Category: psychic development

  • 5 Tips for Recognizing your Intuition

    Author: Fia Crandall
    Copyright (c) 2007 Fia Crandall

    Knowing what your intuition is telling you is a valuable tool on the path of spiritual growth. In recognizing and following your intuition, you can be guided from your Spirit, your Higher Self rather than just your mind.

    Your Higher Self sees the big picture of your life and can help you take the shortcuts and choose the best path for you which is a wonderful gift!

    But it does take recognizing your intuition in order to be able to use it! Here are 5 tips on recognizing your intuition: (more…)

  • Harness and Develop Your Intuition

    Author: LifeSource International

    What is Intuition?

    Intuition is a sudden flash, an internal knowing, a glimpse or vision of truth, a sensation that runs through your body telling you that something is or isn’t right even though your rationale may suggest otherwise. It’s your gut instinct or that time you walked into a room and thought ‘you could cut the atmosphere with a knife’ and yet have no factual information to make you think that. When used correctly it is your most accurate inner radar system, continually scanning your inner and outer environments, sending back messages. Your intuition informs you of what is taking place and enables you to instantly make sense of the huge amount of information that continually flows within and around you. (more…)

  • The 7 Steps To Intuition

    By Ab Van Deemter

    Have you ever had this strong feeling that something was going to happen and that very much to your surprise this hunch became reality somewhat later?

    That’s what we call intuition. Intuition is to feel strongly about something, without having the logical explanation for it. It is understanding without any apparent effort and there are three different types of it:

    • clairvoyance
    • sensing clearly
    • feeling through listening (more…)
  • Psychic Ability & Connecting It To You!

    By Viva Dana

    For the past two decades, many aspects of metaphysical data have begun to sit prominently amongst bookshelves across the globe. Prior to this sudden instreaming of meta-info, there simply were no standardized public educative systems available to make the psychic retrieval & exchange process easily or generally understood. (more…)

  • Using Psychic Tests to Determine Your Psychic Abilities

    By Keith Ward

    Contrary to popular belief, there is not one standard level of psychic ability a person can possess. Different people will have different levels and degrees of psychic potential. Then, there is also the issue of manifestation of psychic abilities and power. (more…)

  • Psychic Development – Deepening Your Connection

    By K. Purdenn

    For a fair number of people who are incredibly attuned to their inner self, their next stage of “evolution” is trying to speed up their psychic development. Naturally, psychic abilities differ from one person to the other. Some people have the power of: auric sight (power to see other people’s aura,) clairaudience (clear hearing,) clairempathy (clear emotion,) clairvoyance (clear vision,) intuition (perception of information with no portals,) mental influence (a form of telepathy that can be used to sway others,) psychic healing (ability to cure ills using psychic healing,) psychokinesis (power to move objects using the mind,) psychometry (perception of information via an object,) and telepathy (mind communication.) If you think that you have one or more of these special talents psychic development is essential in honing up your powers to a certain degree. But exactly how do you do this? Here are some tips. (more…)

  • Psychic Development, Intuition and the Inner Voice

    By Philippe Byske

    Many people have the mistaken belief that some people are psychic and some people are not. Really, however, we all have some degree of psychic ability. The difference in those who we consider “psychic” and those we consider “non psychic” has much more to do with how willing to trust their intuition they are. (more…)

  • How to alter your consciousness to develop ESP

    Author: Conrad Raw

    There are various methods to alter your consciousness, sleep deprivation, sensory deprivation, drugs, alcohol and training. Most people have heard of all these things and the term “altered state of consciousness”, but don’t really understand what it means. Consciousness has three states. (more…)

  • How to Read the Crystal

    How to Read the Crystal

    Crystal gazing or scrying is the ancient practice of gaining awareness of psychic information by focusing one’s attention on a polished surface. Notable practitioners have included Elizabethan mystic John Dee, and more recently Dr Raymond Moody, who uses the technique to facilitate contact with deceased loved ones. In How to Read the Crystal Sepharial presents the qualifications and preliminaries necessary for crystal reading, the vision itself, difficulties, symbols, and describes some experiences.

    Read in full as a free online ebook

  • Edgar Cayce Explains the Sources of Psychic Information

    By Doug Simpson

    For those readers who are not familiar with Edgar Cayce, I will give you a very brief history of the man regarded by many as America’s greatest psychic. Edgar Cayce was born in rural Kentucky on March 18, 1877, and passed on in Virginia Beach, Virginia on January 3, 1945. He gave over 15,000 psychic readings in a coma-like trance state and there are copies of over 14,000 of these readings at his Association For Research And Enlightenment, or A.R.E. for short, in Virginia Beach. Approximately 10,000 of these readings were medical readings where in his deep-trance state he diagnosed medical problems and prescribed remedies, including prescriptions which had not yet been invented. (more…)