By Michael Dargaville
I was sitting in a dirty internet cafe in the utterly beautiful coastal city of Beihai in Southern China when a newsflash went out across the brain dead “mainstream” internet media that Sai Baba had died.
I’d been living in Beihai in 2011 teaching casually and swimming in perfect surf beaches and generally having the time of my life.
My first reaction to Sai Baba’s death was utter disbelief. It was commonly thought Sai Baba would die at the age of 96. Yet dying in the middle of his eighties was not figured into the cosmic equation.
Sai Baba of course is the world famous Indian guru and holyman who had a following of nearly 100 million people around the world.
However, within minutes I quickly realised Sai Baba had to die before 2012. 2012 was such a major event and Sai Baba had been the Spiritual Leader of Planet Earth during the great changes up until 2012. He was the Kalki Avatar. All around the world devotees wailed and cried, including me.
Within a few days after Sai Baba’s death the world media had reverted to their daily fascism and misinformation. And the death of Sai Saba was just another distant brief news item. The bulk of the western media was utterly beyond humanity in its ability to promote war, support the killer billionaires that own most of the western industry and generally, completely, MISINFORM, on virtually all events.
I’d been a journalist for 30 years having started in the “mainstream” media as a daily print journalist and then moving into the alternative and underground media as I got older. The “mainstream” media got rid of me as I started writing the truth and – God forbid – this is downright BAD, man, (in their eyes of course) as they churn out their brain dead fascist pop/rock songs from evil provincial radio stations and give lessons on western democracy in their warmonger newspapers.
In 1991 I’d read a book by an utterly amazing New Age British scientist called David Ash called SCIENCE OF THE GODS, which explained scientifically, using a new theory of physics that Ash has called super energy, to describe the miracles of Sai Baba. I read how Sai Baba had utterly amazing powers with feats such as teleportation (the ability to dematerialise his body and reappear in another place), bilocation (being in up to 5 bodies at one time), healing incurable diseases, bringing people back from the dead, and materialising objects at will. This astounded me and I quickly became a Sai Baba follower, way back in 1991.
By 1993 I was a leading member of my local Sai Baba area where I lived in Australia. At the time I was writing very daring poetry to support radical feminism. One of my famous poems called CUNT POEM really stretched my limit as a feminist bombshell to really fuck the face of the tyrannical “establishment” Anglo-American-Military-Industrial-Academic-Entertainment-Media complex. That had been the aim of that poem as it attacked everything that I thought was wrong about our planet. I had prayed hard to Sai Baba for guidance at the time knowing it would strike a deep chord in the “enemy”. That was my first true prayer to Sai Baba as I had found the entire thing so confronting, using some of the most vile language in the English language, and I needed courage. Real courage. To use “cunt” publicly as a performance punk poet and being male I knew I was going to be in for trouble. But we believed totally in our brand of LIBERATION FEMINISM, a feminism that preached the true virtues of women’s freedom, not the middle class fascist paternal bullshit preached in the media and our fucked-out corrupt brain dead universities. And of course I was one of the first feminists of my generation continuing the reclamation of the “cunt” word. CUNT POEM to this day is still at the front of feminist ideology. Later I played in a very famous underground feminist/gay punk band called CUNT.
To me the “enemy” was clear – the whole fascist western world culture of bullshit right wing Hollywood films, a one-party Rupublican/Democratic party extreme capitalist USA military state where the Republican/Democrat parties were the same ideology and only 40-50% voter turn-out. And these were our “world leaders” What a sick joke I would continually remind myself on the road to Bliss with SAI BABA, who had become my guru, my “godman”, my avatar and Cosmic Christ.
Always, I sought guidance from Sai Baba throughout the 1990s. He became my complete guru, my avatar, my everything after I had been in all New Age groups and sects from all major Buddhist, Hindu, Taoist and western mystical groups. Sai Baba became my hero as i climbed the ladders of the New Age movement after starting as a humble Buddhist when I was a 15-year-old teenage hippie growing up in the international counter-culture of Sydney, Australia. Throughout the late 1980s and early 1990s I had been a member of most New Age sects and groups, as I said, from Taoist, Buddhist and Hindu groups, to other western mystical organisations such as theosophy groups.
In 1998 I met a person who claimed they were an alien who had utterly amazing psychic and telepathic skills. My alien friend, called a “walk-in” in New Age parlance, told me Sai Baba really was a special being. I had always questioned where in fact Sai Baba came from. The Indians call him an “Avatar”. An Avatar is a “descend” of God. I’d always pestered my alien friend enough to find out where Sai Baba actually came from and was told he came from an alien planet. That in fact Sai Baba was an alien but a CHRISTED ALIEN……there are levels of aliens.
In the worldwide New Age movement millions follow the fact that a good alien organisation called the Galactic Federation who are made up 60% of galactic humans are now surroudning our planet in spaceships closing airports across China and demanding ET announcements. The Galactic Federation was formed more than 5 million years ago after humans were first developed on the Vega star system and then space travelled and colonised our galaxy, including our planet earth 2 million years ago. Thus, there are very advanced human civilisations much more developed than us. This is our true history first fully outlined in the world famous 1994 New Age classic book by American writer Sheldon Nidle called YOU ARE BECOMING A GALACTIC HUMAN. Planet Earth currently has billions of starseed human aliens being born on earth. These starseeds are all born 2002 and after and die on their home galactic human planet and are reborn here. I am also a starseed from a galactic human planet with 10,000 year lifespans.
Currently they are in spaceships surrounding this planet wanting a world government based on peace, love and open democratic advanced socialism that allows small business that actually supports free rents for public commercial business and thus eliminating the core of “fascist” capitalism. These Galactic Federation aliens have been in a cosmic war with reptilian aliens called Reptoids for 5 million years. The leader of the Galactic Federation is Archangel Michael and the Leader of the evil reptoid aliens is Archangel Lucifer. Sai Baba in fact manifested aspects of Archangel Michael I have been told.
The Galactic Federation leader is Archangel Michael, stated previously, while the leader of the reptilians is the Devil Lucifer. Thus this planet and our whole galaxy has been in a giant alien/spiritual war. Millions follow this although no government is yet telling the truth.
As I questioned the role of Sai Baba more and more, I realised that he most indeed had “God” qualities. My alien friend said many living on Sai Baba’s planet in another part of the galaxy could do what he could do such as his amazing feats and miracles including teleportation and bilocation. That got me really thinking. If these other developed Galactic Federation aiens on Sai Baba’s planet had this ability to do these super miracles, they must have developed to a super high spiritual level. That would mean they are manifesting archangelic power from Archangel Michael and other positive angels.
That is why many in the worldwide New Age movement say Sai Baba is called a cosmic Christ, because he did come from another planet to help our planet with the New Age over three incarnations. Of course many believe that a “Planetary” Christ called Maitreya is on the planet slightly less powerful than Sai Baba. Maitreya was the Christ of 2000 years who started the whole Christian movement, so he is one cool dude. Apart from religions fucking up the planet hugely, the original Christian ethos surely was inspiring.
My alien friend told me that the worldwide movement to discredit SAI BABA had come from the American and British and European Christian churches who wanted to totally discredit SAI BABA. They had accused our Cosmic Christ of being a “sex fiend” and indeed millions turned away from Sai Baba. My alien friend told me this of course was NOT TRUE and that Sai Baba is indeed our amazing cosmic Christ who will come back in his third Incarnation as Prema Baba, the cosmic Avatar of Pure Love when the New Age is in full swing and the alien announcement has been made and Maitreya is our planetary leader based in the world government in China’s Sichuan province….when that happens who knows!!!!.
Personally when my son had cancer in 2007 Sai Baba helped me and my son hugely, did some amazing miracles and brought me to India just before both he and my son died. I had taught Sai Baba’s message of love across China for 15 years and to see him just before he died was so utterly wonderful for me. All I know is that my beloved Cosmic Christ Sai Baba is not dead, he is alive in super energy, in spirit, guiding me and directing me and our planet.
By Michael Dargaville
Once the melodramatic government of the USA is finally laid to rest and the alien announcements have been made, the structure of a new world government could finally be put forward.
Friendly aliens called the Galactic Federation, who are made up 60 % of galactic humans from other star nations, are now surrounding this planet in space ships demanding a world government led by India and China (with the support of other countries) based on peace, love, libertarian FREE SPEECH socialism and sacrosanct nation sovereignty.
Under a new world government based in Sichuan, China, (the world capital will eventually be located there probably in the southern part of province) all countries, all governments, all languages, all cultures, all ideologies and nationhood “sovereignty” would be respected. The notion of “sovereignty” is of utmost importance. Nation “sovereignty”, and respect for the rights of each “sovereign country” is of utmost importance for the formation of a new world government. This is because for a clear form of democracy “nation sovereignty” is critical. In fact the notion of “libertarianism” – which will be at the core of the new world government must be built on the mantle of these nations retaining their own sovereignty.
That is the essence for the formation a world government. Decentralisation would be critical so local power bases are kept to a premium because that is the essence of democracy. DECENTRALISATION AND LIBERTARIANISM. Basically things would not have to change much. All countries and governments would be kept as they are and representatives from each country would simply come to the world government capital….thus, having countries, nationhood, statehood and the sovereignty that they currently enjoy is absolutely VITAL for the formation of a world government.
A new world government would be based on love, freedom, socialism (ie, large scale public housing alternatives to private ownership, public alternative medicine, public farming land, public capitalism where shops could be publicly owned for small business) complete freedom of speech, freedom of movement, and at its heart would be the notion of LIBERTARIANISM – basically it would be a form of libertarian COMPLETE FREE SPEECH socialism, where individual sovereignty is completely respected and where the multi-billionaire criminal fascist Dark Cabal do not control governments and non-government institutions around the world would be put in jail or sent to another planet that they could control and destroy and create the Hell on earth they want.
Currently transnational capitalism, that is, the multinational companies of the western world which are all owned by the above mentioned Dark Cabal, uses the World Bank and International Monetary Fund to rape and pillage and create “new markets, ie Iraq and Afghanistan”. Under a new world government this would, of course, be destroyed because the IMF and World Bank are killing more than 40,000 children a day. Basically the Elite are killing millions of innocent children every year. Global debt by “Third World” countries would be whitewashed because indeed these debts are totally illegal – with the American Federal Reserve Banking system as a major elite tool. Of course the fascist western media never mentions this because they are owned or controlled by the billionaire elite. America and Britain and other western countries now are one-party capitalist fascist anti-democracies because the two main parties are now the same.
The world now is in desperate need of a new democratic spirit, especially presented in its political parties, that are the overwhelming voice of the elite.
Thus, a new world government would have to be based in Sichuan because currently India and China are now the two leading military countries in the world because the Galactic Federation aliens can stop any American or Russian nuclear missile. China and India have the biggest armies in the world now and could destroy America easily now in a land war. The world currently lives under the massive illusion of America control because of its nuclear weapons but in reality America has now no control because the Galactic Federation aliens can stop any American nuclear missile.
This is extremely important for people to realise. New super powers have arisen over night. Not only are China and India vast new super powers but also Indonesia and Brazil. Indonesia now has vast power and it is critical for the formation of a new world government and stabilising the Pacific region. Indonesia is the leader and boss on this new Pacific region and the events of the past 15 years in that country where people power destroyed the fascist dictator Suharto and brought in democracy is a clear sign of democracy in the region. Even countries such as Nigeria are close to super power status. Nigeria has the potential to be the leader of Africa. Russia has perhaps re-emerged, especially when some smaller counties may rejoin the country in some sort of merger. The old Soviet Union was destroyed by negative aliens called Reptoids who had a psychotronic weapons moon base causing all the wars and desperately trying to destroy communism. More on the reptoids later in this article.
The new world government should be based in Sichuan, say aliens, because it should be located in the biggest country in the world and that country is China. YET is must be close to the second biggest country in the world and that country is India. Thus, Sichuan is perfect with a reasonable climate and physiological topography. All governments and countries around the world could then do their business out of Sichuan. The United Nations in New York would be closed. Sichuan is close to India, it is in the heart of Asia and Asia now controls the world. Asia is king and the West is now its Queen.
The essential part of a new world government would be that freedom and socialism would be at its bedrock yet the government would obviously accept different political structures within countries. That is to say, an example would be China, which has a “one country two systems” slogan and policy when Beijing took over Hong Kong and then Macau. This would be an example of the sort of democracy that would happen under a new world government.
Essentially each government would completely retain their own laws and their own system and then, with time, they would essentially achieve progress towards the goals of the protocols of a united world government.
This is an extremely important notion. The aliens have outlined their perspective clearly, with one major Galactic Federation alien on this planet telling me: “National boundaries, identity will dissolve. ONE WORLD, ONE PEOPLE, ONE TRUTH, will realise.” Yet they have stressed that sovereignty is extremely important at this stage and that even as each country grows to the realisation of losing their “identity” they would always nevertheless maintain their sovereignty until all peoples of this world are working together fully and in co-operation. Then this planet will become a planet of Bliss, a planet of LOVE and a planet of JOY.
Another aspect for the formation of a world government is that the use of English would be vital as English is the world language, the lingua franca of Europe, the main language of Africa and India, an official language in Pakistan and Bangladesh and the language of countries in Oceania. Obviously it is also the language of the Americas even widely understood in South America. China has been teaching English now widely in all of its schools and universities for more than 30 years. So eventually each country could use their own local language as all people become fluent in English so the whole world can communicate. This is one of the keys for the world government. Aliens have stressed that indeed English is a much more important and sacred language than we realise and is in fact widely used throughout the Galactic Federation.
Thus, national sovereignty would be used to keep the infrastructure going yet eventually the protocols of a world government would affect all regions of the world and bring about world change.
Under a new world government passports would be abolished and the introduction of a new world ID card or identification card could be introduced with a country code on each card. Also under a new world government funding for inter-stellar space research would be encouraged. The aliens have said they will help us space travel to other star systems to meet our space alien family. Thus under a future world government the future is unlimited.
The world government would essentially be based on truth and freedom and DEMOCRACY and freedom from poverty and adopt a strict regime of honouring human rights in all of its forms.
The world government would be easy to start because all the countries are already here, have already been formed. In fact the notion of countries, of statehood, of national “sovereignty” is essential for the structure of a world government and the structure and formation of democracy. A world government would be built on a commonwealth of nations and countries. That would mean that countries could criticise other countries, individuals could criticise other countries, people would have genuine freedom from the current fascisms that has developed especially in western countries where all the media is virtually controlled by the Illuminati.
A new world government would be the research centre and hub for the world. It would be the centre of negotiations with the Galactic Federation aliens who now surround this planet and offer love and advice to us. It would be the policy areas for the future of the world. It would be the beacon of light, love, fairness, freedom, truth, justice, socialism, dignity and new technology. Vast new technologies would be harvested from the world government that would benefit humankind hugely.
Each country around the world would retain and honour their current languages, history, their honour, their judicial system, their education system, their own tenants of freedom. It is in fact essential for the formation of a new world government that each country maintain their unique individual structure. And eventually the entire world would join together as each country empathised with the ideals of the the new world government. What the good aliens want is “one world, one truth, one vision” The friendly Galactic Federation aliens simply see countries as different “warring tribes” or just “tribes” and they want to see the world united as one where everyone lives a full and honourable life.
The Galactic Federation has huge amounts of technology to give this planet. It has said that it would not do this until a new world government is formed, or at least a provisional world government. An example of the sort of technology is a machine they have on their space ships that has the potential to rejuvenate a human for 1000 years. The machine can rejuvenate a human body every seven years. These rejuvenation machines are extraordinary. A person’s DNA is rejuvenated by simply lying on it. We will get our hands on these machines once a world government is formed. But a fascist western media is relentless in stopping any truth. The western media is so stupid in maintaining its support for the fascist elite. And of course the non- western media is doing great journalism to counter western fascism but are absolutely woeful in telling the New Age/alien/ET truth. THIS IS KILLING OUR PLANET.
The Galactic Federation wants to see the use of green hydrogen technology plus hydrogen engines every where. Already Beijing and Shenzhen buses run entirely on engines based on hydrogen. The use of the hydrogen engine will change the world as there is no need for fossil fuel use at all, there is not need for nuclear power plants, no need for coal, gas or any other fossil fuel. Plus green hydrogen fuel can run electric power stations. Only fascism has stpped the use and promotion of the hydrogen engine around the world. The hydrogen engine is also totally clean.
The use of green hydrogen and green hydrogen power plants throughout the world will change the entire structure of the planet. It would mean that no car, truck, plane or engine need run on fossil fuel. This is a total revolution and is all ready to go. Hydrogen fuel is easy to make and is totally renewable and would be a totally decentralised industry. Billionaire elite power would be smashed overnight with the hydrogen engine.
The formation of a provisional world government had been hoped at the time date of 2020 but obviously this has well passed. Our planet faces the stark choice that if it does not join the Galactic Federation it will be destroyed by Luciferic reltoid reptilian aliens.
The time limit of 2012 was also very important as many had hoped that alien announcements would be made then, and then 2020. Both times have obviously passed and now our planet faces destruction if it does not join the Galactic Federation. The 2012 time period of course was a sacred time into another universal time zone as the very nature of matter speeds up.
The Indian Government had been nominated by the Galactic Federation as being the first government in the world to tell the full alien truth officially yet in reality each government, individual and sovereign body has the right to say anything at any time.
Now hundreds of millions of people know the alien truth. Millions of people know that the USA Government had deals with little grey aliens and formed a massive technology exchange with them. However, the Galactic Federation has said that this did not help the planet and have gotten rid of the greys. The Disclosure project in America led by American medical doctor Steve Greer fully outlines the American Government’s deal with grey aliens in a secret pact for 50 years. Recently the Pentagon announced they have alien spaceships and ET pilots.
Hundreds of millions of people also now know that another lot of aliens, the reptilian aliens, or Reptoids as they are called, had been using psychotronic weapons (mind control weapons) from a giant moon base for hundreds of years causing all the wars here on Planet earth and controlling our planet. This vast psychotronic weapons base on the moon was destroyed in the Year 2000, which nominally began the New Age. The Reptoid aliens can shapeshift into human form but cannot change the pupils in their eyes so if you end up in bed with someone with stars int their eyes, beware.
Throughout universities scientists and philosophers have been putting forward a new theory in physics called the physics of consciousness which says MIND creates matter. In the past 60 years world famous physicists such as David Bohm, Fritjof Capra, and John Wheeler have done this important research. Other amazing physics such as the Britain David Ash invented the theory of super energy which is simply mind faster than light. This is how Galactic Federation ships inter-stellar travel – through the speed of light. Both energy and super energy are produced by MIND. I did my MA(Hons)/PhD degree over 10 years on this theory and explains the miracles of Sai Baba in India who can teleport, bi-locate and materialise objects.
Hundreds of millions of people also know that we humans here on this planet are related to the humans in the Galactic Federation and they are our ancestors from other star nations. The Galactic Federation was formed about five million years ago when human galactic civilisations formed a pact. Initially humans were formed about 7 million years ago on the Vega star system, where they were developed by powerful Creator forces from primates to a high sentient level, and then they set up colonies all over the galaxy. They have been fighting Reptoids for millions of years.
Thus, this planet is now returning to its former pristine glory but needs the truth of the situation to be told.
Under a new world government people would live in freedom and truth and complete libertarianism. Fascism, unbridled capitalism, the murdering of the elite, would be destroyed. America would quickly stop killing the vast millions it does through its wars and illegal and fascist economic control and people and countries would join together to start building the foundations of this new world government.
It is essential that building this new world government that nations and countries are used as building blocks for democracy, for infrastructure and for other means of building up the structure of this new world government.
Under a new world government homosexuals would be given full legality universally, prostitution would be legalised, polygamy would be legalised, and the truth would be told. The aliens want the current fascist religions to realise they have been used by negative forces and to readapt their important philosophies and spiritualities for the world. They still have much to offer but must open their minds.
Under a new world government the Spiritual Hierarchy of this Planet, which is essentially the spiritual government of this planet, would have representatives in the Sichuan world capital. Maitreya, the returned planetary Christ, is said to fully reveal himself once a new world government has been formed. The notion that the returned Christ would be based at the centre of the new world government does make sense. Maitreya is planning to leave this planet because governments have been attacking him and not allowing him to publicly come forward. THIS IS COMPLETELY NAZI what these governments are doing to Maitreya. Fascist and NAZI.
Sai Baba in India, who was one of the senior representatives of the Galactic Federation for this planet when he was alive, has said that Maitreya (the returned Christ) has returned and is supported by Ascended Masters. All of this has been fully explained in the precepts of theology, which started from Alice Baily in the 19th century.
Sai Baba can teleport and bi-locate which has been seen and reported by tens of thousands of pople and has a following of a billion people and strong support of the Indian Government.
Sai Baba is from a Galactic Federation HUMAN planet where he is a Christed alien and many on his planet has similar powers to him. He is this planet’s Cosmic Christ.
It is very important to realize that if our planet does not join the Galactic Federation Earth will be destroyed by Luciferic reptoid reptilian aliens. And we cannot join the Galactic Federation until there is a world government. Governments are putting your lives at direct risk by not making official ET full spectrum announcements IMMEDIATELY and joining the Galactic Federation IMMEDIATELY.
My New Age/ET journalism has been read by 200 million people and translated into 15 languages in the past 25 years. Recently big tech companies and search engines have tried to algorithm me out of existence. Nevertheless there are MANY other search engines who still promote my work. I became world famous after many of my journalism stories started going outright viral around 2004 to 2009. I had internet saturation. So I urge readers to be discerning as to what “big media” is currently trying to do.
fake leftists, fake news, fake lefts, fake news
i got the blues with fake news
fake leftists, fake news
oh baby i got the blues
fake universities, fake news
have you too got the blues
because of all the fucking fake news
masquerading as the mainstream media
run by the fascist state
for christ’s sake mate
fake fascist state masturbate
with fake leftists shitting on the truth
for a fake philosophy
of universal destruction
all the blow jobs that tell us they are
the news services like the creepy radio stations
the putrid newspapers & filthy TV stations
& propaganda internet websites
that calls itself news services, the media
are really just complete propaganda
& are in no way proper journalism!
another dirty fascist talking head
gives more propaganda on syria,
the ukraine, the philippines, venesuala
– all the fascist newspeak – so utterly
anti-good anti-human the sad streets
the sad sad sad reality of
generation Y brain dead evil dudes
spreading the new propaganda of
the fascist right wing propaganda
i’m a philosophical idealist (mind produces matter)
a sex positive feminist, a New Ager who
played in a punk band called CUNT
& wrote a 60 page CUNT poem
with each line beginning with the word cunt
as an act of feminist and gay liberation!
in fact, i am a crazy cunt
who not only believes in aliens
but actually has an alien and ET friend!
no fucking shit!
so get off your capitalist
arses & sing the praises of
the New Age
don’t let the fascist media
control YOU!
you look at your soul & it explodes into bad faith
my kindness is going down far out into oblivion
i gaze at my thoughts on allen ginsberg, jack kerouac,
henry miller, sid vicious, kathy acker, mao zedong,
hegel, schelling, buddha, david ash, fritjof capra,
charles bukowski and other saints of the MIND
and all the fucking communist revolutionaries! it’s real
but my lost friends sank like
my broken heart my broken life my
broken fragile nomadic new age life
living in china for 20 years
knowing i was doing good
& the lost friendships of oceania
the hundreds of soulful friends
dead, gone, pissed off, frightened, bloated, fucked up,
scared of death, scared of me!
for fuck’s sake
the mind cripples on the media, in
cages of dead societies!
our deaths do mean something!
something actually is & HAS BEEN
you think it has not
all been a wasted thing
living this life on the edge
& on the outside!
what joyous sounds these island people
polynesian to the core
the love wisdom of the aqua pacific
the christed dudes in
the backstreets of strange alien
cities & the soul flight
of longing
for those endless screaming
sounds of polynesian beauty
& the mountains of
flying sacred birds into the
stunning sky
– we walk down city streets
imagining endless golden
beaches & coconuts
& angels & perfection
smiling gleaming faces!
tonight you wonder
about the entire bullshit of our societies
the fucking evil lying governments
the anti-democratic state
where everything is rigged
from the media, the schools, the shops,
the politicians, the police, the judiciary
– everyone slave to the fucking matrix
saying they can’t do anything
to change the fascist system
a nasty lying bit of shit
on the radio is a DJ full
of shit propaganda all
the way cover it up
– so you take a long breath
you see the aliens, the ETs,
the Ascended Masters, the angels
& the fucking fascist governments
& their spy media insisting
on the relentless propaganda
– you ask yourself
to see love, justice, self
realisation – you get high
on love, you gather in the details
– tonite you expect
the fucking multiverse to evolve into a
giant fucking horrible fascist
reality, to the small dudes in
grocery shops – so you shit bricks
consult the nazies & fuck the fascist
radio stations & fascist TV stations &
fascist newspapers – you know
the internet is completely corrupt –
the nazies froth & fuck us
put out state totalitarian capitalism
in the chilling one party capitalist state
& sex positive feminism screams CUNT
democratic republic of congo 10 million
genocided since 1996 & no one gives
a fuck the western world screams
its vile fascism, universities creep me out
their evil sinister “teachers” offer
technocratic disputes!
state propaganda everywhere
people like zombies stupified & hungry for money
materialism & reality nothing
like it is despite billions of people
“believing” wholeheartedly the particles of
matter have a “hard reality”………
the fascist elite “mainstream” media
preaching outright philosophical materialism!
brain dead evil doctors & witches & scum
preach the diatribes of teachers
controlled by fascism
the media propaganda now relentless
the lies about aliens, ETs, angels, wars,
left wing politics, sex – propaganda
entrenched to make your children
suicide bombers ready to take
out another libertine
news service spewing out
endless corporate platitudes
millions of corporate
universities shitting out their filthy vile
philosophical materialism
that the Elite & Deep State
propaganda, endless war party!
propaganda everywhere in 2017 to 2023 …. all the bullshit
newspapers, websites, shitty monthly magazines
radio run by spies, TV run by the
fucking army, the dead dead dead evil western
countries & not an ounce of
new age love anywhere NO alien
consciousness no christ NO sex positive
feminists NO allen ginsberg type dudes
no art NO ascended master conversations
& the feeling like a wounded dead dog
out of luck – Oh what fucking
endless propaganda FUCK where is the
fucking counter culture, the PUNKS the
sex pistols, the clash, died pretty,
where the fuck is the challenge & those
saintly cosmic ASIAN streets of lust
& love O the love of oriental ASIA
the love of spiritual and communist CHINA
how i love every bit of you INDIA, CHINA and other Asian countries……. how
i love your men and women who breathe endless
love into my soul, whose chinese medicine
saved my life, saved my soul, whose chi gung
helped my love ability, doing shaoling kung fu
for love, not war, HOW I LOVE you asia & CHINA how
i love your green fields and MAO zedong who created
a resilient communism that GORBACHEV PERFECTED and how the western
fascist world fucks you against the wall
the love of Asia of the love of
successful future Gorbachev style libertarian COMMUNISM in Asian countries i pray to
archangel michael & archangel gabriel
demanding the LOVE, baby, wanting SUPER
energy – praying for sex positive feminists
screaming CUNT loudly from giant beijing
windows as the cool bird of heaven
slinks into existential GAY liberators
all those joysticks in hong kong & shenzhen
we idolize our senses & gaze
at the endless pointless BLISS of china & asia
There will always be socialist uprisings
Because that is the nature of humanity
We need to have our idealism
& the billionaire scum who own
The media along with Deep State spies
And generals which pumps out massive western
Capitalist propaganda will be eternally
Fighting these socialist uprisings!
Because that is the nature of freedom!
That is the nature of humanity
Look around the world today in 2023
& everywhere you see socialist uprisings
From the Latin American revolutions
To the new Leftist movements in
Africa led by China to the struggles
In Asia!!!!
Socialism will always be fighting
& struggling against the injustices
Of capitalism & now it seems
That Russia has also once again
Resolutely going back down the road of
Socialism & freedom!!!
LAOS & giant states in India are all
Socialist & communist – more than 3 billion
People alone here!!! 3 billion communists!!!
The Philippines is all socialist now wanting
Intense union with China & Russia! Everywhere
Socialist!!! Everywhere people wanting
Justice for the people. The
Fascist region that is Europe also wanting a little more
Socialism & Leftism seen in British Labour leader
Jeremy Corbyn!!!!!
– a mood of socialism, of justice, BRAZIL went socialist
For many many many years and still wants socialism
Despite its setbacks SOUTH AFRICA is kicking arse
Doing great socialist things as CHINA becomes a true
SUPER POWER because of socialism where 60%
Of corporations and all farmland state socialist owned
So FUCK YOU western propaganda!!!!
People screaming public companies, justice instead
Of private capitalism….socialism & communism
WILL NEVER, ever, EVER be destroyed by the
Capitalists and fascists!!!! NEVER NEVER never NEVER!
And socialism has developed powerful
Roots in the hippie & punk counterculture,
In the spiritual new age movement,
In the gay & feminist movements!!!!
Gay men & women and feminist women (& men)
CUNT, CUNT, CUNT, CUNT liberation!!
Cunt liberation for everyone!!
Socialism & communism wanting justice,
Free speech & universalism!!! The great
socialist/communist nation of
China now leads the world in
Socialism & communism & its leader
Xi Jing Ping praises the work done
By Cuba’s Fidel Castro in
Establishing a better socialist world!
Maybe not perfect, but Castro established
A role that will BE eternally
Played out on this planet! And finally
The New Agers screaming socialism
& god from the mountains of the
Human alien galactic federation
Spaceships….and the returned planetary
Christ Lord Maitreya and ascended masters
Be 85 % socialist owned. Everywhere
Socialism! And the end of the Illuminati
No more billionaires only billionaires
Of the heart living
In free houses eating free food from
Public organic gardens traveling freely
& writing freely…and being spiritually free!
& follow spirituality (not religion
Although even socialist religions maybe a little)
Because finding spirituality in
Poverty is very hard!
And maybe the western universities
Which are owned publicly but
Which PREACH capitalism &
Neo-liberalism will be shut
Down! The so-called public western
Universities are evil beyond
Belief saying this is education
Using “socialism” to engender
Big Pharma & the big end of town
So liberty, justice & freedom
To the people! And the end of
PUBLIC right wing universities
Churning out state propaganda!
The end of the BBC, & all the
Other capitalist media!
& socialism will shine
Like the dusty back alleys
Of Asia where Buddha smiles
& genuine kindness
Resonates the true freedom
Of socialism & the true
Freedom of our hearts!
Published by
Low Cost Punk & New Age Books
Inquiries to michaeldar2288@163.com
This pamphlet is copyright (c) and is the property of Michael Dargaville. 2024.
Acknowledgement: Some of these poems have appeared widely before in books and performances around the world.
Poems and journalism by
ATTENTION READERS: Here is an exciting offer. For those readers who also want to get hard copies of this pamphlet that is OK. Just photocopy it both sides and make a small pamphlet from it, staple it, it should be about 5A4 pages double sided. You can do it via a computer or you can do a cut and paste job. Do It Yourself (D.I.Y) publishing is a very important arm of both the New Age and Punk movements so please get involved and try this out. You can even sell it on the street. Contact me if you do this especially if you start making a good sales and send a portion to me. Thanks
Bio Details
Michael Dargaville is an international journalist, poet, punk poet, quantum theory scientist, philosopher, university professor/school teacher, singer/performance poet/musician, natural medicine oncologist and general clinician, pioneering skateboarder, surfer, meditation teacher, publisher, artist and avant garde novelist who has been based in Asia and China for the past 25 years. He has taught at more than 20 universities around the world and especially in China. His PhD called THE NEW IDEALISM has been read my millions explaining the philosophy and science of the New Age movement with his poetry taught widely in universities. More than 200 million people have read his alien/ET journalism on the Internet in the past 25 years and has been translated into 15 languages. Michael has produced hard copy many books and pamphlets with more than 70 works of poetry, five major novels, four major works of philosophy including the New Idealism plus many works of journalism. He loves to travel and often resides as a liveaboard on cheap yachts living the hippie/punk/New Age dream.
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