Category: spirituality

  • Soul’s Journey

    By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

    Many people think they come back
    To this world over and over.
    It is not like that.
    The soul is on an upward spiral toward God/Truth
    And with each journey,
    Sheds the clothes of its former existence.
    Electing to travel from world to world;
    Making it perfect:
    One day to join God/Truth
    As Pure Radiant Light.

    Transmigration of souls
    Is on many levels:
    Not just in the earth phase.


    Read my new book: Beyond The River’s Gate. Book is available on in paperback, Kindle format or local bookstore.

    To Order Your Copy Visit Amazon:

  • Religion: Foundation for Spiritual Learning

    By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

    Religion is the basis of life.
    It is the focus from which
    All other things spring.
    -A. Hussain

    *          *

    Organized religion is a structure through which spiritual learning can begin and mature. Over the years, as travelers advance, spiritual learning takes place more and more outside of a religious context and occurs in daily life through personal spiritual experience. Personal spiritual experience is the natural extension of religious inquiry; the great religions were created to be spiritual highways for travelers to start learning about themselves and their relationship with Truth. (more…)

  • Truth and righteousness contain all morality

    By Lt Col R K Langar

    Our ideal in life should be to speak the truth and act righteously. When translated into Sanskrit the title of this write up will be SATHYAM VADA DHARMAM CHARA. Mahabharata says that Dharma or Righteousness is adequate to lead one to the status of Absolute Brahman. Mahabharata also underscores that Dharma is eternal Truth and Truth is Righteousness (Dharma). (more…)

  • Renounce and Enjoy

    By: Lt Col R K Langar

    Renunciation, whose Sanskrit equivalent is Tyaga or to give up, forms an inseparable part of Vedanta or Hindu Philosophy. Renunciation is commonly used for Tyaga of fruit of actions which you perform in life. This is to ensure that your complete focus is on work in hand and not on the results of your work so that your focus on work is not disturbed by thinking about fruit of action. Thus we see that Renunciation is an inner attitude and has nothing to do with renunciation of works while living in the world. (more…)

  • In World Drama Man Plays Three Different Roles

    By Lt Col R K Langar

    Human life on earth has been described in a number of ways. It is said that life is a battle field (Dharamshetra as described in Bhagavad Gita) where there is a continuous battle going on inside a man between knowledge and ignorance, between discrimination and reactive attitude. Some say  life is a school where we keep on learning as long as we live. Life is also described as a game which you must play and give in your best without competing with others. Life is also Yoga – a continuous process of self conquest for connecting with God which is also a process of self awareness or knowing “Who Am I”. And in relation to the world life has also been described as a stage drama where we appear to play our roles and then leave the world. (more…)

  • Bottled Water

    By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

    While grocery shopping have you considered how many brands and variety of bottled water are available?  There is natural, cold spring, hot spring, sport, vitamin enhanced and countless diet and non-diet carbonated soda water.

    Also at meals, have you noticed how rarely water is the beverage of choice? In some restaurants, you have to ask for water before they will serve it; and it is not uncommon for some children, in their own home, to go days without a plain, glass of water.

    It is the same with humanity’s religion.  There is an endless variety of forms and for most people, the ‘water’ must be sweetened and dressed-up before they will drink it.



    Read my new book: Beyond The River’s Gate. Book is available on in paperback, Kindle format or local bookstore.

    To Order Your Copy Visit Amazon:

  • What Is Reality?

    Seeing In Part – The Psychic Circles and Higher Consciousness

    by Gabriel of Urantia

    Confucius, Omar Khayyam, Descartes, Aquinas, and Theresa of Avila of older eras and Kant, Thoreau, Thomas Merton, Krishnamurti, Teilhard de Chardin, Thich Nhat Hanh, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Mary Baker Eddy, and Alice Bailey of more contemporary times) – all have had their slant on what they think true reality is. St. Augustine wrote the City Of God about his understanding of reality and divine nature, but Paul wrote in scripture:

    For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.  (1 Corinthians 13:12) (more…)

  • What Exactly is Self Control?

    By Lt Col R K Langar

    Bhagavad Gita highlights the value of self control when it lists self control as one of the divine virtues. The immediate meaning of the word self control is to control over senses, (which are outgoing) and mind-sense control and mind control, which is detaching the mind from sense enjoyment. The other common definitions of self control are, ability to withdraw senses from sense objects at will, ability to put “No Entry” on the mind for waste and negative thoughts and ability to have a regulated worldly life. But there is a much deeper meaning of self control. It is a complete control on your mind, speech and actions. Whatever I think, speak or do is exactly how and when, want to do so and I am not compelled by outer situations to act in a particular way. In other words I give my consent before anything which comes out of me. I am in full control of my life and not a single action which comes out of me is without my approval. This is real freedom. (more…)

  • The Best Recipe to Change your Life

    This recipe will feed your soul. This is the one recipe you can abuse of daily. By the way, we strongly recommend it!

    My husband and I have been dedicated to Spiritual Response Therapy (see bio) for years now and we’ve learned so much (and still are everyday) that we are changed. Our spiritual journey took us from our beliefs, perceptions and judgments to deep-seated negative patterns, to past life traumas and so on…I don’t think we’ll ever be done since we all are infinite beings but we do know there are many ways to create the life you desire.

    Along the way, we’ve come across the Best Recipe to change one’s life. It is powerful yet simple. It is magical yet natural, as we remember we are spiritual beings in essence. Following this recipe means a guaranteed success to whoever tries it and perfects it. (more…)

  • Spirituality and Giving

    by Emma Filey

    In a beautiful article speaking on the connection between spirituality and social change, Dr. Stewart Bitkoff eloquently expresses the link between spirituality and giving: “Only after you have matured psychologically and spiritually, can you reach out and help another: free of resentment or need for reward. Helping others, without self-interest, is part of being human; it helps define who we are as a species.” Those undergoing a spiritual evolution often stop to ponder of how they can help make the world a better place through disinterested actions. Unconditional love, “the love of all others regardless of race, religion or deeds” tacitly implies loving fellow human beings, so that we cannot turn a blind eye to their suffering. In this post, we pick a few relevant quotes from the Bible on the subject of giving and analyze how these teaching can be applied to our everyday life: (more…)