by Manmohan Singh
Summary: Learn more about the yoga poses to maintain balance and equilibrium in your life.
Have you ever thought of driving a car which has more air in the right tyre and less on the left? Definitely, no one would like to drive a car like this as it reduces efficiency and leads to wear and tear of the car. Similar is the case with our bodies. Work pressure, hectic lives, overexertion creates an imbalance in life.
When we favor one side of the body more and continue to utilize it more than the other, blood circulation and muscles adjust themselves to reinforce the way body works. This is the main cause of body aches and neck pains that several individuals experience in their daily life. Moreover, we experience endless emotions in a day from angry to a feeling of joy to a sudden feeling of frustration and the list goes on. A restless mind goes on an uncontrolled emotional ride which hampers our confidence, ability to perceive things and so much more. The nagging neck pain, wandering mind, and fluctuating emotions are signs of imbalance which can be corrected through the science of yoga.
The practice of pranayama and meditation is effective in calming the stressed mind. Yoga postures help in bringing balance and equanimity in life. Regular practice of yoga poses compresses and stretches the abdominal region. It loosens the joints and grants flexibility to muscles. Yoga is effective in balancing the body, mind, and spirit.
Here are five yoga poses to correct an imbalanced life:
- Tree Pose or Vrikshasana: Stand on a yoga mat with erect spine and arms by your side. Distribute your weight evenly on both feet. Now, transfer your weight onto your left leg. Bend your right leg and locate the right foot on the inner left thigh. Align your right and left hip. Inhale, extend your arms overhead and fold your hands in prayer position. Fix your gaze at a point in front of you. Hold the pose for one minute.
- Head to Knee Pose or Janu sirsasana: Sit tall on a yoga mat with legs stretched in front of you, toes flexed towards you and arms alongside your hips. Bend your right knee and place your right foot on your inner left thigh such that your heel touches the junction between your thighs and hips. Upon inhalation, raise your arms up, and upon exhalation, hinge forward at the hips bringing your arms to the feet. Rest your forehead on the knee. Hold the pose for five relaxed breaths.
- Chair Pose or Utkatasana: Begin in mountain pose with feet hip-distance apart. Breathe In, extend your hands up over the head making them perpendicular to the floor. Upon an exhalation, bend your knees and make your thighs parallel to the floor. Slightly lower your hips to the ground and transfer your weight on the heels. Keep your gaze forward and remain in this pose for 30-60 seconds.
- Standing Forward Bend or Uttanasana: Stand upright on a yoga mat with hands on the hips. Rest your hands on your hips. Upon exhalation, bend forward at the hips and let your head hang down. Bring your arms down and place your palms on the floor beside your feet. Retain this pose for about one minute.
- Warrior III Pose or Virabhadrasana III: Stand on a yoga mat with a straight back and feet-hip width apart. Step forward with your right foot and shift your weight on your right leg. Raise your arms up overhead and fold your hands in prayer position. Extend your left leg behind you and lower your arms and torso towards the floor. Square your hips to the ground and form a letter ‘T’ with your right leg. Retain the pose as long as comfortable.
Practice these five yoga poses to unlock, heal and balance your body, mind, and soul.
Author Bio:–  Manmohan Singh is a passionate Yogi, Yoga Teacher and a Traveler in India. He provides yoga teacher training in Rishikesh, India. He loves writing and reading the books related to yoga, health, nature and the Himalayas. His strong connection with Yoga and the Himalayas has made him organize yoga, meditation and Ayurveda tours, and retreats in the Himalayas.
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