Category: self help

  • Up time, down time

    Every moment’s a precious gift to be used to its full potential. But don’t you ever get periods (hours, days, even weeks) when you just want to allow time to pass doing nothing particular at all? We all do, and there’s no need to feel guilty.

    As human beings we are creatures of limited energy existing for a while within a universe of infinite potential. We each have to determine how we allocate our time and resources to best serve our particular life path. (more…)

  • Avoid Negativity – Turn Off the News!

    An alien that landed on Earth and turned on the TV news could be forgiven for jumping straight back into his UFO and going home. Our news paints a grim picture. But is it a true reflection of the human condition?

    Sure, a lot of negative stuff goes on in the world. A lot of stuff goes on in the world. But most of that stuff is positive. (more…)

  • Winning Isn’t Everything

    If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster; And treat those two impostors just the same – Kipling.

    There’s a current McDonald’s TV ad about a kid’s soccer game. At the end the winning team are ecstatic as they parade their trophy. Meanwhile the losers are terribly dejected. Until someone gives each of them a McDonald’s meal. How suddenly happiness and sadness are reversed, as it’s the winners’ turn to look on in envy. (more…)

  • How to Discover the Interlife Through Hypnosis

    by Martine Quibell
    Even Oprah is a believer! You can heal yourself, find out why you are the way you are, why certain things motivate or scare you, and how to live this life to the fullest when you use hypnosis to venture into the Interlife.

    Today, a growing curiosity has brought many individuals to explore the possibility of past lives. Dr. Georgina Cannon has regressed 1000’s of individuals who have come to her for answers about who they have been in another life.

    Hypnosis can help bridge the barrier between this reality and the next and Dr. Cannon facilitates regression sessions for those who are curious to discover if they have had another life and who they might be.

    Read How to Discover the Interlife Through Hypnosis in full

    Dr. Cannon is recognized by many in the media as “The Source” for expert opinion in the field of hypnotherapy and issues around complementary wellness treatments, and she regularly meets with medical and wellness professionals to enhance their knowledge and awareness of hypnosis and the dynamic healing potential of soul, or past life journeys.

    For more on Georgina Cannon visit:

  • Abundance Meditation

    Meditation has long been an integral part of Eastern mysticism with the discipline enjoying growing popularity in the West as more people discover its benefits on both mind and body. Meditation can take a variety of forms but essentially involves withdrawing attention from the physical senses while trying to quieten the chattering noise of consciousness.

    There has been much interest of late in the subject of abundance, indeed the self-help shelves are chock full of titles on the topic. The principle of abundance says the universe consists of plentiful supply just waiting to be claimed by those who ask.

    This meditation combines the mental and physical benefits of an altered state with a training of the mind to promote abundance-attracting behavior. You can either memorize the words, repeating them internally to yourself, or read them onto a tape (changing “I” to “you”) to be listened to at the appropriate time. (more…)

  • The Conflict Within

    The term schizophrenic is often (wrongly) used to describe people exhibiting multiple personalities. In fact the human psyche is complex and we all house numerous, and often conflicting, traits under the umbrella of a single individual.

    The psychologist C G Jung used the term “shadow” to represent our repressed characteristics. He describes it thus: “Everyone carries a shadow, and the less it is embodied in the individual’s conscious life, the blacker and denser it is.” (more…)

  • Your Comfort Zone – Haven or Prison?

    Your comfort zone is that set of circumstances and tasks in which you feel completely at ease, ie you are able to operate with little need of conscious thought or will. Essentially you are on autopilot and your mind can continue in its preferred state of slumber. (more…)

  • Coping with Uncertainty

    Most times life seems pretty predictable. We wake each morning knowing largely what the day will hold. We make an action (cause) and the expected result (effect) usually follows.

    Modern science has quite a different view. The universe consists of zillions of unpredictable events at the sub-atomic level. The order we observe is just the result of these numerous random micro-events combining to give a neat, seemingly predictable, macro-reality. (more…)

  • Welcome to the hang out

    the hang out is a new online bulletin board dedicated to Spirituality and personal growth.

    the hang out allows you to make friends with kindred souls; share your knowledge, wisdom and experience; post free ads and more.

    Visit the hang out now…

  • Self Development and the Way to Power

    by L W Rogers

    We may be either the suffering slaves of nature or the happy masters of her laws.

    It is the natural right of every human being to be happy–to escape all the miseries of life. Happiness is the normal condition, as natural as the landscapes and the seasons. It is unnatural to suffer and it is only because of our ignorance that we do suffer. Happiness is the product of wisdom. To attain perfect wisdom, to comprehend fully the purpose of life, to realize completely the relationship of human beings to each other, is to put an end to all suffering, to escape every ill and evil that afflicts us. Perfect wisdom is unshadowed joy.

    Read Self Development and the Way to Power in full as a free online ebook