Category: spirituality

  • The Golden Caress

    By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

    Hesitantly the Traveler told the Blindman about his dream.

    “Last night as I slept I was uncertain if I was awake or asleep? I found myself in a Throne Room that was arrayed in Sparkling White Light. I found myself kneeling before a person or Being that I did not know, but felt very comfortable with. Because of the intensity of the White Light with its changing hues, many of the physical details about his appearance were blurred and indistinct.

    As I knelt, he stood and placed a kiss upon my forehead and whispered, very softly, “In the Name of God, Most Gracious and Most Merciful.” With these words, the Throne Room grew brighter and brighter, until I was forced to close my eyes. Then I awoke; and when I awoke, I felt a warm gentle sensation, tingling in the center of my forehead, where I had just been caressed. (more…)

  • Women of High Spiritual Attainment

    by Catherine Auman

    Today we are blessed with a plethora of contemporary women spiritual teachers: Marianne Williamson, Pema Chodron, Gangaji, Gurumayi, Ammachi, Sylvia Boorstein and her many Buddhist colleagues. Accredited graduate programs in Women’s Spirituality have opened, and everywhere women are being ordained as ministers and rabbis.

    Such abundance wasn’t available when I started on my spiritual path. All the persons of spiritual attainment offered for study or emulation were men. In fact, many teachers declared that women cannot become enlightened, that we will have to wait to be reborn as men. The so-called “perennial philosophy” and Ken Wilbur’s interpretations privileged male ways of being and worshipping, while placing non-rational, emotional and intuitive spiritual paths at the bottom of their hierarchies. (more…)

  • Educating child to make Good Human Being

    By Lt Col R K Langar

    Some time back I read a news item in Times Of India(TOI) newspaper under the heading- ‘Role of educators, the way forward’. It was emphasized in this write up that a child’s education should be such that after completing the education, the child passes out as a good human being. I liked this write up immensely since it focused on the inner personality of a child. Today if there is anything which is in acute short supply in India, it is the availability of good human beings. Our newspapers today are telling us that how corruption, murders and rapes have spread in our country since our people lack goodness which is the first hallmark of a human being. Therefore before we become anything else, we must first become good human beings. We are inclined to believe that those who are occupying high posts in the society are good human beings. This is not so. Capability and goodness are two different things. Professional efficiency can take you on top of the ladder even if you lack good inner qualities. A good person is always good from inside wherever he may be. (more…)

  • Riding a Shining Star

    By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

    Sometimes life makes you laugh and just shake your head. Sometimes it just kicks you in the butt or in this case, lower back.

    For example, last week when I thought events were going badly with my health- un-expectantly another dimension was added. I was bending over to pick-up a leaf on our property and my lower back went out; doctor said probably slipped a disc. Besides the pain and discomfort involved I simply cannot get around as well as I should. Stacking this problem beside my other medical issues, this one jumped right to the head of the line. Sometimes when you think things cannot possibly get worse, think again . . . (more…)

  • Free to be Peace

    by Michelle Sullivan

    Forward: Dedicated to Sarah, with all my love.

    Wherever you are is perfect for you. I share because not sharing feels like witholding the cure for cancer, such is the difference in my quality of life before compared to after my experience of God’s peace.

    I hope with all my heart this writing helps you as you allow God’s peace inside. What you do with this is entirely up to you, from “this is crazy” to “I already know all this.”

    Who we truly are came to me/was one with me for one eternal moment after I entirely let go of my own struggling over knowing why/what we are, my first and biggest experience of God’s all-encompassing peace that enters after letting go of my struggle. I’ve attempted to describe what that experience taught me and how I’ve lived that experience, best I can, ever since. (more…)

  • The Unity Oracle – A spiritual adventure to save the world

    After a series of visions in the Alaskan wilderness, Jason Sananda is instructed by an Inuit Elder to seek his spirituality, through the events in his life. What unfolds over the next 20 years is a mystical adventure, resulting in the creation of a new age Oracle that has the power to shape the destiny of the human race.

    What if you could spiritually awaken by reading The Unity Oracle? This profound book will not only entertain and enlighten but stir your own process of spiritual awakening.  Inspiring, captivating and engaging, The Unity Oracle will keep readers glued to the page.  A must read for anyone on a spiritual path.

    The Unity Oracle
    Watch the Trailer
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    Available in paperback and ebook:  The Unity Oracle

  • Online Psychic Readings – Chat vs. Phone

    Ever since the beginning of time, a lot of people have always been interested in getting psychic readings. As much as possible, they would want to consult with psychics who can see into the future and are more intuitive so that they can make the right decisions, the right choices in life. Basically, with psychic readings, what the psychic would do is it will start to read a person’s energy. The energy will determine the type of life that people will have based on their soul energy alone. (more…)

  • Cleaning Away the Dirt

    By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

    With right attitude or inner view, ordinary events can be opportunities for spiritual learning. Consider this story from daily life.

    After the long cold winter, cleaning up the grounds around our home has been a slow process. We have hired a part-time gardener to help and one of his tasks is replacing the missing colored, decorative gravel at the foot of our gravel driveway. Until the ground freezes, with each snow, the plow pushes both snow and gravel, further along down the driveway. (more…)

  • Voice of Conscience

    By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

    Each of us has an internal gauge that helps us decide what to do in a complex situation. In the past, this capacity was called the ‘voice of conscience;’ and many of us make good use of our own internal measure of knowing right from wrong. Yet, our modern life is filled with many complexities and grey areas, when our inner voice tells us one thing and our friends, circumstance, or business necessity tells us to do another.

    When these different thoughts become competing streams, we have a conflict. Let us not forget we are all products of social engineering and have customs, ideals, and social behaviors engrained/indoctrinated in us since a very early age. The task of the spiritual traveler is to free one’s consciousness at certain times, from the engineering of others and make the correct decision, at the correct time. This is the higher call. (more…)

  • Sufism for Western Seekers: 10 Learning Principles

    By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

    For the spiritual traveler who wishes to follow the Sufi Path, the following 10 Learning Principles represent some of the dimensions to this ancient form of learning. (more…)