

Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Mao Zedong, Vladimir Lenin,

Jack Kerouac, HELENA BLAVATSKY, Oh Helena

Blavatsky, Henry Rollins & of course Allen Ginsberg,

Andre Vltchek, Fritjof Capra, David Bohm, Paul

Davies & ALL THE REST!

Oh WOW! Playing in my communist feminist gay

punk band in China I thus call on all

the LOVED BASED archangels to save

The Planet! Christ in Heaven! Feel the Love –

& the Lesbian liberation of communist

women & all these war mongering fascist

American & European leaders! PLEASE

STOP – & consider the feminism of the

Inner city feminist SOCIALIST from the

Planet of Love – bring in the New

Age screaming MAKE official alien

Announcements – & let it happen!

Let the LOVE of God No 1 & the

Galactic Federation aliens SAVE this

jaded but loved Planet earth!


i want to see
that the ocean is free
for you and me
so we could see reality

(i wanted to see the
ocean is free ) chorus

i want you to see/that the ocean is free
living in the material world (made of mind)
is only an ill begotten illusion

hey baby, hey god/the ocean is free/
OK thanks God for this/the ocean
is free


The blood is drying, the “leaders” of america,
britain, france, millions dead
dead motherfuckers suffering from
american nazi fuckers and pricks
the blood is drying
for fuck’s sake
the americans are invading the world
in the name of fucking democracy
millions upon millions dead
in the name of the american dollar
the american counter culture so
fucking helpless almost brain dead
the scourge of our souls
the blind hatred
the blind evil american society
letting their evil fucking “leaders”
(who get 15% of the vote)
fuck our planet back to front
the western left wing intelligensia
controlling the propaganda
as wars rage in syria, iraq, afghanistan,
africa, sudan, Ukraine (because of NATO),
everywhere war is raging
& western “leaders” controlled
by the endless fascism the endless
fucking nightmare of the dark cabal
newspapers and media organs
fuck the insanity of the western beast
the media everyday killing us with
their lies, their hatred
the world wanting freedom
the covert lies, the evil of lucifer
praying to the Good Archangels
(Michael, Gabriel, Raphael)
every fucking day praying for
the light! Waiting for
benevolent alien spaceships
waiting for them to
hover over yet another city
demanding truth & nearly all
the insane asian governments denying
the alien agenda & the aliens are
here & Latin america denying
denying denying fucking christ
(because of oil)
Spiritual Hierarchy God in heaven!
india, where art thou fucking india
in your lies, where is your soul
illuminati controlled lands
motherfuckers finding bliss in
piss! Oh God, can this be right?
putin king of russia fighting the
fascist yanks telling the banking cartel &
his banking army to fuck off out
of russia! The cry! Oh
the fucking cry! Ezra Pound! Why
no poetry says anything in these
times of being on the edge!


glory to GOD glory to GOD hey GOD can you fuck the devil off & cure me from disease & the evil insanity of Planet Earth – fuck this planet Generation Y should take their fucking heads out of the TOILET! Wow! Hey Allen Ginsberg DAVID ASH – my dear human alien PLAN ET please support my mission! FUCK this planet Earth! hipster turds sorting their OWN maladjusted version of history! Oh Christ Oh Buddha O human alien STARships! And Karl MARX how the fascist universities betray you! Oh New Age! Bring on the Christ or he’ll leave the planet! Cruising the streets of LOVE AND DEATH & finding the flow of Lord Maitreya and OH MY GOD is there vanity in the Theosophy Meeting! Oh Maitreya Christ! How I wish to see you heal my fucking body, heal, SWEET LORD, heal my fucking sick fucked up alien body heal me LORD Oh Christ & ALIENS on my home planet heal me! And bring SEX WITH ALIENS a happening reality! Yes I am still here! O Groovy Literature! Oh James Joyce. Jack Kerouac. Richard Brautigan! Allen Ginsberg. Michael Dransfield. Has LOVE surfaced in the DEATH ZONES of the Democratic Republic of Congo 10 million dead caused by NATO no one gives a fuck banned by google Oh Andre Vltchek – international global communist journalist now dead, you brilliantly exposed the truth here to expose the fucking DEATH of Africa & THE BIG MAMA GOD living peace & love & spiritual communism!


I can feel the soul of Archangel Gabriel in Hope Sandoval’s voice in the afternoon autumn here in oblivion imagining a perfect Earth that hopefully will never die. My mission of helping to save Gaia and bringing in Galactic Love is sometimes thwarted by evil spirits that William Burroughs constantly wrote about. Ah, you were a sage William Burroughs, a novelist psychic who honed your skills in understanding the vile evil of negative angels that is ripping our beloved planet apart. Thus I pray to Archangels Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Chamuel, Jophiel and Haniel to bring your beloved angels and cleanse every fucking dark particle of shit from this beloved Gaia our planet and to spread your unlimited intense golden white light of LOVE into all beings, all souls, all matter and every part of Earth. We enter a punk New Age of LOVE and light and salvation that makes us strong and loving and complete as our planet Earth is saved by our wonderful loving angels and fantastic love based spaceships surrounding this divine planet of rising rising rising universal consciousness. So it is and so be it. So it is and so be it.

First published by

Low Cost Punk & New Age Pamphlets

Copyright (c) 2024

Contact details:


2ND PAMPHLET………………….……….


Poems and journalism by
Michael Dargaville
Copyright (c) 2024
This pamphlet is dedicated to my friend Andre Vltchek, the greatest and bravest journalist our planet has seen in half a century.


By Michael Dargaville

For those who really want to understand the New Age, you must know how human galactic alien/ETs live on their home planets.

This article of journalism/philosophy will outline these galactic human alien civilizations that make up the Galactic Federation.

The Galactic Federation now surround our Planet Earth in their spaceships demanding the alien/ET truth and a world government based on love, freedom, truth, peace and absolute sacrosanct nation sovereignty.

About 60% of alien/ETs in the good and benevolent Galactic Federation look like you and me and their civilizations are spread across the Milky Way Galaxy living ages and lifespans ranging from just 200 to 400 years to massive long lifespans of 30,000 years. High level Galactic Federation humans are hugely, hugely advanced.

The other 40% of the Galactic Federation is comprised of good Reptoid reptilian aliens, Dragon aliens, insect aliens and others. Reptoid aliens can be both good and bad, while the bad Luciferic Reptoid reptilian aliens have been waging an horrific war against the good Galactic Federation for millions of years. Reptoids have 30,000 year lifespans.

Understanding this war is critical because bad reptilian aliens attacked this planet from a moon base right up to 1999 when the Galactic Federation destroyed the bad Reptoid base of 6000 shapeshifting Luciferic reptilian Reptoids and thus essentially saving Planet Earth from destruction. Earth owes its very existence to the Galactic Federation.

A lot of the following information comes from human aliens much higher than me with vast super powers of telepathy and much else.

Humans evolved on the Vega star system from primates more than 7 million years ago. By 6 million BC humans of this Vegan planet developed to a high sentient level after being “enhanced” by powerful creator forces and positive angels. About 6 million BC these early galactic humans started space travelling and established human civilizations across the galaxy. This was an absolutely critical time for the development of the human species as they started amazing space based and advanced spiritual civilizations.

About 4 million BC the galactic human planets started being attacked by these bad reptilian Reptoid aliens mentioned earlier so they banded together and formed the Galactic Federation. They also got the support of loving good Reptoid, Dragon aliens and insect aliens that gave them the ability to fight off these bad evil Reptoid aliens. The Leader of the Galactic Federation is Archangel Michael and the leader of the bad evil reptilian Reptoid aliens is Archangel Lucifer. Thus, this galaxy has been in a huge war, led by two towering archangels leaders, one working for good and love via Archangel Michael and the other working for fear and evil.

To really understand the nature of the Universe/Multiverse you must understand the nature of Spirituality. To understand human galactic societies and how advanced they are via their technology and spaceships, understanding spirituality is key.

Before looking at and studying galactic societies, it should be mentioned here Earth was first colonised 2 million BC with a civilization called Hybornea. This was destroyed by bad reptoids. The Galactic Federation came back and founded Lemuria in 900,000BC which lasted until 20,000BC until it too was destroyed by bad reptoids. Humans in these civilizations could live for 5000 years. When Lemuria was destroyed the surviving humans left mutated to live just for 40 to 70 years. And importantly “young souls” were created for these mutant human bodies as it was unfair to put “old souls” of ancient human aliens in these bodies. These mutant “young soul” Earth humans then collectively reincarnated up until present time with the good archangels creating new “young souls” as Earth’s population grew. Thus, Earth humans are not “aliens” as they have never lived on advanced human planets yet use human alien templates for their bodies. A massive change has happened with all of Generation Z (those born 2002 and after) being starseeds. A starseed is a human alien from an advanced human planet who dies on their home planet and are reborn on Earth to help out. I am an early starseed. Throughout history starseeds have incarnated on Earth.

All planets have a Spiritual Hierarchy or spiritual government. Earth’s Spiritual Hierarchy consists of amazing beings some of whom can take human bodies in the form of Ascended Masters. This is critical to understand. Everyone has the ability, even Earth, to become an Ascended Master. And this of course is the same for higher level galactic human planets within the Galactic Federation. If you can clearly understand this you will learn how advanced human alien civilizations of the Galactic Federation function, operate and live. It is the key.

To become an Ascended Master a human on this planet or a Galactic Federation planet needs what is called a Light Quotient of between 78% to 83%. That means matter is vibrating at 83% of the speed of light, which is the measure of an Ascended Master. Basically, this explains how advanced galactic HUMAN alien planets of the Galactic Federation are “rated” in their advancement plus, and very importantly, the length of their lifespans as well as their technology. The higher a galactic human alien planet is, the higher the Light Quotient of humans on that planet.

So, starting with earth humans. Earth humans have a Light Quotient of between 40-50%. They have a very long way to reach that 78%-83% figure. So let’s go to the next level of galactic human alien planets living ages and human lifespans of between 200 to 400 years. So there are galactic human planets where the entire planet has lifespans of just 200 years. Then there are human planets having lifespans of 250 years. Then there are advanced human planets having lifespans averaging 300 years. Do you understand? Altogether there are 500 of these planets, all ranging between having lifespans of just 200 years to whole planets with 400 year lifespans. Roughly, the Light Quotients of these galactic human planets ranges from 50% to 55%. Thus, they are higher than Earth. When they die on their planets they then usually reincarnate back on to their home planet although some are sent on a mission outside.

Some of these lower level but more advanced than Earth galactic human planets with lifespans ranging between 200 to 400 years and with Light Quotients ranging from 50% to 55% also use OXYGEN and many speak English. English is widely used by the Galactic Federation and is the lingua franca of the galaxy. These planet’s atmospheres have all been revamped because all of them were attacked by bad reptoid aliens in exactly the same way that Earth was. Earth humans can go to these planets once Earth governments tell the alien-ET truth. You can also live there.

The bad reptoids are famous for using psychotronic mind control machines to attack planets plus highly advanced laser technology. This is how Earth was attacked from their base on the moon. That base was destroyed in 1999 and thus saved this planet.

So these lower level human planets of the Galactic Federation living lifespans of 200 to 400 years are basically just higher versions of Earth. Many still have cities, industrial and functional infrastructure areas similar to Earth but everything is more technologically sophisticated with no fossil fuel use and their planets treated as Living Souls where these galactic humans are custodians. Green hydrogen technology is widely used. These planets still have problems and the much higher HUMAN Galactic Federation planets living vast ages of 5000 to 15,000 years have different infrastructures where their planets are much more decentralised with mainly forrests and a perfect green ecology is where they dwell. The higher the planet the more decentralised their civilizations, especially with urban design. Imagine, if you will, a hippie commune township such as Australia’s Nimbin (which is famous worldwide) surrounded by lush green rainforest and harmonious communes. That is how very higher level human Galactic Federation planets live. YET, of course, they do have their “industrial” spaces, spaceports, military installations, and other core infrastructure but it is narrowed into much stricter areas. Do you understand?

So these only slightly higher human alien Galactic Federation planets living 200 to 400 years are much more urban and city orientated while the much higher level human alien Galactic Federation planets living ages of 5000 years and more are ecologically decentralised pristine green (PLUS many other colours) spaces but with extremely high level industrial centres for space travel and infrastructure. My own home planet has lifespans of 10,000 years, oriental looking, with a similar decentralised ecological infrastructure. More on my home planet later.

If we move up a bit to the Hydrans and Pleiadians we will get another picture. Hydran human aliens live for 500 years lifespans and they look African. They are quite very advanced. The Pleiadian human alien planets have lifespans of 700 years. When the Hydrans and the Pleiadians die they usually reincarnate back on to their home planets unless they are sent on a mission as a starseed to a lower planet. The Light Quotients of both the Hydrans and the Pleiadians are higher than those human planets living between 200 and 400 years and range between 55% to 58%. They are higher level civilizations with a larger proportion becoming Ascended Masters. Still the number of Ascended Masters is not great but more than those planets living 200 to 400 years.

At this point it is extremely important to point out that Galactic Federation spaceships at Pleiadian level (they have 700 year lifespans) and under, including those human planets living 200-400 years, have DIFFERENT space technology to the much higher level human akien planets The Pleiadians and under have spaceships that have bio-crystal energetic computers (living computers) where a captain must be telepathic to give a telepathic message to this computer in the spaceship that guides the spaceship into SUPER ENERGY. Super energy is simply MIND or thought faster than light that was founded on this planet by a brilliant British New Age physicist called David Ash with his revolutionary book Science of the Gods published in 1992. The leading scientists of the New Physics on this planet from David Ash, David Bohm, John Wheeler, Paul Davies, Amit Goswami, Jack Sarfatti, Geoff Chew, Fritjof Capra and many others have been saying MIND or thought creates matter (E=mc2). So Ash just said if mind is creating matter, why restrict it to the speed of light. Ash said energy faster than the speed of light (or super energy) is simply MIND or thought as well. The Galactic Federation call super energy plasma energy. This is how our ships space travel from star system to star system at Pleiadian level and under. Their spaceships are three times the size of a Boeing 747 jet.

I did two master’s theses and worked on a PhD for 10 years researching super energy. Super energy explains chi energy or prana energy and fully validates Chinese medicine and acupuncture. When an acupuncture needle goes into the body it pierces the super energy body (or etheric/spirit body) surrounding humans. Super energy, or plasma energy explains the power of angels, the teleportation abilities of world famous Indian guru Sai Baba (who incidently comes from an ultra high level Galactic Federation planet), plus much else. My PhD is called The New Idealism. Idealism in philosophy says Mind creates Matter and has a long intellectual history on Earth from Hindu, Buddhist, Taoist and Confucian philosophy to the Romantic European philosophers of the Romantic period such as Hegel to the modern day hippies and to many indigenous cultures.

Moving on now to advanced human planets within the Galactic Federation living ages ranging from 800 years to 4000 years. These planets are more developed than the Pleiadians at all levels. Remember at all levels ENGLISH is widely spoken. These human planets at this stage living between 800 to 4000 year lifespans have light quotients ranging from 59% to 63%. Their infrastructure is a mixture of decentralised cities but also with a more ecological “hippie commune” aspect. I thought I would mention here that 50% of all Galactic Federation planets live in monogamy and the other 50% live in polygamous marriages. Marriage is seen as a very sacred tantric event that happens when souls become emeshed. So there are extended families and polygamous marriages.

The Sirians are famous in Earth New Age alien-ET folklore. And there are many Sirian spaceships surrouding Earth as part of the Galactic Federation human space fleet here. Sirians live on average 5000 year lifespans and look European. When they die on their home planets they usually reincarnate back onto Sirius. Sometimes they may go as starseeds to other lower level human planets to help out as starseeds. Sirian spaceships are very advanced as the entire ship can literally transsubstantiate matter itself through the speed of light. Can you imagine?

Sirians look European, as mentioned, and have a long connection to the world famous American Galactic Federation contactee Sheldon Nidle who wrote the brilliant book “You are Becoming A Galactic Human” in 1994 outlining the true history of the Galactic Federation. Sirians have Light Quotients ranging from 63% to 67%. An increasing minority are reaching Ascended Master level (Still a minor level of 4%).

So we move to what I call the Middle Level Galactic Federation human planets who have lifespans of 7000 years to 15,000 years. My home planet, as I explained earlier, falls into this range. My planet is highly advanced spiritually and technologically and is oriental looking. I was born on earth as a starseed to help Earth understand the New Age and have major skills in physics, philosophy, spirituality, medicine, psychic abilities and much else. We have 10,000 year lifespans on my home planet. When we die we reincarnate back onto my home planet. Then we have another 10,000 year lifespan. The reincarnation process is done in perfect sync so that it aligns with our highly advanced spiritual civilization. Of course some of us are sent to lower level human planets to help as starseeds. I am an ancient soul and have worked for the Galactic Federation for 3 million years.

Those living on advanced human planets of the Galactic Federation living 7000 years to 15000 year lifespans have Light Quotients of ranging from 65% to 72%. Some are very high level spiritual beings. A larger percentage of their civilizations are reaching Ascended Master level. Up to 10-15% of those living on human planets of 13,000 to 15,000 year lifespans are Ascended Masters with teleportation skills, bi-location, materializations and much else. The way to increase Light Quotients includes meditation, spiritual decree work, visualisation, galactic yoga and chi gung processes plus much else. Because Galactic Federation human planets are based on love, that is critically aligned to Light Quotient level. The 3 rules of the Galactic Federation are. 1: Never invade another’s sovereignty 2: What you resist you empower 3: There is only Love or Fear in the Multiverse.

Or course all galactic human civilizations have access to a machine that can heal and rejuvenate their bodies for up to seven years. These machines operate to the level of each human civilization’s ability to live their relative maximum lifespan through their atmospheres, makeup and much else. Do you understand? These machines exist on our spaceships surrounding Earth and can heal ANY disease. Only your governments are stopping this.

Galactic Federation human alien civilizations are all based on some form of “spiritual socialism” or “spiritual communism”. There is no need for ownership as planets are a living sovereign body unto itself that cannot be bought and sold to the highest bidder. They are absolutely anti-materialist and everyone works together for the advancement of their planet and Galactic Federation. Of course total individual sovereignty is absolutely sacrosanct and freedom (from materialism) is the name of the game. Completely different from post-Soviet planet Earth with uncontrolled neo-liberalism and billionaires shoved down everyone’s neck.

The Galactic Federation supported Gorbechev style Soviet Union communism of “glasnost”(openness) and “perestroka”. We believed this was an admirable form of communism and were horrified when the Soviet Union fell apart. This paved the way for the Western Empire led by the USA of imposing Illuminati super capitalism on the planet creating endless wars and killing millions on Planet Earth. The Galactic Federation is highly critical of western governments especially their hypocracy of “democracy” and “freedom” as they create untold death and destruction around the world with their invasions, wars and western multinational corporations that rape and plunder the Third World and developing countries.

There are many forms of socialism and communism and generally within the Galactic Federation human civilizations the higher and more advanced the planet is, the more communist in its structure. At the same time freedom and freedom of expression is sacrosanct as sovereign rights that is never impeded,

As I developed as a high level starseed on Earth and my activation as a starseed expanded, my commitment as a libertarian socialist-communist activist on Earth increased. I have been committed to all forms of socialist-communist countries, states and ideologies on Planet Earth from the Soviet Union, China and Vietnam to Latin American socialism. I realise that no country is perfect, nor should they be. Also, I have given vast support to the entire development of the western counter culture developed by the Beat Generation writers such as Allen Ginsberg and Jack Kerouac that expanded into the tens of millions of western hippies advocating socialism, the New Left movement, peace, anti western militarism, anti-imperialism, communalism and communes. The later Punk Generation (born 1956 to 1979) was also part of the famous western counter culture that promoted socialism and a movement I was strongly involved in. Also the socialist-communist movements in Africa from the 1950s have achieved much, plus European governments and parties such as the British Labour Party before the Blair Government.

Let’s move on to the highest level of human alien civilizations. They have lifespans of between 15,000 years and 30,000 years. Their technology is mind boggling. They are civilizations of love, compassion, miracles and God Consciousness. Human planets living lifespans of 20,000 plus years are developing into Ascended Master planets. We have a good example here. Sai Baba, the world famous Indian guru on this planet, who lived from 1926 until 2011, came from a highly advanced alien Galactic Federation planet with lifespans of 25,000. On Earth he could do miracles of teleportation, bilocation, bring people back from the dead, heal any disease and much else. Sai Baba was a fully fledged Ascended Master at the highest level on his HOME planet with lifespans of 25,000 years. AND VERY IMPORTANTLY, many on his planet can do these feats he could do on Earth. But not al. There would be many on Sai Baba’s planet who are still reaching Ascensionhood. That figure is a Light Quotient of between 78% and 83%. Sai Baba’s Light Quotient was beyond 110%.

So those alien humans living on Galactic Federation planets of lifespans between 15,000 years and 30,000 years have Light Quotients of between 75% and 100% with top leaders all past 100%. They are Spiritual Masters of the highest level.
The highest alien human civilizations in the Galactic Federation are the Arctureans. They look Oriental and can live for 30,000 years for a lifetime. When they die they reincarnate back to another 30,000 year lifespan on their planet. The majority are Ascended Masters at various levels. Their spaceships can RIVAL and beat ANY Luciferic REPTOID alien spaceship. THEY ARE OUR HUMAN ALIEN LEADERS IN THE MULTIVERSE. They are completely loving, completely magnificent societies living in bliss and wonder. All Galactic Federation planets call GOD the “Great ISness of Being”. The Arctureans have mastered positive Godhood technologies at the highest levels, able to teleport their huge spaceships via consciousness itself. They are truly astounding civilizations and they are urging ALL earth governments to stop lying and tell the full alien-ET truth.
The Galactic Federation spaceships surround our planet DEMANDING TRUTH. They have saved this planet from Luciferic Reptoid alien destruction. The Galactic Federation totally control this solar system and closely monitor the grey aliens extremely closely but have not interfered as the greys are so low level and only have lifespans of 200 years. The USA did a deal with the greys in the 1950s and since then tens of thousands of whisleblowers ranging from CIA spies, USA soldiers at the highest level, journalists, politicians, diplomats and countless others have exposed this. Even Hollywood films such as ET have exposed this. Still, despite this, no official truth.

We want you, citizens of Earth, to join the Galactic Federation. But you cannot join until there is a united world government based on the principles of the United Nations. This world government would be based on the complete sacrosanct sovereignty of each country and nation. That means no country can use its hegemony in any way to colonise, control or invade in any way. And our Galactic Federation spaceships would give military protection to any country who seeks it. Each country keeps its sovereignty, languages, cultures, education system, judicial system, ideologies and complete independence. Yet at the same time all countries work together with the Galactic Federation. We suggest the best world capital site would be in the western province of China’s Sichuan Province, somewhere south of Chengdu. Sichuan is extremely close to the Indian border and is virtually in the very centre of Asia, the most populated centre on the planet. Plus China and India are the two most populated countries, thus this would be much fairer.

The Galactic Federation currently will and can stop all nuclear missiles on this planet. We are urging governments to start co-operating, join the Galactic Federation and come for a joyride across the Galaxy. On a sadder note, we are announcing that Christ Maitreya, the Master of Masters of Ascended Masters on Planet Earth, who was in a human body based in London since 1977, (and was the Christ of this planet) is seriously thinking of leaving the planet because governments will not let him come forward. Yet the hope of this planet is this. 40% of people KNOW the full alien-ET truth and saga, 40% BELIEVE it and just 10% undecided. These figures come straight from Galactic Federation leaders. So everyone knows. The Internet has exposed everything despite lying websites and newspapers still publishing hogwash. My own internet journalism on the Galactic Federation has been read by tens of millions of people in the past 25 years. The time is now for action.

If governments do not act and join the Galactic Federation Earth will be destroyed. Currently we are in a “safe envelope” from negative reptoid attack yet the situation can change quickly if they launched a counter offensive. And remember many lower level Galactic Federation human planets with lifespans of 200-400 years were destroyed. And they were official members of the Galactic Federation. Earth is currently not even a member. So the people of this planet need to act NOW.

My closest friend on this planet is a top Galactic Federation alien leader in a human body with vast super powers. She is 30,000 years old and is a “walk in” alien who had a soul exchange with a human. Most governments know of her and her powers. She can telepathically read my mind half way around the world and send a message. Believe it. I have known her for 25 years and she is my soulmate. Her knowledge of the Galactic Federation is vast and she has greatly supported me with a lot of information here in this article.


By Michael Dargaville

Now is the time to change your life and discover mind/body medicine and learn to cure and prevent disease using meditation.

Never before in our history has the amount of scientific study confirmed that meditation is healing and curing virtually most major diseases, especially the big two – cancer and heart disease. As we have well and truly passed the special year of 2012 more than a decade ago, which was a major time on our planet for change, now is the time to break away from our current paradigm, which is deeply unscientific backed up by a corrupt infrastructure that is now a major obstacle to alternative medicine.

Meditation and diet is not only curing cancer but also all forms of mental illness, diabetes, MS, all auto-immune diseases, AIDS, high blood pressure, to many other diseases. The famous American cardiologist Dean Ornish now has a diet curing acute heart disease through diet (and meditation), unblocking 95% blocked arteries. How’s that for a revolution. The diet has no fat, no meat, no nuts, no oil, no cheese or eggs, just fruit, vegetables and grains. Ornish now allows nuts. This little article will teach you a complete meditation technique you could learn quickly that will utterly change your life forever. I have given my life to alternative medicine having been trained professionally at famous and established public universities in philosophy, where I did three masters degrees involving the philosophy of alternative medicine to the philosophy of quantum physics.

More than 25 years ago I knew my research was at the cutting edge but I was not getting the support of my former homeland of Australia. So I left. I went to China and ended up living and teaching there for more than 20 years in 21 universities teaching my research and holding professorial positions. I loved doing this hugely. China  is a haven for alternative medicine with Chinese medicine having massive state support. So here is the technique. I urge you to change your life and find the peace, truth and happiness that lies within you just waiting to come alive.


This form of meditation, which I have further developed involving my 30 years of meditation experience, was founded by a famous Melbourne psychiatrist called Ainslie Meares. He developed this technique, which he called Stillness Meditation, while in his Melbourne clinic during the 1960s, and wrote many influential books including RELIEF WITHOUT DRUGS. He was a psychiatrist with a passionate interest in eastern religions and meditation and travelled and lived in India and Nepal studying various systems. He was a maverick of a man. Meares’ technique was first used to fight mental illness, especially anxiety, and has been taken up by some leading Victorian therapists.

In the 1970s this meditation technique gained wider recognition when Ian Gawler, a young Melbourne vet, cured his lung and extensive bone cancer. Gawler at the time had been given just two weeks to live. He went on to attain extremely wide public recognition and wrote two best-selling books, including Peace of Mind and YOU CAN CONQUER CANCER. Gawler lost one of his legs prior to coming across the Ainslie Meares technique because doctors in those days thought surgery would be his best option.

What Gawler achieved to reverse his cancer from a meditation point of view, was all based on the works and teachings of Ainslie Meares. Meares fully outlined this meditation technique clearly and carefully and also used it widely on other people who had cancer. This special stillness meditation he taught and clinically prescribed to his patients in Melbourne with mental illness in the 1960s, and later in the 1970s with cancer, he in fact learned from advanced spiritual gurus and lamas in India and Nepal in the 1950s. So really, this meditation technique comes from the East, used previously thoughout the centuries by spiritual seekers. I have subsequently developed my own particular style of this meditation which I call Infinite Peace Meditation. That is why no one can really claim to have individually invented the technique. The technique which Meares taught Ian Gawler, and which he taught for years, really just comes from India and Nepal. Gawler was one of a number of people using the Meares Stillness Meditation technique at the time of the mid 1970s for the treatment of their cancers. Gawler subsequently healed his terrible bone cancer using the Ainslie Meares Stillness Technique and set up his own institute where thousands of subsequent cancer patients learned the Meares technique that Gawler enhanced in his own way and many had extraordinary cancer remissions. Ainslie Meares himself died in the 1980s. He is the true “founder” of this technique and its application in using it to treat cancer. And the main teacher of Ainslie Meares was an amazing Hindu yogi sage called Shivapura Baba, who lived to be 137 years old.

Unlike other meditation techniques, which Meares and Gawler calls active such as mantra meditation, this form of meditation is passive. The difference between the two forms is that active meditation increases the secretion of the hormone cortisone from the adrenalin gland, which is the cause of stress throughout the body and immune system. However, this form of meditation does not cause the secretion of cortisone and is passive. Thus, it is called HEALTH meditation. My own Infinite Peace Meditation is basically passive but uses some active techniques intially.

The technique that Ainslie Meares taught is simple. For the first 10 days you progressively relax your groups of muscles from your feet up by flexing each muscle group for 5 seconds and then relaxing them for 5 seconds. After 10 days of this, or however long you feel necessary, you change the routine and instead use a wave of relaxation over all your muscles at the same time, instead of physically doing each muscle group by tensing them and then relaxing them. Simplify the technique by cutting out the actual flexing of the muscles and just use the wave of relaxation This is the essence of Mind/body medicine because by simply using the wave leads to deeper stages of meditation.

All you have to do from here is sit in an armless chair. Just be a passive observer and allow YOUR thoughts to come and go.  Use and APPLY a WAVE of relaxation over all your muscles as a mindfulness technique if thoughts keep intruding. DON’T FORCE THE THOUGHTS AWAY. Just let them come and go and don’t fight them off. Be an observer of your thoughts not getting caught up in them. They will go by themselves eventually if you are patient and if disturbed you can apply the WAVE of relaxation of your muscles. Remember just be a passive observer, don’t fight the thoughts, allow them to come, use the WAVE of relaxation over your muscles to keep relaxed if needed. Simple. If a particular section of muscles in your body keep being tense concentrate the wave on that area. It’s that simple. (You can in fact just observe the thoughts without doing the wave and not getting caught up in them and the same process should happen yet using the wave can also be done.) If you allow your thoughts to come they will eventually go, just be AWARE of them, non-judgementally and passively and not to fight them and NOT to get caught up in them.

You can meditate up to three hours a day. One hour in the morning, an hour before lunch and an hour before dinner if you have a chronic disease such as cancer. Gawler in fact has further enhanced this technique with one of his later books called MEDITATION PURE AND SIMPLE and says that as you scan and relax your body, you could also put your attention in the periods of stillness between your thoughts as you meditate. And the gaps between the thoughts and the stillness of NO THOUGHTS will get bigger and lead to peace, contentment, silence, calm And eventually there just will be pure stillness. This is Stillness Meditation. It is that simple. This is the technique used and intially taught by maverick Ainslie Meares and later by Gawler’s natural medicine hospital called the Gawler Foundation. Many people with terminal cancer were cured using this and a whole food vegan diet.

Where Infinite Peace Meditation differs is that I start with a Hindu breathing technique called SO HUM. On the inbreath, say SO, and on the out breath say Hum, quietly in your mind. I do this Hindu sacred chant after I have done the classic Yogic progressive muscle relaxation technique, which has been used by mind/body medicine practitioners for decades worldwide. Then you do what I call “relaxation flows” through the body or “peace flows” and this acts as a natural form of mindfulness. The “relaxation flow” is not a wave but rather a current that goes through all the muscles and any other part of the body. While doing the “peace flows” and feeling all your muscles relaxed in this flow, just let the thoughts come and go just like the Meares technique, not getting caught in the action, and just observing the thoughts. That is all you do. Eventually just look for those gaps of stillness between thoughts and then merge into it. Use the “relaxation flow” and thought observation at the beginning and just drop the “peace flows” before moving into observing stillness between thoughts and merging into it. This acts like a rapid fire technique to slow the thoughts and enter PEACE without using a whole range of techniques some advocate. Simplicity is key. When your thoughts start to slow and there are periods of PEACE, with no thoughts, relax, don’t get caught up in the action, and go with it. You will soon enter enlightenment, which, at its highest stage, is a oneness of peace, bliss, what I call Satchinanda (Being Consciousness Bliss.) At this stage cancer is being healed.

I wrote my 50,000 word MA thesis at the famously radical but now defunct Department of General Philosophy at Sydney University from 1988 to 1990 on Ainslie Meares and Ian Gawler and the foundations of mind-body medicine, which is what using meditation and diet to fight disease is called.

Using the WAVE of relaxation that Meares advocated and allowing stillness of mind and body leads to higher stages of meditation. Meares and Gawler, as well of course many meditation masters worldwide, have outlined the level of the body’s mental/physiology goes through during stillness meditation. They say there are six to seven stages of meditation when doing these techniques and as the body goes through these stages sees it relaxes until it finds peace and calmness. The first stage you are observing thoughts, usually a whole stream of them. Then as you keep non judgementally observing your thoughts they slow. At stage three the thoughts are really slow with moments of stillness between thoughts. At stage four virtually no thoughts. Wow. Peace and calm. Stage five is transition into enlightenment. Many see iridescent blue and red pulsating colours, others just feel the shift. You need to relax and not get caught up in the colours to transition. Stage six is enlightenment. Peace. Calm. Deep stillness even though thoughts may come and go there is a deeper stillness beyond these random thoughts that is utterly blissful. Just relax in the bliss…..with a little smile and feel the healing.

I urge everybody to buy Ian Gawler’s books by contacting the Gawler Foundation, a natural healing hospital that was based near Melbourne but only closed recently after nearly 40 years. Those books will give you an excellent insight to the entire Ainslie Meares phenomenon which Gawler has added to especially using his unique Buddhist background and years of teaching cancer patients meditation. Also, try and get your hands on any Ainslie Meares book, they are beautiful and astounding, some of them just books of poetry.

If you are interested in a total physical transformation adopt a strict diet of vegetables, grains and fruit and walk at least 2-3 hours a week if possible. Also, basic yoga and breathing correctly could help any chronic illness. Make sure you supplement Vitamin B12 if you become a vegan vegetarian. Also supplement with massive doses of Vitamin C, zinc, choline and reasonable amounts of vitamin D. You can also meditate lying on the floor, not on a bed, as being slightly uncomfortable supports you to relax your body. You can even meditate in the lotus positions. But an armless chair with a back is excellent, simple and widely used. Some CHINESE Buddhist schools of meditation are similar to this technique, and ultimately, all meditation techniques share a similar process. I have personally learned many other meditation techniques yet the Meares Stillness Meditation technique had been my daily base for many years until I further upgraded it into the Infinite Peace Meditation technique.

I do want to stress that I am committed to complementary alternative medicine (C.A.M) and have been for most of my adult life. In the past 25 years I have done some of the most advanced work in mind/body medicine in the world. Mind/body medicine uses meditation to treat disease, something that Indian Ayurvedic medicine also uses. Also, as I said, I did a major MA thesis at the now defunct but famous Department of General Philosophy at Sydney University, Australia, on the entire Ainslie Meares and Ian Gawler revolution in 1988.

I was the first person globally to do this type of academic research in public universities. This MA thesis was done in 1989, as I said, before mind/body medicine had attracted worldwide attention and this work is now seen by some as a major pioneering work in the area. Meditation is at the core of mind/body medicine. Mind/body medicine is now a pivotal region of alternative medicine and is perhaps the most powerful form of alternative medicine, along with Chinese medicine, on the planet because it is curing cancer, heart disease (the big two western killers) plus many other life threatening diseases, including AIDS. This new form of medicine is now sweeping the world. In fact combining mind-body meditation with Chinese medicine can work very well.

My MA thesis, now nearly 30 years ago, examined the world famous mind/body medicine pioneer Ainslie Meares and Ian Gawler in depth. They come from Australia, and, as said before, used meditation to treat cancer. Meditation of course is the core of mind/body medicine. I am an expert in this technique and the theory behind it, especially the science. I believe it is here that we could develop important breakthrough research. I have backed my research up using the latest in quantum theory looking at physicist David Bohm’s theory of implicate order, systems theory, Geoffrey Chew’s bootstrap theory and Paul Davies’ superstring theory. My PhD is called The New Idealism, which is located on my blog called, and interprets quantum theory from a philosophical idealistic notion, or the philosophical premise that mind produces matter. And this was done to back up the massive scientific revolution of mind/body medicine.

In America now there are even public accredited mind/body universities with hundreds on the staff. But because I dislike a lot of what America stands for especially politically I will never go there and teach. Plus I felt it was important to help developing countries with this research because I am committed to socialism. America, being the capitalist shithole that it is, does not deserve my research I thought at the time. Yet I do respect America hugely in the areas of using mind/body medicine to treat mental illness and using transpersonal psychology instead of the evil materialist psychiatry that is used in Britain and Australia. This is where America is truly way ahead of the other Anglo-America countries. In America you can do an accredited PhD in transpersonal psychology using meditation to treat and CURE all forms of mental illness, including psychotic disorders. But in all the Anglo-American countries such as Britian and Australia materialism and behaviouralism rules. I believe this is a human rights abuse by forcing sometimes unproven mental illness drugs on people.

Anyway, I was the first person on the planet who did legitimate academic research on the entire Ainslie Meares alternative medicine revolution when it first came into prominence in Australia in the 1980s. This is now becoming so “establishment” that Australia’s Monash University’s Bachelor of Medicine students must undertake a course in mind/body medicine based in this area. My book A PHILOSOPHICAL STUDY OF HEALING IN NEW TIMES, (which was the MA thesis from Sydney university based on Gawler) is now regarded as a classic in alternative medicine (and using meditation) and has been continuously published (by alternative publishers and in self-publishing format) for more than 15 years. After that MA degree I subsequently did another major master’s degree in the philosophy of quantum theory concentrating of world famous New Age physicist Fritjof Capra to validate the science of alternative medicine and that of Indian and Chinese medicine in particular.

I have been highly critical of western medicine and the current war that is raging seems to have found a degree of peace. My later PhD examined this war in more detail. A major book of my PhD, called THE NEW IDEALISM, has now expounded more fully on the worldwide implications of mind/body medicine, transpersonal psychology and other areas such as the alien agenda and the quantum theory of alien space travel. I left Australia more than 25 years ago to teach in Asian and Chinese universities and colleges because they are much more open to this new area than materialist based Cartesian-Newtonian-behaviouralist western universities whose very science is now in serious doubt. The worldwide implications are staggering and I have devoted part of my life to this area of medicine. I meditate, of course, every day up to three hours, know many meditation techniques, and have learned many, many other alternative medical healing modalities. And continue to learn new ones.

In recent years I have been trying to streamline Ainslie Meares Stillness Meditation using the Infinite Peace Meditation technique with a new food medicine diet that mixes the work of Ian Gawler and the work of Anthony William, the Medical Medium from the USA. This diet mainly concentrates on fruits and vegetables, restricts grains but does allow them (if you feel well enough) such as non gluten grains, and is still vegan. It doesn’t overdose on nuts and seeds but uses them. This radically reduces the fat content of the body and helps fight both cancer and “autoimmune disease”.
Gluten free grains such as sorghum, quinoa, buckwheat, cassava flour and coconut flour and items like pea protein powders (used sparingly) have revolutionised the treatment of all “autoimmune disease”, which Anthony William says are actually caused by the Epstein Barr virus. I also strongly advocate the Anthony William heavy metal detox of spirilina, barley grass juice power, wild blueberries, corriander and Atlantic dulse seaweed.  Thus I have combined the Ainslie Meares/Ian Gawler Stillness Meditation regime which is used to treat cancer to an upgraded form called Infinite Peace Meditation which can be used on an autoimmune protocol diet. This is now virtually the protocol to reverse Alzheimers put forward by Prof Dale Bredesen in California although his regime is less vegan and more semi ketogenic. This is something I don’t support totally but there is no doubt Bredesen is getting results in reversing mid-stage Alzheimers which is great news. Anthony William categorically stresses Alzheimers is caused by mercury. So you need to get it out of your body. On the autoimmune diet it could virtually be a Pegan diet as there have been quite a lot of fish eaters on a Pegan diet (the paleo-vegan diet) with cancer who used intensive meditation on top to treat their disease. Nevertheless I strongly believe that the pure vegan diet I outlined  at the beginning (that mix of Ian Gawler and Anthony William) to be the most effective in fighting disease of any nature. Eventually you can top it up if your body can handle it with chickpea flour, coconut flour, buckwheat flour, nuts and seeds which should easily give a minimum amount of protein. Plus all the protein from your vegetables – that in fact – according to Anthony William – is the real source of protein which is produced by the liver. Thus, you virtually have a vegan cancer diet but also an autoimmune friendly diet. That is the key. And be flexible. Be Pegan if you have to but don’t push it.
I support everything Anthony William says especially using the heavy metal detox and celery juice regime and other measures. The major area not mentioned widely is the role of energy medicine as a terminal illness healer and this of course includes meditation. MEDITATION CAN CURE TERMINAL CANCER. It has been done many times. It works synergistically with a vegan food medicine diet fully explained by Ian Gawler and first developed by him. In fact the Ian Gawler regime takes food medicine to the next level.
It is important to stress energy medicine and especially meditation is a game changer.
The body does have an etheric or spiritual layer that includes meridian points, chakras and other energies that the Donna Eden method (and tens of thousands of other healers) have outlined. In physics super energy is thought (or spirit) faster than light and fully explains the etheric body. Our space/time is thought slower than light. Both super energy and energy are produced by mind or spirit. This physics explains alien space travel, angels, acupuncture and spiritual medicine. Thus the physics of energy medicine (of which meditation is part of) has also been fully outlined using super energy which was discovered by the brilliant British New Age physicist David Ash who invented super energy. My PhD expands on this.
When healers say there are only “physical” causes of disease such a viruses or heavy metals or other viruses or toxins, and of course this is strongly advocated by western medicine, it can be problematic. This is because scientifically this does not add up because it doesn’t take into consideration the role of our spirit or etheric body and how it does indeed impinge on our body (which is comprised of spirit anyway). Both Sai Baba, the world famous Indian guru and my 30,000 year old alien Galactic Federation leader (explained in my previous ET story) has confirmed to me that the Ian Gawler Cancer regime (using intensive meditation, vegan diet and especially visualization work) is the real deal and game changer (especially for treating cancer) and a primary/core healing mechanism to treat disease (and especially cancer and HIV/AIDS). The Galactic Federation has also confirmed to me the authenticity of Anthony William.
Meditation can stop adrenaline in its tracks. It can radically boost the immune system to fight viruses (and thus stop the spread of cancer). It can harness immunity building to excrete heavy metals and other toxins with detoxification regimes. It can clear karmic debt. Meditation stabilizes the chakras/meridians and entirely changes our cellular structure at all levels. It is a core core core healing tool to fight cancer and any disease. Meditation brings true peace and can radically stop many many symptoms of illness from fatigue, nausea, tumour reduction, virus proliferation, high blood pressure, asthma, shingles, heart disease, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis to many many many other autoimmune diseases. Meditation can totally reinvigorate the psycho-immune system like no other system of medicine. In no way is deep meditation a bandaid but in fact a front line tool to fight cancer. Meditation directly treats the root cause of disease at so many levels. When meditation stops adrenaline surges it radically helps build the body’s immune system that is being ravaged by cancer usually caused by toxins, viruses, radiation, stress, emotional trauma and spiritual “dis-ease”.
I also strongly believe that oriental medicine food notions of healing are important. For example don’t eat cold foods if you have a cold disease such as thyroid problems. You need warm foods. Some even advocate non vegan foods to warm the body energetically. However there are many many warming vegan foods.
Angel healing is another area that is gaining a huge amount of attention. I use angel healing daily and call to Archangel Michael, Gabriel and Raphael daily to clean and heal my chakras and spirit body. Angels have awsome healing power.
On top of this we have all the other complementary and alternative medicine (C.A.M) modalities and medical systems such as the wonderful and extraordinary Chinese medicine, reflexology, Reiki, Indian Aruvedic medicine, kinesiology and much, much more. NATURAL MEDICINE IS THE KING AND QUEEN OF MEDICINE AND URGENTLY NEEDS TO GET THE WORLDWIDE RESPECT AND USUAGE IT DESERVES. NATURAL medicine (and especially via energy medicine) is healing all the big diseases of our age including Parkinsons via Chinese medical qi gong. Medical Qi gong is my new passion along with a cancer/autoimmune diet and an altered version of the Ainslie Meares meditation called Infinite Peace Meditation. I also strongly urge you to combine Chinese medicine with the meditation and food medicine regime I have outlined. Chinese medicine itself is healing cancer and recently I had a lot to do with an amazing Chinese doctor who was using intensive Chinese herbal medicine to reverse many many terminal cancers. Do you understand and see the awesome power of Chinese medicine. A good Chinese medicine doctor can cure/heal cancer, “autoimmune disease”, heart disease and much else. The energy medicine aspects of Chinese medicine are utterly remarkable and their healing potential is unlimited. I have witnessed families with their dying loved ones queueing up outside the clinic of this famous Chinese medicine doctor renowned for healing terminal cancer and giving families hope. But to advocate a one-stop shop such as I have mentioned in treating disease, is limiting not only your potential to heal but all others.
I strongly encourage readers to also get free distant Reiki healing from the Internet. There are Reiki Masters offering this with their prerecorded healing sessions that have the same impact. It is amazing. YouTube has several Reiki Masters doing this. Also the spiritual guru/healer Sri Avinash does a similar healing on the internet.
Finally it must be remembered that the Galactic Federation spaceships surrounding our planet have machines that can cure any illness. Governments know this and do nothing. The people of this planet must demand the official truth.
I want to stress at the end of this article there is certainly a time and place for western medicine. You need to be discerning about your situation and act accordingly. Sometimes a combination of both western medicine and natural medicine is needed. Other times it may be better to just use natural medicine. Each situation is different and must be assessed according to your needs.


Michael Dargaville
When Allen Ginsberg screamed out his revolutionary poem Howl for the first time at the Six Gallery reading in San Francisco in 1955, a major crack was created in the USA Cold War military industrial iron clad war machine.

With communist parents, a homosexual, and a desire for God, Ginsberg’s poem became the anthem for the evolving worldwide counter culture that changed the face of the planet.

His beatnik buddy Jack Kerouac was there egging Ginsberg on as the audience of not more than 100 knew, deep in their hearts, a profound life changing event had happened.

Howl was a fierce political statement against fascist American war obsessed hegemonic insanity and united the dissident tribes of the western world to confront their governments, their military and their society at the deepest level.

It was a turbulent cry against McCarthyism and a plea for America to change its way. The poem not only became the bible of the latter hippie generation but also the punk generation.

By the 1960s this counter culture that evolved out of the USA spread to every corner of the western world as well as the entire world. It promoted everything Allen Ginsberg promoted such as spiritual socialism, anti-war, anti-imperialism, anti-militarism, LGBTQ rights, communes (that the Beats actually espoused and lived in and later radically expanded by the hippies), consciousness expansion, drug legalisation, feminism, ecological awareness and activism, a profound rejection of materialism at all levels, absolute freedom and much, much more.

The famous beat writers such as Allen Ginsberg, Jack Kerouac, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Gregory Corso, Gary Snyder,  William Burroughs and many others developed the principles of this worldwide movement that utterly changed the consciousness of the western world. They promoted eastern spirituality in all its forms and laid the foundations of the worldwide New Age movement that later incorporated the extremely important alien disclosure movement.

San Francisco became the new Paris as this new spirit evolved that was deeply against this developing western fascist establishment hellbent on western imperialism, wars and western “values”.

The 1950s was indeed an absolutely pivotal time as the leaders of this counter culture became famous for their insanely brilliant poetry, fiction, philosophy, journalism and lifestyle. It was during the 1950s that the different groups started joining up and forming this very powerful new movement of values expressed earlier.

The founders of this worldwide counter culture clearly came from the war generation, or what could be called the Beat Generation. They were all born between 1910 to 1933/34. Their books, pamphlets and broadsides were appearing widely from the early to mid 1950s and continued through to the end of the decade.

When Jack Kerouac’s novel On the Road exploded on to the stage in 1957, a frenzy of worldwide activity began. Their rejection of American materialism was paramount in their vision. Kerouac imagined a “rucksack revolution” of peaceful loving souls helping little old ladies and rejecting capitalist consumer culture and everything it represented.

These counter culture founders of the 1950s also laid the groundwork of this new spirit of international travel, of constant roaming and searching for spiritual enlightenment.

Ginsberg and his long-term boyfriend, the American poet Peter Orlovsky, travelled Europe and North Africa widely before settling for a long period of time in India. While living there, both Ginsberg and Orlovsky grew their hair down their backs like Saddu spiritual “communist” wanderers. They were the very first hippies as they travelled India reading their poetry and learning Hinduism and spiritual enlightenment techniques including meditation. No modern western male on the planet at this time had long hair. No one. Just Ginsberg and Orlovsky.

Upon return to the USA, these long haired socialist peace and love revolutionaries then inspired an entirely new generation, the hippies.

The hippie generation were born 1933/34 to 1956 with the babyboomers representing the second half of the hippie generation. There never was a babyboom generation as the childbirth rate, not actual number of births, started to significantly fall from 1957.

Tens of millions of Beat inspired hippies brought the counter culture en masse to the entire globe. It was an extraordinary moment in history. Left wing, socialist, free wheeling, spiritual, strongly anti-war, the hippies turned every western country into entirely new civilizations. Hegelian Marxist “spiritual” philosophers such as Herbert Marcuse plus of course figures such as Allen Ginsberg along with an extraordinary range of poets, singers and bands including Bob Dylan (a close friend of Ginsberg), the Beatles (all friends with Ginsberg), the Rolling Stones, Joni Mitchell, the Doors and others catapulted a never seen before spiritual left wing revolution unseen on the planet.

Communes thrived, collectivism thrived, new theories thrived. Socialist agitation was everywhere. And during this time socialism thrived in western Europe via the socialisation of large sections of industry. The United Kingdom was then a very socialist nation. Euro-communism was later desocialised by neo-liberalism which had started in the 1980s and continuing into the 1990s.

Where I grew up in Sydney, tens of thousands of hippies following the famous Hippie Trail through North Africa and Asia, came from all over the western world and occupied entire suburbs changing the fabric of the city. I quickly became a “boy hippie” who became semi-famous as a folk singing surfer-skateboarder. I loved these times.

The rise of the New Left political movement really arose from the 1960s onwards because of the hippies. 1968 became a fundamental revolutionary year that nearly brought down the government in France.

In a way it was the beat and hippie generation counter culture who started the war on the Illuminati who are the corporate billionaire families who control the western world along with their billionaire minions. The Cold War, with the Vietnam War an aspect of the Cold War, was essentially an Illuminati project to destroy communism.

The hippies peaceful non-violent vision was better than Gandhi because it included sexual liberation plus it was deadly serious.

The beat/hippie vision laid the groundwork for the later New Age movement that seriously promotes the alien/ET disclosure movement. The spiritual New Age movement exploded worldwide as a sub-branch of the beat/hippie revolution.

The New Age movement has exposed the USA deal with grey aliens, who only live for 200 years, and shown how our planet was nearly destroyed by Luciferic shapeshifting reptilian reptoid aliens before they were destroyed by the good galactic human alien/ETs in the year 1999 called the Galactic Federation.

The Galactic Federation, who are our forebears, now surround the planet wanting a world government based on sacred sacrosanct socialist nation sovereignty and can give any country who seeks it FULL military protection. ALL GOVERNMENTS KNOW THIS.
Tens of thousands of writers, journalists, websites, magazines have exposed this. I have met Galactic Federation aliens/ETs many times with super powers and have worked for them for 25 years.

They told me that I am in fact what is called a starseed, and I come from a highly advanced oriental human galactic planet on the far side of the galaxy who have 10,000 year lifespans. When they die they then reincarnate into another body for another 10,000 years. Reincarnation is indeed a truth, pushed by the hippies. I was born on Earth to help this planet. Far out!

However, despite the overwhelming momentum that the beat/hippie/New Age vision gave the world, it is often misrepresented in our own times by a fascist corporate Hollywood mindset and the endlessly reactionary right wing western media. Because of this an entire generation, Generation Y (born 1979 to 2001) have been brainwashed and have seriously imploded the consciousness of the worldwide counter culture.

Yet ultimately, the fortunes of the positive worldwide counter culture created by the beats and hippies and followed on by the punks will manifest again in Generation Z (born 2002 onwards) who are all starseeds, dying on advanced human planets and being reborn here to save and change this planet. THEY WILL BE A GENERATION OF ALLEN GINSBERGS. It may take a while to get them going but they will move on through the brainwashing. So despite its setbacks the sacred worldwide counter culture is only looking rosy despite what has happened.

Nevertheless it is now critical for the western world to stop this New McCarthyism promoted by western governments who attack China and Russia and many other countries in a bid to create havoc and give their “controllers” more time before they sink into oblivion.

Many think the western socialist spiritual counter-culture was critical of communism but it was not the case at all. Many western counter culture people strongly supported all types of communism. Ginsberg himself visited eastern European communist countries and Cuba widely in the 1960s offering friendship and sometimes getting into trouble. But by the 1980s Ginsberg was committed to communism enough to spend highly successful long-term teaching gigs in China where he thrived and offering a bond between the East and the West.

I believe Western governments and many other governments should strongly reintroduce communes based totally on the 1960s/1970s hippie version. During this time there were tens of thousands of communes. However this time the communes are totally publicly owned by governments based on a spiritual socialist system. These communes could be huge organic farms where anyone could join and live. All you would need is a tiny house, caravan, yurt, teepee, tent or Kombi van to live in. These communes could have incredible alternative medical hospitals using mind body medicine, meditation, Chinese medicine, acupuncture, kinesiology, yoga, homeopathy and much more. Selling organic fruits and vegetables outside would pay for the hospitals. These communes would be paradise and have beautiful Zen skateboarding parks and even have wave pools for surfers. And Generation Z starseeds could live in their electric VW Kombis and make a contribution and help older commune members. Everything would be free  And you could mix these communes into the existing fascist capitalist model to give relief and offer hope that there is another way if you choose.

Western governments controlled by the illuminati tried to use the counter culture to smear and attack communism, but there were enough grassroots organisations to realise what was happening. And this is what we urgently need in our current world crisis, grassroots organisations ready to confront western governments hellbent on war with an entirely “fake enemy”. And to allow once again this beautiful sacred socialist counter culture the ability to thrive.


REVOLUTIONS: a prose poem

There will always be socialist uprisings
Because that is the nature of humanity
We need to have our idealism
& the billionaire scum who own
The media along with Deep State spies
And generals which pumps out massive western
Capitalist propaganda will be eternally
Fighting these socialist uprisings!
Because that is the nature of freedom!
That is the nature of humanity
Look around the world today in
& everywhere you see socialist uprisings
From the Latin American revolutions
To the new Leftist movements in
Africa led by China, Cuba and North Korea to the struggles
In Asia!!!!
Socialism will always be fighting
& struggling against the injustices
Of capitalism & now it seems
That Russia has also once again
Resolutely going back down the road of
Socialism & freedom!!!
LAOS & giant states in India are all
Socialist & communist – more than 3 billion
People alone here!!! 3 billion communists!!!
The Philippines is all socialist now wanting
Intense union with China & Russia! Everywhere
Socialist!!! Everywhere people wanting
Justice for the people. The
Fascist region that is Europe also wanting a little more
Socialism & Leftism seen in British Labour leader
Jeremy Corbyn!!!!!
– a mood of socialism, of justice, BRAZIL went socialist
For many many many years and still wants socialism
Despite its setbacks SOUTH AFRICA is kicking arse
Doing great socialist things as CHINA becomes a true
SUPER POWER because of socialism where 60%
Of corporations and all farmland state socialist owned
So FUCK YOU western propaganda!!!!
People screaming public companies, justice instead
Of private capitalism….socialism & communism
WILL NEVER, ever, EVER be destroyed by the
Capitalists and fascists!!!! NEVER NEVER never NEVER!
And socialism has developed powerful
Roots in the hippie & punk counterculture,
In the spiritual new age movement,
In the gay & feminist movements!!!!
Gay men & women and feminist women (& men)
CUNT, CUNT, CUNT, CUNT liberation!!
Cunt liberation for everyone!!
Socialism & communism wanting justice,
Free speech & universalism!!! The great
socialist/communist nation of
China now leads the world in
Socialism & communism & its leader
Xi Jinping praises the work done
By Cuba’s Fidel Castro in
Establishing a better socialist world!
Maybe not perfect, but Castro established
A good role model that will BE eternally
Played out on this planet! And finally
The New Agers screaming socialism
& god from the mountains of the
Human alien galactic federation
Spaceships….and the returned planetary
Christ Lord Maitreya and ascended masters
Be 85 % socialist owned. Everywhere
Socialism! And the end of the Illuminati
No more billionaires only billionaires
Of the heart living
In free houses eating free food from
Public organic gardens traveling freely
& writing freely…and being spiritually free!
& follow spirituality (not religion
Although even socialist religions maybe a little)
Because finding spirituality in
Poverty is very hard!
And maybe the western universities
Which are owned publicly but
Which PREACH capitalism &
Neo-liberalism will be shut
Down! The so-called public western
Universities are evil beyond
Belief saying this is education
Using “socialism” to engender
Big Pharma & the big end of town
So liberty, justice & freedom
To the people! And the end of
PUBLIC right wing universities
Churning out state propaganda!
The end of the BBC, & all the
Other capitalist media!
& socialism will shine
Like the dusty back alleys
Of China where Buddha smiles
& genuine kindness
Resonates the true freedom
Of socialism & the true
Freedom of our hearts!




crying endlessly over the endless dead gay men
as i sit eating my dinner with my wife in chengdu, china,
i cry for the men of new york & los angelos & the beloved
san francisco & sydney & london who died prematurely of
AIDS! I love these dead men who gave their
life to spiritual justice fighting governments
blocking AIDS progress!
crying for the millions of africans dead of
this horrible illness! Crying! Crying!
i cry especially for the gay western men
because many had been at the forefront of
western advanced values! Such as genuine
progressive socialism, libertarianism, new age
spirituality – i love these dead men, heroes, symbols
of western oppression & capitalist
heterosexist paradigms of shit! Men who tried to shut down
Tried to shut down the fascist capitalist western system that was
Oppressing the world through world and global imperialism
And hegemony….these men fought this!!!!!!
YET YET YET i cry also especially for the dead black souls of
africa especially for black brothers &
sisters of south africa with the highest
AIDS rate on the planet!
i cry for the infected prostitutes, drug
users worldwide, i cry for the beautiful
thailand sex workers! i cry! i cry! i cry!
we need to join all fucking medicines
together! HOWEVER, my alien Galactic Federation
alien friend categorically said AIDS can
be treated successfully & completely
held at bay by meditation & mind body
medicine (for a “functional cure”)
especially developed by the
world famous Gawler Foundation near
melbourne, australia!
thus, dear Lord, we use mind-body
spirit medicine & anti-retrovirals if need
& keep praying & looking for the
other chemical “functional cures”
of western medicine. We MUST work
together! Western and alternative medicine!
in the meantime pray all you
brothers & sisters MEDITATE!!!!!!!
The good aliens have said GAWLER
Meditation is the functional cure for AIDS!!!!





a flower falls from a giant mountain & the big
god watched 10 million africans slaughtered, raped
& mutilated in the name of western fascism!
what, have you not heard – have you read
your bullshit websites, and propaganda fascist
Western media – nothing –
yet 10,000,000 died in this horrible war
10 million dead in the past 20 years
Oh faith in the Lord bring those
souls mercy & light & love! Oh the
karma of the slaughter!
i think back to 1996
just two years before my new life
bringing the New Age to China
how i was so stupid
to the african genocide
the evil hatred lying western media
never saying anything
i worked & lived in china for
20 years teaching love, aliens, alternative
medicine & spiritual communism!
MY mind did not see the horrible
genocide of
the Democratic Republic of Congo
of the endless women raped &
mutilated by soldiers of fortune
soldiers sent by the USA, Britain,
France, Spain, NATO, the EU & the
bombs & corporations!
i was in china, alas,
& millions started dying, gunned, hacked to
death! death squads!
i saw angels & aliens but i did
not see this hideous death!
this butchering as iraq was bombed!
Oh Democratic Republic of Congo
what utter utter UTTER pain & angst
your people & your country
has endured because of western
government support of Rwanda &
Uganda & the deaf silence of the
western masses, all those sick people
in the USA, France, Germany & the
rest of Europe who helped cause
this slaughter & all there is
from them is silence!
10,000,000 dead in 20 years
10 million murdered by the Western
Empire so you can dial your fuckin’
Mobile phone! Evil filth!
10,000,000 murdered,
10 million souls killed by washington
10,000,000 killed &
nothing in your media!!!!!!!!


The new age is not just about peace, love & herbs
It’s about expressing and recognising your
Anger because if you don’t & you repress
These feelings you will only live in a more
Anti-loving dualistic framework repressed feelings
Will also cause serious disease repressed
Feelings can be a cause of war repressed
Feelings can be a cause of sexism, racism,
capitalism, & saying shit, fuck & cunt
Is good & positive if you want to write cool
Funky new age “sex positive feminist” punk
Poetry SO the new age is more than a
Bunch of halfwits being meek & mild
& getting fucked over by arseholes
Its about standing up for your
Rights as a spiritual socialist
Crying is important, crying over the
Fucked up state of the planet
Crying helps you release your
FEAR & anger – the good human aliens
(galactic federation) say there is ONLY love or fear – &
You choose – the new age is
About supporting “bum cunts”
It’s about accepting your “gayness”
& realising that you’re all a
Bunch of faggots at your heart!
What the fuck, you say! It’s about
Knowing that “cunt” is good & great
& spiritual thus CUNT liberation
Is anti-patriarchal feminine GOD liberation
Of justice – the new age is sexual
Revolution but not predatorial sexuality
Insulting fascism EVIL GROSS men fuck off you
Dumb pricks as famous Australian feminist
Poet Gig Ryan once poetically wrote, “I’d shoot the
Man that stared at my boobs,……..”
So show love & justice; the new age is
Not sexist shit
The new age is about FIGHTING
For non-dualism, it is about FIGHTING
For love, it is about FIGHTING
& not resisting, the NEW AGE is
About fighting for peace
But never using physical violence
Like spy motherfuckers who finger you
In the eye all the time
The new age never uses war as a pretext,
The New Age is about turning your cheek 77 times
& more, it is about SURRENDERING
To your ego, & fighting for change
It is about FIGHTING THE
Not recognise divine law – the new age
Says you cannot live in karmic sin &
Allow people to abuse you, but if you
Engage your oppressor with dualism &
Not love, you lose the fight for
Love, peace & harmony! And if it is a
Matter of life & death, in a fight situation,
The Shaolin Kung Fu Masters
Which is a love based martial arts
Based on Buddhism, says you MUST
Fight to survive, BUT only only only ONLY
If your life is TRULY at risk!
You must always always always consider
The KARMIC RETRIBUTION you suffer if you
Maim, hurt, kill, torture, fight, ANYONE, it is a fact
That Christians don’t understand because they
Think they can just let their sins be forgiven well it’s
Everything, believe it, all soldiers, spies, murderers, oppressors, will PAY
You will always pay every act of violence is a karmic event
So if you are smart you will live in love
If you are truly selfish you will live in LOVE
So it is only when you have to fight to survive
That is the only situation where
You are allowed to engage in
Physical fighting OTHERWISE you are committing
Acts of evil
But you still have to release
Your repression & praying to the good archangels
Such as Archangel Michael. Archangel Gabriel, Archangel
Uriel, Archangel Raphael, Archangel Chameul,
Archangel Zadkeil, Archangel Haniel, Archangel Sandalphon
Will help you hugely everyday but you must ask!!!!
Also Sai Baba, Maitreya, Lord Buddha, Krishna, Lady
Kwan Yin, Lord Kuthumi, Saint Germaine and other
Planetary Ascended Masters will give you support,
But you must ask….it is up to you!!!!


The blood is drying, the “leaders” of america,
britain, france, millions dead
dead motherfuckers suffering from
american nazi fuckers and pricks
the blood is drying
for fuck’s sake
the americans are invading the world
in the name of fucking democracy
millions upon millions dead
in the name of the american dollar
the american counter culture so
fucking helpless almost brain dead
the scourge of our souls
the blind hatred
the blind evil american society
letting their evil fucking “leaders”
(who get 15% of the vote)
fuck our planet back to front
the western left wing intelligensia
controlling the propaganda
as wars rage in syria, iraq, afghanistan,
africa, sudan, Ukraine (because of NATO),
everywhere war is raging
& western “leaders” controlled
by the endless fascism the endless
fucking nightmare of the dark cabal
newspapers and media organs
fuck the insanity of the western beast
the media everyday killing us with
their lies, their hatred
the world wanting freedom
the covert lies, the evil of lucifer
praying to the Good Archangels
(Michael, Gabriel, Raphael)
every fucking day praying for
the light! Waiting for
benevolent alien spaceships
waiting for them to
hover over yet another city
demanding truth & nearly all
the insane asian governments denying
the alien agenda & the aliens are
here & Latin america denying
denying denying fucking christ
(because of oil)
Spiritual Hierarchy God in heaven!
india, where art thou fucking india
in your lies, where is your soul
illuminati controlled lands
motherfuckers finding bliss in
piss! Oh God, can this be right?
putin king of russia fighting the
fascist yanks telling the banking cartel &
his banking army to fuck off out
of russia! The cry! Oh
the fucking cry!! The world runs on the smell of an oily rag and these motherfuckers are proud of this! And the planet will be destroyed by evil Luciferic reptoid reptilian aliens  and governments don’t give a fuck and never wanting to join the beloved Galactic Federation so we can be saved….. Why
no poetry says anything in these
times of being on the edge!

Published 2024 by
Low Cost Punk & New Age Books
Inquries to the publisher can be made
This book is copyright (c) and is the property of Michael Dargaville. 2024.
Acknowledgement: Some of these poems have appeared widely before in books and performances around the world.
Poems and journalism by
Michael Dargaville
Michael Dargaville is a performance punk poet, punk poet, generalist poet, pioneering skateboarder, philosopher, natural medicine oncologist and general clinician, transpersonal psychologist, gonzo counter culture publisher, global journalist, avant garde novelist, meditation teacher,  academic/teacher,  singer/musician, physicist/generalist scientist, hardcore surfer and visual artist. He grew up and was educated  in the hippie, punk surfing and New Age counter culture of Sydney, Australia. He has taught at more than 20 universities (five at professorial level) around the world but especially in China. His journalism has been read by more than 200 million people on the Internet in countless newspapers, magazines and websites with many stories going outright viral and translated into 15 languages. He has published more than 100 hard copy books and pamphlets with more than 70 works of poetry, five novels,four books of philosophy and many books/pamphlets of journalism. For more than 30 years he had been involved in community and global counter culture publishing outlets and founded three famous publishing houses. Michael performs as a poet and singer widely and loves both punk music (especially New Wave punk, folk punk and jazz punk) and  World Music such as the utterly amazing Fatoumata Diawara from Mali and Gambia’s Sona Jobarteh. He has been committed to punk D.I.Y publishing since the late 1970s as a teenager and involved widely (globally) in independent and community media. Michael was trained as a journalist and was a full-time staff journalist for eight years on the Hobart Mercury plus other major newspapers such as the Melbourne Sun News-Pictorial and China Daily where he wrote features and worked on the newsdesk in Beijing. He is a Galactic Federation human alien starseed from an oriental human planet on the other side of the galaxy with 10,000 year lifespans and has physical/telepathic contact with Galactic Federation leaders.


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