Category: self help

  • Thoughts Are Energy: “The Dark Knight Rises”

    By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff


    For spiritual travelers, it is taught and stressed: personal thought creates reality, and what we think about strongly influences our personal and collective physical, mental and spiritual world.

    As beings of pure conscious energy, on many levels, we are what we think about: both individually and collectively.

    In our country, again, there was another man made tragedy, where a crazed, gunman killed and wounded many innocents in a local movie theater. Ironically, the unknowing victims had come to view a late night showing of a new Batman movie entitled:’ The Dark Knight Rises.’ In this real life drama, a crazed, gunman assumed the role of Darkness; shooting, killing and harming many.  For personal reasons, rising-up and creating, through deadly force, a night of tragedy, terror and death for many people he did not even know. (more…)

  • Life Path Choices

    By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

    Now, that I am older and had many opportunities to drink from the fountain of life; I offer the young person starting out and trying to making their way into the world, the following advice, and a simple exercise to help you figure this potential out:

    Be who you are;
    Seek to express yourself in the world
    And don’t let others hold you back
    From this individual expression.  (more…)

  • The Importance of Being Independent

    Independence and Quality of Life

    Life is a process of accumulating experience(s). Before being born into this world we decide, with guidance from more advanced souls, the kind of experiences we will seek during our life. We also decide the role we will play in the lives of others, ie to help them accumulate experience.

    But for all our best laid plans the key characteristic of a human being is our free will. Throughout life circumstances conspire to keep us (more or less) to our pre-determined agenda. But we have the power of choice, every step of the way. There are no right or wrong choices, as all routes bring experience; but some paths clearly bring a higher quality of experience than others. The recognition and valuing of the faculty of independent choice determines the quality of our life. (more…)

  • Interview with the Soul

    By Steve Walker and Laura Cluff

    The following excerpt is from a session at SkyWalker’s Hypnosis, and is part of the upcoming book, Interview with the Soul.  This session begins after the deepening process. (more…)

  • Don’t Give Up – Ride that Ascension Wave All the Way Through 2012!

    By Lisa Whatley – © February 2012

    My recent newsletter article called “Welcome to 2012 and Beyond” has received enough email returning a similar question that I felt I must take the time to answer it for all to read and remember these are my views; accept what you like and leave the rest behind. =)

    The most concern seems to be my belief that our physical world is N-O-T going to end by some disastrous event and it appears this has brought relief to many however it has also brought confusion as well in the form of …

    “What do we do now? If it isn’t going to actually E-N-D what is the point of doing all this work on ourselves?” (more…)

  • Just Imagine

    By Lisa Whatley – © February 2012

    You’ve probably heard, “The only time we have is now, this our present moment.” So this means that we can only live in the present, act in the present and experience life in the present moment. You may be asking, “If this is the case then why do I have so many problems in my life?”

    Everything that happens in our life is created by a choice we made – consciously or unconsciously – via the thoughts and beliefs that we are holding in the present moment. The past is really only a memory of the past. If we dwell in the past we continue to bring forward the same past experiences whether good or bad by putting energy into them in the present moment. Our future, the things we desire, our plans or even things we are dreading are still all created in our present, right now, state of mind. This means that we can only experience joy in this now moment of time. (more…)

  • Can I Change My Destiny?

    What is Destiny?

    Our destiny is the tentative future path that lies ahead of us at any given now, subject to everything that affects us continuing along its current trajectory. Of course, we cannot possibly know our destiny even if that condition of continuance were satisfied because we cannot possibly know about everything that affects us. (more…)

  • How to be Spiritual Amidst this Chaos?

    By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

    Circumstances have overtaken man. His old languages are not sufficient to describe what is happening, and what is about to happen. To think in terms of a millennium or such tame concepts as ‘the eleventh hour’ is ridiculous. Better that he should realize that he is in an era which might be more accurately described as the ‘eighth day of the week.”  Idries Shah (more…)

  • Gramps: An Original Life

    By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

    To refuse the gift is to refuse the Giver.
    A. Hussain

    Over the holidays, one of my maternal aunts visited and we had a conversation about how the ‘older generation’ visited doctors much less frequently than this generation. Sometimes, I find myself going to doctors 3 and 4 times a week.

    My grandfather (Louis) lived to be 104 and both my maternal aunts are now 90 and 98 years old. As we discussed Gramps’ longevity, and why this generation goes to the doctor so often, my aunt offered the following about changing lifestyles. (more…)

  • Soul and Energy Strategies That Can Help You Achieve Your New Year’s Resolutions


    As we head into yet another year full of great promise, the reality is that most of to go back to living by default only weeks into the New Year. It can be overwhelming, and it may seem impossible, to step boldly forward into manifesting your goals/dreams into real experiences. These dreams are possible! If we get clear with ourselves and access the right goal/dream and then deepen our commitment, it then becomes possible. I love the quote from, Napoleon Hill that states “that what ever the mind can conceive, and believe, the mind can achieve.” (more…)