Category: books

  • Dying to Know You

    Proof of God in the Near-Death Experience

    by P.M.H. Atwater

    Dying to Know You cover

    “This book is a treasure. It ranks among the loftiest expressions in modern survival literature.”
    — Larry Dossey , M.D.

    What has been missing from my work, from everyone else’s work, from personal stories, from those who interpret personal stories, from experts in religion and spirituality, from the news media, the scientists, the grief-stricken, and the born again . . . is the voice of the collective . . . inside what we all seek to describe. What lies at the heart of near-death experiences? (more…)

  • Conscious Peace

    From the Book RADICAL PEACE: People Refusing War By William T. Hathaway

    I was sitting in full lotus, body wrapped in a blanket, mind rapt in deep stillness, breathing lightly, wisps of air curling into the infinite space behind my closed eyes. My mantra had gone beyond sound to become a pulse of light in an emptiness that contained everything.

    An electric shock flashed down my spine and through my body. My head snapped back, limbs jerked, a cry burst from my throat. Every muscle in my body contracted ― neck rigid, jaws clenched, forehead tight. Bolts of pain shot through me in all directions, then drew together in my chest. Heart attack! I thought. I managed to lie down, then noticed I wasn’t breathing ― maybe I was already dead. I groaned and gulped a huge breath, which stirred a whirl of thoughts and images.

    Vietnam again: Rotor wind from a hovering helicopter flails the water of a rice paddy while farmers run frantically for cover. Points of fire spark out from a bamboo grove to become dopplered whines past my ears. A plane dives on the grove to release a bomb which tumbles end over end and bursts into an orange globe of napalm. A man in my arms shakes in spasms as his chest gushes blood. (more…)

  • Beyond The River’s Gate

    New book by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

    The Ancient Teaching is that the many religions are One and that humanity is one family. We have all come from the same Source, and must one day return Home. That is the cosmic journey and, here in the earth phase, there are many opportunities to go, do and create. Yet we will have missed the point of our stay, unless we come to this inner, spiritual understanding of Oneness and use this knowledge in our daily life.

    The heart of this book is the point at which traditional religious teaching merges with this ancient, inner spiritual message. In today’s world, travelers often get caught-up in the smaller stream, forgetting they must travel the river to its Source; past the river’s mouth, the Ocean is waiting.

    May your journey through these pages be filled with Light.

    Available from Amazon and other leading bookstores

  • Award Winning Author Dr. Stewart Bitkoff Releases Book Beyond The River’s Gate

    Beyond The River's Gate cover

    March 2014, Pennsylvania, USA. Award winning author, Dr. Stewart Bitkoff, released his most recent book, Beyond the River’s Gate, which is available for purchase at A must read for all who seek a spiritual path, it offers a unique and in-depth analysis of spirituality and religion in a way that is sure to resonate with modern-day travelers.

    Through his innate ability to explain religious and spiritual complexities, Bitkoff illuminates areas in which religious teachings are helpful or lacking. Further, he explores basic concerns that people have about the differences in religious forms, the spiritual journey, and its connection to challenges in the world today.

    Comprised of two parts, the first encompasses 99 questions and answers covering a vast array of spiritual and religious topics percolating the minds of many, such as, Why are there so many religions?, Which religion is really “right, if any?,” What is spiritual experience?, Is spiritual experience the same as God or “the Light?,” How do I go about finding a teacher to guide me?, How can so many strong faiths co-exist?, among numerous other questions. The second section, presents stories, verses, quotes and observations to help further explain the interrelatedness of all religions and spiritual capacity. (more…)

  • Wellsprings: A Fable of Consciousness

    Selections from the Novel by William T. Hathaway

    Cosmic Egg Books 2013

    2026. The earth’s ecosystem has broken down under human abuse. Water supplies are shrinking. Rain is rare, and North America is gripped in the Great Drought with crops withering and forests dying. In the midst of environmental and social collapse, an old woman and a young man set out to heal nature and reactivate the cycle of flow by using techniques of higher consciousness. But the corporations that control the remaining water lash out to stop them.

    In the novel water is analogous to consciousness. People are out of contact with their own inner wellsprings of consciousness, so their lives are withering. And their ignorant actions have driven the earth’s water deep underground, so nature is withering. Human life and the earth’s life are trapped in suffering. The story shows the two main characters evolving their consciousness to a level where they can sense the water and restore its natural flow for humanity and the earth. A blend of adventure, ecology, and mystic wisdom, WELLSPRINGS: A Fable of Consciousness is a frightening but hopeful look into a future that is looming closer every day.

    It’s also a love story, which is of course also good for our consciousness.

    The book begins with the narrator, Bob, getting ready to leave his hometown in California after graduating from high school: (more…)

  • Past Life Regression

    A partial chapter from the book My Trip to the Philippines by Hans Carl Clausen

    book cover my trip to the philippinesFor several months, following my personal experiences with Dr Brian Weiss and Dr Raymond Moody, I had immersed myself in the study of Past Life Regressions.  Sharing my interests with a pleasant young female who worked at a local florist where I often purchased flowers, she inquired:

    “Do you think you can do this?”

    I thought for a moment.  “Yes, I believe I can.”

    “Would you hypnotize me?”


    “How about tonight?”

    I reflected on her request and how this nice young girl could come over and perhaps together we might share a unique experience. (more…)

  • Conversaions with an ET

    by Tom T. MOORE ~ Copyright 2013

    Excerpt from First Contact: Conversations With An ET

    For the past five years I have communicated telepathically with a member of my soul group or “cluster,” who’s having a life on a water planet in the Sirius B Star System.  The majority of people believe in telepathy, and even universities, such as Duke University, have done experiments with two sets of individuals—one to be the sender and one to be the receiver.  What they have not discovered yet is that if both sender and receiver would be in a light Alpha, meditative state, the results would be at the top of the chart, with just a little bit of practice.  And the sender and receiver would not need to be in the same room or across campus.  They could be halfway around the world from each other.  Plus they wouldn’t just be able to send and receive if a shape is square, round or triangle, but whole sentences. (more…)

  • Review for Intuition, Cancer & Miracles: A Passage of Hope & Healing by Sara Wiseman

    intuition, cancer & miracles

    In an honest and moving voice, intuitive author Sara Wiseman shares how her journey through cancer challenged her belief system. The waiting and wondering, the pain of multiple surgeries, and both the doubt and desire in trusting her inner voice of wisdom — Wiseman gives a heart-wrenching account of the tainted gift of cancer. This truthful look at cancer through one woman’s experience is inspiring and life-affirming: you are not alone in the universe, and you can find meaning in even the most painful situations. A vital tool for those with cancer; the book also includes seven powerful meditations for healing. A warm, beautifully produced audio course is also available for this book.

    — Vicky Thompson, editor of New Connexion Journal

    $15.95 ISBN 978-935254-77-5 Norlights Press or
    Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Norlights Press, Ingram

  • Scientists find Hints for the Immortality of the Soul

    Some international physicists are convinced, that our spirit has a quantum state and that the dualism between the body and the soul is just as real to as the “wave-particle dualism” of the smallest particles.

    Dr. James G. of San Francisco, a former coworker of the German Max-Planck Society in Frankfurt, reported the following incredible story. “I studied not only in the USA, but I also studied chemistry in London for a few semesters. When I came to England, the student housing was full, so I added my name to a waiting list. A short time later, I received the joyous news that a room had become available. Shortly after I had moved in, I awoke one night and in the twilight was able to see a young man with curly, black hair. I was terrified and told the alleged neighbor that he had the wrong room. He simply cried and looked at me with great sadness in his eyes.

    When I turned on the light, the apparition had disappeared. Since I was one hundred percent sure it had not been a dream, I told the housemaster about the strange encounter the next morning. I gave her a detailed description of the young man. She suddenly paled. She looked through the archives and showed me a photo. I immediately recognized the young man who had visited me in my room the evening before. When I asked her who he was, she replied with a quivering voice that it was the previous renter. She then added that my room had become available because he had taken his life shortly before.” The author would never have recorded the story had “James” not been an absolutely trustworthy person. (more…)

  • Sparkle and the Gift

    Sparkle & the GiftAyn Cates Sullivan, Ph.D is the inspirational author behind Sparkle and the Gift, the first book in a series of modern fables for “children of all ages.” It was just added to the Table of Honor at the London Book Festival and dubbed an “illuminated modern day treasure” by Howard Wills of Higher Consciousness, Inc. Sparkle and the Gift depicts the story of a young girl named Sparkle who remembers that she is a being made of radiant light. After sharing this discovery with her mother Alice, Sparkle is told the story of “Kachina’s Gift,” a fairy tale designed to remind us that everything we need is already inside of us.

    In Sparkle and the Gift, Ayn addresses the importance of humanity’s relationship with nature, and how nurturing this relationship can improve the self-esteem and well-being of children and parents alike. “I think it’s a really important message for this time, I want kids of all ages to remember their inner light never goes out.” She is releasing her forthcoming fable, Sparkle and the Light, around Easter. The sophomore addition to the series, Sparkle and the Light takes on bullying and how kids can maintain their sense of self in the face of adversity. (more…)