The Development of Mediumship

Mediumship is the branch of psychic functioning that permits communication with the disembodied consciousness(es) of those who have lived in human form and now passed on (back) to the Spirit realm. Mediumship, sometimes referred to as clairvoyance (or clairaudience or clairsentience depending how the communications are perceived by the medium), is central to the Spiritualist movement.

Is mediumship a gift one is born with, or can it be learned?

Undoubtedly some people are born with an unusually heightened awareness of Spirit. This ability usually shows itself in childhood, but sadly is often frowned upon by parents, teachers and peers who tell the gifted one to snap out of it and stop being “weird” etc.

But since we are all Spirit in essence (we don’t stop being Spirit when we take on human form) we all have the potential for mediumship. Through meditation we can learn to quieten the noise in our heads and so become more aware of the subtle vibrations of Spirit. One medium described the process as raising our vibrations while Spirit lower theirs to a point where the two can meet.

Often after a loved one passes away we experience a sense of them somehow being around. This is NOT grief or imagination, those who were close to us on earth don’t stop being close simply because they shed the physical body.

Many people choose to develop their mediumship by sitting in a Circle, a group of like-minded people led by one or more experienced mediums. The circle consists of meditation and other development exercises and participants often feel the group energy improves their progress.

The subject is explored further in the free online ebook Genuine Mediumship or The Invisible Powers by Swami Bhakta Vishita covering topics such as Nature’s Finer Forces, Clairvoyance and Kindred Phenomena, How to Develop Mediumship, Experiences in the Circle, and Higher Spirit Manifestations.


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