Every living entity has a number of Spirit guides. They are a bit like the controllers of a special agent sent on a secret mission. Like the agent’s controllers they tend to stay in the background most of the time, leaving the agent to carry out their mission, but always keeping a careful eye on progress and ever ready to step in where needed, or requested.
Many of our guides change throughout our life, drawing close when their particular expertise is most suited to our current situation, and making way for others as that situation changes. But we always have at least one guide (and maybe more) who stays with us from cradle to grave.
Guides often present themselves as Red Indians, ancient Chinese or Egyptians, or members of other Spiritually advanced cultures. Although some guides may have lived these lives, the identification is often symbolic (Spiritual entities have no race or culture), suggesting the presented culture has some particular lesson for the living. Regardless of the guide’s race or culture, or even whether they have ever incarnated, our guides will have some affinity with our true self.
The Role of Spirit Guides
Most important of the many facets of being human is freedom of the will, our ability to make choices and actively shape our personal destiny and influence that of those around us. As such it isn’t our guides’ role to live our lives for us, or tell us what choices to make.
Spirit Guides inspire and motivate. They inspire by showing us the may and varied opportunities available to us throughout this adventure of life. They motivate by offering hope when we are down, showing us there is always light at the end of the tunnel.
Our guides can’t foretell the future (not least because it doesn’t yet exist), so they can’t pick lottery numbers any better than we can. But they can view the road ahead from a slightly higher vantage point; as such they can, if we ask and listen, say something about the likely implications of each option. The choice remains ours.
Another function of our guides is to monitor how closely we keep to our pre-determined life purpose. If we stray too far from the path they can give us a gentle hint. Whether we heed it or not is our choice, but we ought at least be aware should it be given.
How to Contact Your Guides
To contact our Spirit guides we simply have to quieten our mind and ask them to come in. Start by making a few minutes a day to put aside all material concerns and allowing yourself just to be. Ask your guide(s) to come forwards and make themselves known.
This can be difficult because we are so conditioned to devoting 100% of our attention to the physical world, but persevere. Note down any impressions you get, both of the identity of your guides, and anything they may be trying to say to you. Some of your impressions will be imagination, but those that are repeated, or seem contrary to what your conscious mind thinks, are most likely to come from your guides.
Invite your guides to communicate with you in your dreams. Remember to jot down any impressions from your dreams upon waking each morning. Have a pencil and paper by your bed to prompt you to do so on waking, as the demands of the material plane soon drive your dreams from your memory. Again pay particular heed to repeated themes or characters, and to dreams that seem particularly vivid.
Where are my Guides?
Many of us – especially at times of hardship – question whether we really do have guides, as we seem to receive so little guidance. Why might this be?
Recently I was privileged to listen to an address by medium Keara Hanson that gave an excellent analogy for why it’s sometimes hard to communicate with our guides; I’ll do my best to paraphrase. Life is like a journey, throughout which our guide(s) are our constant companion(s). However, the journey takes us through many different environments (circumstances).
Sometimes our journey is like walking in nature, everything is peaceful, and we can focus on every word of the conversation we are having with the one by our side. But sometimes our journey takes us through a town. Our companion is still there but our attention is divided between our conversation and the many distractions, obstacles, and noise presented by our busier surroundings. Eventually we pass through the town and return to nature.
In due course our journey leads us to a highway. Our companion is still with us but now we are walking on opposite sides of the highway, separated by multiple lanes of noisy traffic. It’s hard to hear anything they’re saying, but if we try, cup our hand to our ear and really try, we can make out the odd word or two.
Eventually the highway goes in one direction, and we are again beside our guide going in the other.
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