By Katherine Allen
As we head into yet another year full of great promise, the reality is that most of to go back to living by default only weeks into the New Year. It can be overwhelming, and it may seem impossible, to step boldly forward into manifesting your goals/dreams into real experiences. These dreams are possible! If we get clear with ourselves and access the right goal/dream and then deepen our commitment, it then becomes possible. I love the quote from, Napoleon Hill that states “that what ever the mind can conceive, and believe, the mind can achieve.”
Most of us begin our New Year Resolutions right after the holidays. As evidence, I share my own yearly observation of attending my local gym. Every year, the yoga classes I attend swell with newbie’s eager to step into their New Year commitment of losing weight and getting into better shape. All month long there is only elbow room, but I don’t sweat it, because I know that when February hits, many will burn out. Then, once again, I will have plenty of space to flay my arms and legs around without bumping into anyone.
Why did so many people start the New Year with a bang, but then so quickly quit on making good on their well-intended resolutions? The reason, from a soul perspective, is because most of us are not taught the energetic and soulful way to set a goal. Most of us start a goal from a reactionary desire, rather than a real heart’s desire. The real heart’s desire is only revealed through self-inquiry. The truth is that any real change takes work, discipline and, most of all, a deeper level of commitment.
Another reason that goals/dreams are not realized is that we begin them too fast or it isn’t simply the right timing, when we rev-up our energy up too fast – it burns out. Liken your goals and dreams to running a marathon and not a short sprint. It may take you a bit longer than you think and that is okay. Build your goals/dreams by making small and consistent daily action steps. That will gain participation of the parts of you that are not all in the same game yet. You have to befriend the voices that are resistant to change. When we go too fast or too direct, we build resistance, allowing our inner voices of the perfectionist, critic and saboteur to turn-up their volume, making the task too difficult.
When is the right time to begin your goals? One can make a hundred changes, but the right one is what is most important. The new energy of the year does not come into the universal grid until Chinese New Year which begins this year on January 23rd, 2012. Every year, the Chinese New Year falls on the first New Moon, so you have to check the arrival of Chinese New Year every year. It is the lunar, not the solar, calendar that affects our emotional shifts and changes. Your personal timing also has to be considered. You have to be aware of when your energy has shifted and when the time is right for you.
The good news is that you have at least 3 more weeks. If you use this time as a gestation period engage in self-inquiry your soul can help you figure out which dreams are the best for you and the best time to begin. As you practice stillness, non-action, mediation, and self-inquiry, your base of knowledge deepens and widens. The goddess tradition provides insights as to how we can align to our souls. It refers to this process as “being behind the veil.” The “veil” is part of the great mystery we are unaware of, and yet is calling to us. But when we are ready to listen to its voice, the answers are revealed.
Yes, this can seem like a lot of effort, but consider this question: How has what you have done in the past worked for you? If we simply repeat old patterns (that didn’t work), they are most likely not to work again. If we do something different, then we will make new roads and go where we have never gone before.
Let this New Year start on Chinese New Year, January 23, 2012, and spend the next 3 weeks going behind the veil. The “veil” is that place within you that holds the answers of what would be right for you.
Knowing of what is right for you and for what timing is right, as well.
Consider these 4 steps as you make your new year’s resolution.
- What at are you willing to let go of, in order to create the space in which something else can take root and grow?
- The next step is to vision stream, which is a tool in which we simply allow the tool of imagination, much like we did as a child, and dream what would you love to be celebrating at the end of this next year. You don’t need the inner critic at this point because it is all about possibility.
- Then visualize your future self already at the end of the 2012 year celebrating all the accomplishments.
- And then, lastly, ask yourself this question: “What is my soul’s dream is for this year?” Your soul is divinely connected to the bigger dream that knows what is right for you!
By communicating to the deeper part of ourselves and awakening that part’s cooperation, we strengthen our resolve and deepen our commitment to make good on the right dreams and goals for the year.
So prepare this year’s New Year’s resolutions in a new way! Wait until you hear the right answer and then surrender yourself to the sage advice of your soul’s voice as it reveals the deeper dream that you hold. If you do this, you will be in a soul-partnership, where all benevolent forces of the universe conspire to work with you. It is a built-in success plan and that will help you make good on your 2012 dreams.
Katherine Allen has emerged a leader in the soul-led spiritual mentoring in helping women over 40 to make transformational shifts with lasting results to design their lives from soul purpose and passion. She is uniquely qualified in both the intuitive arts and the sciences. She holds a BA in Art, Health and Sociology, a Professional Interior Design degree, certification in Feng Shui, shaman training with Lynn Andrews since 1990, certified yoga instructor and certified in the Courageous Coaching Method by Kendall Summerhawk, of She has an engaging, simple to understand approach in sharing how universal and big ideas can make an impact in our daily lives. Her no-nonsense, humorous and compassionate perspectives are a joy. Please visit Katherine’s website at and read her blog at
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