The Ouija board is a divinatory tool, much like astrology, numerology, tarot, palm-reading, crystal-gazing etc. Just like all tools its purpose is to make it possible/easier to achieve something. A drill helps you hang shelves, tools of divination like the Ouija help you re-connect with your
Spiritual source. (more…)
Category: psychic development
What is Ouija?
The Basics of Expanding Consciousness
By Jaden Rose Phoenix, Author of Beyond Human: Claiming the Power and Magic of Your Limitless Self
Begin Where You Can Begin
There is always more than one route to the outcome you are seeking. However, to keep it simple, we will only explore a couple of starting points here. To allow your mind access to “other worlds,” you might find it useful to have your left brain agree that experiencing unseen worlds is a possibility, a possibility that even you can have access to.
Start from the premise that there is evidence — scientific evidence even — that energies are present that you cannot see or feel or smell. (more…)
Psychic Ability: Is It Real? What Does It Mean?
The term psychic power refers to any ability by which mind can interact with matter by means beyond currently understood laws of science.
Parapsychology, the scientific discipline devoted to the study of psychic ability and other paranormal phenomena has coined the umbrella term psi to refer to a number of distinct categories of psychic ability, namely: (more…)
Mind Improvement
The Power of the Mind
The human mind can be likened to an iceberg. The tiny, visible, portion above the surface represents conscious awareness. However, like the iceberg, the vast bulk of the mind’s power and activity remains hidden beneath the surface, in the realm of the subconscious.
The subconscious/unconscious is a vast store of everything we’ve ever experiences. It’s also the home of our drives, those emotions and gut-feelings that influence everything we do but defy conscious quantification. (more…)
How to use the force and conquer the dark side
He may be green and funny looking, but Yoda was wise beyond his 900 years…
Yoda was a fictional character from the Star Wars movies. He first appears in The Empire Strikes Back as a Jedi Master, and trains Luke Skywalker in the ways of the Jedi.
Yoda possessed a great knowledge in how to use ‘the Force’. He was capable of great acts of telekinesis, clairvoyance and could tap into his intuition at will…
…and he loved to share his wisdom. Here are a few of his classic quotes –
“Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you? Hmm? Hmm. And well you should not. For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter. You must feel the Force around you; here, between you, me, the tree, the rock, everywhere, yes. Even between the land and the ship.” (more…)
Are Psychics Real?
These days more and more people are turning to an ever-increasing range of psychics offering supernatural enlightenment – in return for a fee. This article describes the purpose of psychics and mediums, considers their authenticity, and gives advice on choosing the right psychic for you.
What is a Psychic?
The physical universe we inhabit, vast as it is, is but an infinitesimal part of a greater reality commonly described a God, Source, or Spirit. For the most part of our incarnate life we are unaware of this greater reality as our focus is drawn to earthly matters. However, at essence we are Spirit, and with an appropriate shift of consciousness may become aware of its existence. (more…)
Free ebook reveals ‘world first’ secrets from mind power research
For nearly 10 years, a small privately funded team carried out research into advanced mind power. All of their discoveries were classified as ‘leading edge’ knowledge, with a few in the ‘world first’ category.
They discovered how to attract luck, how to cure their mind and body while sleeping by pre-programming their dreams, how to attract new partners with their minds… they even found out ways of beating the casinos! …Plus MUCH more… (more…)
Collective fears and how they are fed to you…
Most of us have a set of unique fears that relate to our own lives, like concerns about loved ones, financial worries and so on; but there are also many “universal†fears – or perhaps you might call them “collective†fears – that are communicated to us through our environment.
These fears often relate to situations and events that leave us feeling vulnerable and defenseless, such as worldwide ‘pandemics’, ‘terrorist’ attacks, economic and financial crises, and so on.
Not only do we see and hear constant references to these frightening scenarios in the media and from the people around us… …the energy of collective fears also seeps into the very fabric of our reality (the quantum field) and continues to resonate around and within us. (more…)
How We Influence People With Our Minds
by Jim Francis
How often have you felt that someone was staring at you? You probably turned around and immediately caught the gaze of the “starer”. Or maybe you’ve unintentionally done this to someone else.
What has not been realized until quite recently is that when you focus on another person, either within eyesight or geographically distant, then that person subconsciously picks up on your attention. (more…)
The Next Nostradamus: How To Develop Your Visions and Prophetic Powers
Author: Tenzin Pemo
Do you want to be the next Nostradamus? Whatever your ambitions, there are many ways you can improve your visions and become more prophetic in life. First of all, what is prophecy all about? Do you really understand it?
Prophecy has played a big role throughout the history of mankind and it probably always will. Religious leaders, poets, etc, all seem to have foretold events that happened well after their time. (more…)