Simplicity: A compilation – Part 2

Living simply in cooperation, with basic needs met, humanity will discover new joys of meaning and purpose.

We present a second selection of quotations on the theme of ‘Simplicity’ from Maitreya (Messages from Maitreya the Christ, and Maitreya’s Teachings – The Laws of Life), Benjamin Creme’s Master (A Master Speaks), and Benjamin Creme’s writings; published here courtesy Share International magazine. Part One appeared in the November issue of Share International and is re-published here.

Be not afraid for the future of Earth. A new and better husbandry will replace the present ignorance and more stable conditions will prevail. Simpler and truer joys will take hold of men’s hearts and usher out the present unease. Men will come to know themselves as brothers all, and, sharing justly, transform the lives of men. Thus will it be, and thus will men know the secrets of the universe and, reaching upwards to the stars, claim their birthright as Sons of God. (Benjamin Creme’s Master, from ‘The destined hour’)
These are the minimum requirements for a stabilized world and will become the main responsibilities of governments everywhere to ensure. Simple as they are, their inauguration will have far-reaching effects, and will usher in a new era for this Earth. (Benjamin Creme’s Master, from ‘The re-ordering of priorities’)
”My means, as you know, are simple. I need no other tools than the heart’s love of man.”
– Maitreya, from Message No. 70
Maitreya will be the spokesman for all these ways, on the broadest scale, showing the answers to the problems involved in all areas – on a universal level; exhibiting such love and such breadth of vision; a capacity to see into the minds of different types of men; and so simply, so utterly simply, in simple everyday terms, so that all men can understand. Look for that man. You will find that He will draw to Him from all over the world men and women who share these beliefs. They will gather round Him and He will work through them. (Benjamin Creme, The Reappearance of the Christ and the Masters of Wisdom)
Simplicity has a role to play because as the path of evolution is followed, you find that all creatures, first of all, want to do nothing but eat. Then as the organisms become more and more complex, so their needs become more complex. Then you get human beings, a massive 6.5 billion of us on planet Earth, living the most complicated lives, creating an infinite number of goods of all kinds, usable and unusable, useful and useless, which are filling the shops and the storehouses of the whole world. That is not to count the millions of tons of useless armaments which clutter and threaten the world.
Just take a walk down one of the main avenues in Tokyo, for example, and go to the area where you can buy technology of all kinds; mobile phones, cameras, televisions or computers. You can buy millions of them. Every building is filled, absolutely, from the first floor to the 20th, with nothing but all kinds of communication gadgets.
Will it get simpler? Is simplicity a part of it? I would say that simplicity is very much to do with the art of living. My experience is that as humanity grows and life becomes more and more filled with objects, with technologies, it becomes less and less simple, and it goes further away from what we are calling the art of living. We do not know how to live. It is not a good way to live, to fill storehouses with all those cell phones and computers. They should be distributed if useful, or not made if useless. It is commercialization gone mad.
As we evolve, as the art of living develops in humanity, as we are willing to give up somewhat this complicated overproduction, we will find that simplicity is the keynote.
Simplicity is really using the minimum that you need to enjoy the fullest life. The fullest life can be lived as an art, but it needs simplicity. So that when we enter the New Age properly; when the art of living is taken seriously by humanity and is being recognized and developed; when harmlessness and the Law of Sacrifice are controlling it, then you will find a greater and greater simplicity also. The ‘wilderness experience’ will show humanity the need for simplicity. And the more complex the life, as in, perhaps, America today, the more difficult it may be to accept the simplicity of the future. But it will be a happier time because there is great happiness to be had in simplicity. (Benjamin Creme, The Art of Living)
I am a simple Man, and simply I make My appeal to you: Trust Me, follow Me, let Me take you into the future time, on the basis of Love, on the basis of Sharing, on the basis of Brotherhood. Let Me show you the way into that state of simple interdependence, of justice, correct alignment with your Source and your brothers. Many will heed Me, but not all. Nevertheless, My Army of Light will surely triumph. Many will see Me soon and know Me not. Many will see Me soon and recognise Me. They are My People. Be you one of them. My heart flows with Love for you all. (Maitreya, from Message No. 4)
Transmission Meditation is simple and yet it performs a number of different very important facets of work. In the first place, it is an act of service. I know of no other means of service to the world of such potency, such value, such importance, and which is so clearly along the line of evolution of the Plan, which, at the same time, is so simple and easy. To become a saint is really quite difficult; to look after the starving, poverty-stricken millions in Calcutta is quite a task – as Mother Teresa knows. We are not all Mother Teresas. But all of us can give up a few hours a week to sit quietly, absorbing and transmitting the energy of Hierarchy.

It is very simple, and yet I cannot sufficiently emphasize the value of these few hours spent in this way. It helps the world more than we could know, and it is self-fulfilling as well; I know no other method of service which makes for such vast and quick inner spiritual growth. It is a yoga and a field of service given to one ‘on a plate.’ (Benjamin Creme, Maitreya’s Mission Volume One)

”The tendency today is to reject that which is simple, to cling to the complex, the erudite and vague; but all that pertains to Truth, My friends, will be found to be simple indeed.”
– Maitreya, from Message No. 67
When Maitreya appears before the world people will realize that they have known Him from before, and that His teaching is not strange or beyond their level of thought. Simple, indeed, will He be that all may understand. Precisely His simplicity will astound. Nevertheless it will be found also that most people will experience what they hear in a new way, as a dawning truth, new and touching them at a deeper level. Simple the ideas may be, but they will resonate in people’s hearts and feel fresh and vibrant. Thus will it be. Thus will Maitreya touch the hearts of men, appealing to them to aid themselves by aiding their brothers and sisters across the world. When men hear Him they will ponder deeply on what He says, and feel strangely moved by the oft-heard words. Their hearts will respond as hitherto they have not, and a new understanding and urgency will potentize their response. (Benjamin Creme’s Master, from ‘The first steps’)
My Teachings are simple, My words likewise. All that I say is quickly understood. There is nothing difficult about the Truth of God. The Truth of God, My friends, resides in the hearts of all men. That simplicity is yours to unfold. I, your Guide, shall show you the way. (Maitreya, from Message No. 95)
If you read the messages from Maitreya, that are published in Messages from Maitreya the Christ (Tara Press), I think you will understand every single word, and so it will be on the Day of Declaration. Maitreya will speak in the simplest terms, not about esotericism. He might mention briefly, in simple terms, the Path of Initiation as the final phase of life on this planet. He will talk about a readjustment of our view of the nature of life, its meaning and purpose, why we are here, in terms which everyone can understand. (Benjamin Creme, The Great Approach)
There will shortly come a time when humanity must reach a great decision. Troubled as it is on all sides by divisions and cleavage, a new approach must be found to the many problems which beset it. Without such a new approach, there is little doubt, an ominous future would await mankind.

Historically, there is no precedent for the present situation and conditions on Earth. Never before have so many souls coexisted on the planet. Seldom, if ever, have the divisions between the groups been so painful and deep. Never has man controlled such forces of destruction as are now at his command, giving him power to destroy the life in every kingdom. When such destruction threatens, man must take stock and devise new ways to proceed.

Of all the possible ways there yet remains but one untried. Throughout his history one simple answer has eluded man’s grasp. The principle of Sharing is the only one which will answer man’s needs and solve his many problems, for it is fundamental to the Plan of God Himself. Without sharing, man denies his divinity and stores up for himself all future woes. Without sharing, unholy chaos reigns and withholds from man the Justice which is his by right. Sharing alone provides the opportunity to establish God’s Plan of Brotherhood and to remove from the world for ever the sin of separation.

How, lacking sharing, could man continue? How, without sharing, could he hope to survive? So great are the dangers in the present imbalance between the nations that luck alone would not suffice to see him through. A deadly sickness – separation and greed – prevails upon the Earth, and calls for drastic measures to effect a cure.

The simple cure is at hand despite the outer chaos. The longdrawn testing of mankind is all but at an end. Arrayed against the forces which still hold man in thrall, the Hierarchy of Light retrace Their steps and stand together under the banner of Truth. (Benjamin Creme’s Master, from ‘The case for sharing’)

What we will have to aim at is a simpler and sustainable economy, based on need. Today the economies are based on the pressures of commercialization, of market forces. All the developed countries are producing – and over-producing – goods that they cannot sell, because each has and creates the same things. The only people who could really buy the produce of the developed world as it exists today are the people in the developing world, but they cannot because we do not pay fair prices for their produce and rig the markets against them. The Masters will show that a satisfying and creative life can be lived which will be full and rich but on a simpler level, using the resources of the world in a sustainable way. (Benjamin Creme, Maitreya’s Mission Volume Three)

My Masters are training Their groups to show the way to implement man’s needs. Through this manifestation all goodness will follow. My Masters know the problems which beset man today; the answers likewise are in Their grasp. Allow Them to lead, My friends, and show you the simple path of Joy, Simplicity and Truth. (Maitreya, from Message No. 43)

You will find that Maitreya and the Masters, although from our point of view perfected, spiritual beings, are straightforward, simple, and totally respectful in their approach to humanity. They do not, and will not ever, behave like remote Gods of popular imagination. They are men, like us, but men without fault. They have a ready sense of humour, simplicity of approach, and They know better than we do ourselves the inner spiritual nature of all people. Maitreya is the Lord of Love, the Spiritual Hierarchy is the Centre in the planet in which the Love of God is expressed and that exemplifies Their approach to us. It is unconditional. (Benjamin Creme, The Awakening of Humanity)

A new simplicity will the Christ present to men, allowing them to share as brothers all. Co-operation will be the keynote of this simple life, the sharing of resources the order of the day. Thus will man’s divinity be expressed and thus will the Plan work out through men.

There begins now a great adventure for men which will take them to the highest heights. In simplicity will the new life be known and lived, rich and full in meaning and purpose. From ‘The Waters of Life’ of Aquarius will flow that spiritual abundance for which all men in their hearts yearn.
In this way a new approach will be made to the problems of money and power, privilege and prestige. The desire to serve will replace the desire for gain, and the longing for justice will supplant divisive greed. Each one has a part to play in the creation of this new freedom. It behoves all who sense the happenings of the time to play well their role. (Benjamin Creme’s Master, from ‘The new simplicity’)

My means, as you know, are simple. I need no other tools than the heart’s love of man. This, My friends, bestowed on you by That from which you come, will bring men to the Source of Love Itself. Make it manifest, My brothers, and join Our Ranks. (Maitreya, from Message No. 70) 

The tendency today is to reject that which is simple, to cling to the complex, the erudite and vague; but all that pertains to Truth, My friends, will be found to be simple indeed. Thus am I a simple Man. When you see Me you will know this, and smilingly take Me as a Brother. (Maitreya, from Message No. 67)

To aid men in their task, the Christ has formulated certain priorities which, when implemented, will establish balance and order, and so create the harmony on which well-being and peace depend. These priorities are simple and self-evident, yet nowhere do they exist to any great extent. Enumerated, they cover the essential needs of every man, woman and child: the first priority is an adequate supply of the right food. Secondly, adequate housing and shelter for all. Thirdly, healthcare and education as a universal right.


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