Category: self help

  • Stop Waiting – It’s Here!

    What are you waiting for? To graduate school or college; find a new job; get a raise or promotion; start your own business; buy your own home; maybe for the kids to fly the nest; or even retirement?

    We all seem to be waiting for something, that when it comes, will make everything alright. Or, put another way, for a reason to be happy. (more…)

  • Deepak Chopra, Spirituality and Holistic Healing

    Deepak Chopra is an Indian Medical Doctor, best known for his prolific and influential writings and teachings on Spirituality and holistic healing. Chopra says that he has been influenced by the teachings of Vedanta and the Bhagavad Gita, as well as by Jiddu Krishnamurti [Krishnamurti 100 years], and by the field of quantum physics. Deepak Chopra has had a profound influence on the New Thought Movement that has embraced him in the US.

    Read Deepak Chopra, Spirituality and Holistic Healing in full

    This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article “Deepak Chopra“.

  • How to Stop Feeling Bad

    It seems the majority of people suffer some form of stress, depression, or anxiety at some time or another. But what are the causes, and what can we do to improve matters?

    We can feel bad for various reasons:

    • the past
    • yourself
    • your circumstances/situation
    • future worries
    • world problems (more…)
  • How’s your Event Horizon?

    In physics an event horizon is the boundary around a black hole, beyond which events cannot affect an outside observer. In human terms it’s the whole range of things past and future that affect us in any way in the moment of now.

    It’s no coincidence that the same word – present – is synonymous with both ‘now’ and ‘gift’. The moment of now is truly a gift not only to be cherished but also utilized to its full potential. Eckhart Tolle’s Spiritual bestseller The Power of Now describes the benefits of limiting one’s attention to the present. (more…)

  • When Life Seems Too Much

    Isn’t life wonderful? Like a County Fair with so many attractions and activities all vying for – and demanding – your attention. So much to see, so much to do. The trouble is, you’re only human. That means you’re limited, with only so much time and energy to give.

    It can be overwhelming. And that’s why stress and its close relatives depression and anxiety are running at epidemic proportions in the modern world. (more…)

  • The Beast in Me

    In the beginning, before the universe came about, there was pure Spirit. Spirit, ever-hungry for experience, began to separate itself into distinct entities which could interact with each other in infinite different ways. The physical universe was formed to provide a theater in which these interactions could take place. The journey from conception (big bang) to the cosmos as we know it has taken billions of earth years, but for Spirit time has no meaning.

    Individuated souls elect to be born into flesh, each agreeing a life path before beginning the adventure of life. But upon incarnation two things happen: (more…)

  • The Game of Life and How to Play It

    The Wisdom of Florence Scovel ShinnFlorence Scovel Shinn’s 1925 classic The Game of Life and How to Play It is yet another earlier, and in my opinion superior, version of recent blockbuster The Secret.

    Born in 1871, Scovel Shinn worked as an artist before becoming a teacher of metaphysics (or as she calls it “Truth”).

    The Game of Life is the first of a series of works outlining Scovel Shinn’s particular take on the philosophy of abundance. Essentially, she asserts that life can offer all we desire; we simply have to ask for it, and prepare for it, in the absolute belief that what we want is already ours. (more…)

  • Coping with Bereavement – A Spiritual Approach

    Divorce, redundancy, changing job, moving home etc are usually cited among the major causes of stress, but surely the most stressful thing we experience is bereavement. Our relationships with others are what really define our identity and place in the world, and when we realize that one who’s been close will no longer be around in this lifetime the impact can be devastating. (more…)

  • Prayer, Affirmation, Hypnosis and Visualization

    What are prayer, affirmation, visualization and hypnosis? What do they have in common? And most important how can they each help you be the very best you can?

    Prayer is traditionally thought of as kneeling before God, perhaps in a sanctified place of worship, giving praise and thanks to the Great One. More accurately, prayer is any form of communication with a power greater than those found in the physical realm.

    Prayer can happen any time, any place, anywhere; I usually pray walking by the sea near my home. It can take any form the pray-er wishes, including giving thanks and praise, but also asking for help with the world’s troubles, healing where it’s needed and also making requests at a material level. (more…)

  • Stress Free for Good

    Stress Free for Good10 Scientifically Proven Life Skills for Health and Happiness by Dr. Fred Luskin and Dr. Kenneth R. Pelletier

    Despite living in the age of technological marvels stress and related mental problems have reached epidemic proportions in the Western world. The effects of stress upon the body are real as demonstrated by well-documented “white coat hypertension” in which patient’s blood pressure is significantly higher when measured by their doctor compared with readings measured at home. It’s now widely held that much physical illness either has mental problems at its origin, or is worsened by the patient’s state of mind.

    Paradoxically, instead of saving time, technology is actually placing people under pressure to achieve more within the the finite limits of each day. And there’s the rub. Many stress management techniques have been developed over the years, but often they require significant commitment from the already pressed subject. And often they don’t get applied at all. (more…)