Category: psychic development

  • Second Sight: A study of Natural and Induced Clairvoyance

    by Sepharial

    In this free e-book the eminent theosophist Sepharial endeavours to indicate the nature of the faculty of Second Sight or Clairvoyance, the means of its development, the use of suitable media or agents for this purpose, and the kind of results that may be expected to follow a regulated effort in this direction. Second Sight also seeks to show that the development of the psychic faculties may form an orderly step in the process of human unfoldment and perfectibility.

    Read Second Sight: A study of Natural and Induced Clairvoyance in full

  • Poetry, Music and Spirituality

    Poetry and music serve no practical purpose towards our survival as individuals or as a species. Despite this, both occupy a huge role in our lives.

    “The pen is mightier than the sword”, wrote Edward Bulwer-Lytton. Though physical weapons may yield physical submission, the heart and mind are only hardened into opposition direction by such primitive means. Sticks and stones may wound the flesh, but words have the power to penetrate the physical exterior and affect the immortal soul within. A mere word, positive or negative, has the power to inspire or destroy – be it from a girl/boy to whom we are attracted, a boss, or potentially influential client… (more…)

  • The Development of Mediumship

    Mediumship is the branch of psychic functioning that permits communication with the disembodied consciousness(es) of those who have lived in human form and now passed on (back) to the Spirit realm. Mediumship, sometimes referred to as clairvoyance (or clairaudience or clairsentience depending how the communications are perceived by the medium), is central to the Spiritualist movement.

    Is mediumship a gift one is born with, or can it be learned? (more…)

  • Self-Hypnosis for Psychic Development

    This hypnosis begins with the assumption we all, as Spiritual beings temporarily clothed in human flesh, start out as psychic, in varying degrees. Over time this ability diminishes, or rather is conditioned out of us by the pressures of materialistic society.

    The aim of the following is to use self-hypnosis to re-awaken our innate psychism by re-programming the subconscious. For a consistent and lasting effect the procedure will need repeating a number of times. (more…)

  • The Meaning of Coincidence

    Coincidence is where two or more unrelated things seem to occur in close enough proximity to suggest some relationship between them. Eg you dream of a school friend you haven’t heard from for years only to get a reunion invitation from that same person next day.

    Between getting the idea for this post and actually writing it a friend told me of two instances when people she hadn’t seen for ages came into her mind. The first she ran into on the street next day, and the second happened to be on the TV when she walked into the next room! And, on the day I posted this, I happened to be flicking through the TV channels and started watching an old series (of about 80 episodes). Bizarrely the episode being shown was the same that I happened upon over 4 years ago also by channel-flicking. I don’t follow this series and don’t recall having watched it inbetween times. Coincidence, or what? (more…)