Category: self help

  • How A Local Psychic Can Help You Lead a Problem-Free Life

    What if there was this magical key to solve all your life’s problems? What if there was a way to know what hinders your life, discover it and cast it away for good? If you are an average human being, you have probably wondered about your life on more occasions than you can imagine. Who are you? What is your purpose? What are your virtues and vices? How can you lead a better, more successful life? There are ways to gain deep insight into your life, and there is more than one way in which a true psychic reading can help you: (more…)

  • Online Psychic Readings – Chat vs. Phone

    Ever since the beginning of time, a lot of people have always been interested in getting psychic readings. As much as possible, they would want to consult with psychics who can see into the future and are more intuitive so that they can make the right decisions, the right choices in life. Basically, with psychic readings, what the psychic would do is it will start to read a person’s energy. The energy will determine the type of life that people will have based on their soul energy alone. (more…)

  • How to Find the Right Wife

    By Rabbi Allen S. Maller

    Everyone said David was very lucky. When his grandfather had died David had inherited a sailboat, an expensive car and lots of money. Two years later when David’s grandmother died David inherited a big house and lots of jewelry. Because he lived in a big house, and had a sailboat, and an expensive car and lots of money, there were lots of girls who liked David. Everyone said that David was a very lucky young man.

    But David didn’t think so. David thought he was very unlucky. All the girls that he fell in love with turned out to be wrong for him. He married one beautiful girl and then got divorced when he realized that she was very stubborn, self-centered and materialistic.

    He broke his engagement with another beautiful girl who was very jealous, liked to drink too much, and was mean and nasty to his parents. As the years went by and he was unable to find the right woman David began to despair of ever becoming a happily married man. (more…)

  • Simplify your life

    By Lt Col R K Langar

    Greatness lies in simplicity as great things are always simple. Simplicity aims at present day things as they are without complicating  them by showing your command over language or grammar. Simple statement and writing are easily understood and when things are clearly understood, they are well assimilated. Simplicity is directly linked with your inner life. When your inner life is anchored on virtues like Truth, love, purity,  righteousness and peace, your expression becomes simple and straight forward. Then Truth becomes centre of all your activities.  Truth becomes your guide. The life of a simple person is an open book where there is nothing to hide any thing from any one. A simple person attracts others with his inner beauties. Unless you practice moral virtues and use them in your conduct, You cannot be branded as a simple person. (more…)

  • Healthy Activity: Antidote to Life Problems

    by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

    Problems are placed before you so you can overcome them.
    – A. Hussain


    When life is kicking our butt and things seem out of control; and we are worn down by every day problems, how can belief in something beyond self, help us reach higher?

    Healthy activity has long been known as a corrective to some of the problems of daily life. Simply by switching our attention from the problem to something more enjoyable or taking purposeful action targeted at solving the problem; many times our mood becomes lighter and more positive. (more…)

  • Re-Imagining the Holidays

    Six ways to resist the trap of overabundance, and create traditions brimming with gratitude

    By Sara Wiseman

    Are you dreading it, already?

    You know… the whole shopping-gifting-cooking-cleaning-eating-drinking socializing-relatives-traveling season just ahead?

    From Thanksgiving to New Year’s, many of us get trapped in a cycle of overabundance—the state of having too much. As in: more than we can use. More than we can process. The cup not just full, but over flowing.

    It’s gotten worse in recent years, starting with Christmas decorations that go on display at Halloween to the frenzy of Black Friday. We’ve become a culture of excess and a society of waste, moving from the next new thing to the next…without ever taking the time to enjoy any of it. We have so much, and it’s arriving so fast, that we can’t use or even experience it all.

    This overabundance—having more than we really need—creates stress, lowers vibration and zaps energy from mind, body and spirit.

    Now, I’m all for abundance! I’m certainly not one to pass up on anything that brings pleasure or beauty or connection to my life. But when we become trapped in the cycle of overabundance—the endless circle of want, get, want, get—our lives fall out of balance. (more…)

  • Listen to Your Heart’s Wisdom

    By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

    While we are living in unsettled times, it seems that many periods in human history have been that way. Consider this famous quote from A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens, authored in 1859.

    “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times; it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness; it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity; it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness; it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair; we had everything before us, we had nothing before us; we were all going directly to Heaven, we were all going the other way.”  Charles Dickens

    Might not this description fit our modern life?  Add to this description an overlay of daily predictions of natural disasters, excessive drug and alcohol use, rampant societal depression, terrorists blowing-up innocents, civil unrest and riots across the globe, the failure of capitalism as a viable way of life and a general fear that the fabric of our daily lives is being destroyed.  (more…)

  • Intuition, Cancer and Miracles

    By Sara Wiseman

    Last fall, I was diagnosed with melanoma, one of the deadliest forms of cancer. Two surgeries later, I’ll be the first to admit: cancer was one of the scariest, most painful experiences in my life.

    It was also one of the most profound.

    Most folks, especially my physicians, will contend that traditional medicine was what cured me. I’ll agree with them — with one caveat. Because even though my surgeries worked — and for this I am utterly grateful — something else was at work as well. (more…)

  • Discovering Your True Self

    The Human Condition

    At essence we are each eternal spirit surrounded by various increasingly transient layers, the most permanent of which being our life purpose. Beyond this lie the various personas we adopt for different roles, and beyond these the consciousness of the moment created by the circumstances of now. Our outer layers are largely junk, created both internally and externally, that we must recognize as worthless and in so doing allow what truly matters to shine through.

    The details of life are utterly irrelevant. What seems important in the now is ultimately insignificant. We’ll all soon be dead. Life is nothing more than an experience-giving machine. What really matters is the experience we acquire during the process and carry with us into eternity.

    Human experience is inevitably imperfect. Life is not a vacation but a tough school presenting hard lessons, along with the potential for great satisfaction. Inevitably we will make mistakes and fall short of the ideal. But perfection is not our purpose. Our purpose is to learn from our experiences, as such there are no bad experiences or mistakes, only lessons. (more…)

  • Relationship- A beautiful aspect of life

    By Lt Col R K Langar


    Relationship with others is a beautiful aspect of life. It is expressed in doing, speaking and most importantly thinking good about others. We all belong to one God and there is one world family and hence we are related to one another. It is also said that no one is a stranger in the world and make the world your own. Good relationship with others can only be formed on the basis of your inner beauty and virtues which should be expressed in your conduct with others. Body may attract a relationship in the beginning but it is one’s personality anchored on your inner virtues which really sustains a good relationship. Modesty is the key for a successful relationship. Self management is another factor which not only sustains a relationship but also ensures that the relationship is not spoiled. (more…)