Simplicity: A compilation – Part 1

Excerpts from Maitreya’s teachings as well as from Benjamin Creme’s Master and Creme’s writings highlight the importance of simplicity in all aspects of life. Published here courtesy Share International magazine.

The answers to your problems are simple indeed. Many times have I told you that the will to share must govern your lives. Once again, I repeat: without Sharing and Justice, My brothers and sisters, man will know no peace. Heed, then, My advice. Take, then, the only open course and trust in Sharing to relieve the agony of the world. (Maitreya, from Message No.133)

My plan is to release into the world My simple Teaching of truth: that men are One, brothers all; that God loves all men equally; that nature provides the sustenance for everyone to share; that, coming as I do from mankind’s past, I know the answers to man’s dilemma. I shall show you the simple ways of change, of correctly relating one to another, of correctly manifesting the Will of God.

My plan is to show you this and release you from your limitations. The way ahead is not easy, My friends, but with your help, all shall be made good for mankind. (Maitreya, from Message No.55)

“See your brother as yourself,” says Maitreya. Create an International Storehouse from which all can take. Only thus, by Sharing, can the world be renewed, is His Teaching. Only by Sharing, He will affirm, will men find the happiness they seek. Sharing alone will bring Justice and Peace.

Thus will Maitreya guide the thoughts of men towards the Truth that He brings and is. Thus will Maitreya show men their errors and the solution to their dilemma, and thus will men take stock of their situation and, in growing numbers, realize the Truth of His advice. More and more, men will see that Maitreya’s guidance is the only way to achieve the happiness and peace all inwardly crave. Held back by fear until then, they will find in His simple Teaching the answer to all their fears and woes. Naturally, not all will find in Maitreya the guide they seek. Many, indeed, will find in His Teaching, all that they fear and hate. Gradually, however, the ardour of those who can respond and resonate to His simple words of Truth will bring millions to His cause of Justice and Peace. His Teaching, though simple, will penetrate the hearts of all those in whom love has not yet been extinguished. Thus will Maitreya work throughout the world, drawing to His side all who long for a new start, a simpler, happier world wherein to raise their families in peace and harmony. (Benjamin Creme’s Master, from `The Oneness of Humanity’)

Maitreya is adept in making the profound clear. That is why He is a World Teacher. When you see Him you will find a teacher whose simplicity appeals to humanity. Maitreya can make the profoundest statement of truth in the simplest possible way, which touches the heart and understanding, and therefore the intuition, of quite average people….

I know a man who has met Maitreya many times, and listened to Him talk. He says quite frankly: “You, Mr Creme, use a lot of words. But with Maitreya,” he says, “you do not really need to listen. Maitreya speaks in such a way that it touches you inside.” It automatically opens up your consciousness. You believe it because you see that it is real. Imagine teaching in that manner to the simplest people throughout the world. Gradually they will make contact with the ideas of Maitreya which they will absorb almost subliminally, as if subconsciously they are being transformed. Their consciousness – through the heart – will be opened to more and more of reality, of aspiration. In this way, they will be educated very quickly, directly, in a way which has never happened before. (Benjamin Creme, Maitreya’s Mission Volume Three)

We, the developed world, that is, one-third of the world’s population, misuse and denude the planet of resources and are making the world untenable. The world cannot sustain much longer the methods of husbandry of the Western nations today, with the most terrible result, the pollution which covers the world, the air, the land, the rivers, even the oceans. We destroy huge areas of what were once forests which supply, or did supply, the oxygen we need to live. We are making this planet uninhabitable. Even if sharing the world’s resources was not a problem, it would, inevitably, be impossible for the world to carry on much longer with the present misuse of resources. We have to share in order that all can live, but we have to learn to live more simply so that we can all live. We have to simplify our lifestyles and make fewer and more intelligent demands on the planet. The ecological balance of the world will be one of Maitreya’s main concerns, and He will from the highest level show the misuse of planet Earth and the inevitable results of continuing as we are. The need for action in that regard will become obvious to scientists, and through them, the governments of the world. (Benjamin Creme, The World Teacher for all Humanity)

My Mission is to show you the Way to God, to unfold for you the simple Path to your Source. I realize that for many that Path seems endless and fraught with difficulty. Truly, My friends, this is not so. We ourselves condition the Path as we enter in it. When we are the Path, the Way opens before us, under Law. Simple indeed is the Path to God. Simple indeed are the steps thereon, and many are the helpers and guides on the Sacred Way. (Maitreya, from Message No.126)

We shall have to learn to live much more simply, not geared to this great mechanical civilization we have built around ourselves, especially in the industrialized West. The Christ and the Masters will show that we can live perfectly happily, even more happily, in a much simpler way, with fewer things. But those things will be beautiful. They will be made because they are needed, and they will be made with the creativeness of man behind them, whether they are man-made or machine-made. A completely new attitude will take place in relation to work. Through the power of sound, man will build and create the artefacts of his civilization and control his environment, relating it to his real needs. (Benjamin Creme, The Reappearance of the Christ and the Masters of Wisdom)

Maitreya’s task is to galvanize world public opinion and focus it through a few simple ideas, so that people everywhere are calling for justice, for freedom; for sharing as the only way to achieve justice and the end of war, the creation of peace. Peace and the end of terrorism are dependent on the creation of justice, and only one thing will accomplish that: sharing the resources of the world. These are the simple things that humanity has to grasp. There are millions of groups. Some are calling for more justice for the animals, the end of abattoirs, “vegetarianism for all”, and so on. “End the killing of the animal kingdom.” “Save the whales.” “Save the seals.”

These are great ideals. I am all for them, but you cannot have humanity in their millions promoting all these different ideas at the same time. It simply weakens their impact.

It needs to be simple: the transformation of humanity through sharing the resources, so creating justice, and so creating peace. That is the idea for all the groups throughout the world to focus on. Peace is no longer an option…. I am trying to focus your minds on the essentials: sharing, leading to justice, leading inevitably to the end of terrorism, and to world peace. Only that will do it. As Maitreya says: “There is no other course.” If we do not share, then we die, sooner or later. It is as simple as that. (Benjamin Creme, Share International Jan/Feb 2007)

Simplicity and honest effort will replace the present corruption which stains every aspect of men’s lives today. Men will seek to emulate Maitreya and His group of Masters, and so purify their structures and standards.

With Maitreya and His group to guide them, men will grow to love the simplicity of the new structures, and in them find a deep satisfaction and coherence. They will feel at ease in a world shorn of competition and the tension which it brings. Working together in co-operation they will find a profound happiness and fulfilment in all that they do.
(Benjamin Creme’s Master, from `The turning of the wheel’)

…Religious leaders around the world will eventually leave their palaces to live in simpler surroundings, because simplicity is a significant factor in order “to remain with the Lord in the heart”. If you surround yourself with the luxuries of life you have a situation where the senses become possessive and life becomes struggle, confusion, chaos.

The moment you experience the Lord within, you tend to become free of all these attachments in life. Simplicity is not a burden for mind, spirit and body. These are the temples of the Lord and they must be free of possessiveness. The necessities, however, will be there. These are automatic processes which express the natural course of inner evolution.

The trend towards greater simplicity will also be observable among many rich people around the world who will surrender the excess and share with the people.

“If you are serving me, I am everywhere.” The Lord’s message is indivisible and applies to one and all. (Maitreya’s Teachings – The Laws of Life)

There is no present if you are living in the future, worrying about the future, or regretting the past. You only have this moment in time, and you are not to know what will happen in one minute’s time. Obviously, just living in this modern world makes you conform to time. It really codes you and so you respond to the needs of a time-dominated life. But it need not be quite so. You must give yourself, every day, an area of time in which you relate simply to your Self. Perhaps when you are doing your meditation, or doing Transmission Meditation. Go in, connect with That which is really you, which is outside time, is not concerned about time, does not know what time is. While you are in that relation to your Self, you are not worried about time, not worried about the future or the past. You simply are happy, peaceful, serene, in this moment Now. (Benjamin Creme, Maitreya’s Mission Volume Three)

Many are the ways to perfection, but the simple ways are best. My way, the Way of Love, will take man quickest to his Source. If you can see this, you will proceed on a Path unerring and true, and for all men this is so. (Maitreya, from Message No.58)

When you share, you recognize God in your brother. This is a truth, simple, but until now difficult for man to grasp. The time has come to evidence this truth. By My Presence, the Law of Sharing will become manifest. By My Presence, man will grow to God. By the Presence of Myself and My Brothers, the New Country of Love shall be known. Take, My friends, this simple Law to your hearts. (Maitreya, from Message No.82)


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