Category: books

  • Mysteries

    A review of Colin Wilson’s sequel to The Occult


    Colin Wilson is one of the most thorough and prolific researchers and writers on the paranormal of recent years. Mysteries was written as a sequel to Wilson’s The Occult, and continues and extends the theme of that classic investigation into the world of the unknown.

    Mysteries begins by floating the possibility that the “self” actually consists of a hierarchy of levels that may be likened to a ladder with higher rungs of shorter and shorter length (presumably meaning they are harder to experience, or are reached by fewer souls). Wilson adopted this concept after experiencing a series of panic attacks that were ended by his invoking a higher self (which he refers to as the schoolmistress effect). (more…)

  • Proof of Heaven

    Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon's Journey into the AfterlifeProof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Afterlife by Eben Alexander M.D.

    Thousands of people have had near-death experiences, but scientists have argued that they are impossible. Dr. Eben Alexander was one of those scientists. A highly trained neurosurgeon, Alexander knew that NDEs feel real, but are simply fantasies produced by brains under extreme stress.

    Then, Dr. Alexander’s own brain was attacked by a rare illness. The part of the brain that controls thought and emotion—and in essence makes us human—shut down completely. For seven days he lay in a coma. Then, as his doctors considered stopping treatment, Alexander’s eyes popped open. He had come back.

    Alexander’s recovery is a medical miracle. But the real miracle of his story lies elsewhere. While his body lay in coma, Alexander journeyed beyond this world and encountered an angelic being who guided him into the deepest realms of super-physical existence. There he met, and spoke with, the Divine source of the universe itself. (more…)

  • Debunking De Mille

    ©2012 James L. Desper, Jr.

    An excerpt from The End Of History

    The End of History

    In the following section, I will debunk the debunker. The writings of Richard de Mille have been purported to prove that Castaneda’s books are works of fiction. I will show de Mille’s claims to be gross over-simplifications and exaggerations by examining his two books-Castaneda’s Journey and The Don Juan Papers-and his appearance in the movie Carlos Castaneda: Enigma of a Sorcerer. I will not attempt to address every accusation and insinuation from all this material. That would require a separate book of its own and would be a waste of both mine and the reader’s time. I will, however, address the major allegations. (more…)

  • Sufism for Western Seekers Secures Fourth Place, Receives Honorable Mention

    Sufism for Western SeekersStroudsburg, PA – June 24, 2012, Dr. Stewart Bitkoff’s book Sufism for Western Seekers, which was nominated by ForeWord Magazine’s 2011 Adult Non Fiction Religious Book of the Year, was just awarded fourth place receiving honorable mention in the overall competition. Bitkoff has proven his ability to offer Americans an ancient teaching which has otherwise been viewed as seemingly complicated and places this book on the shelf of  “must reads” alongside new age, self-help literature such as Dr. Wayne Dyer.

    Sufism for Western Seekers depicts a first-hand account of spiritual growth in two modern Sufi mystical schools. Sufism is the ancient path of spiritual knowing and is available through all religions, independent of Islam and other orders, yet is often misunderstood by Americans and Western Seekers. It is the true path to “knowing” oneself and coming to understand the light. It is not meant to replace religion rather it’s an added essence the ‘holly on the tree.’ (more…)

  • Book Review: The Ferryman’s Dream, Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

    Reviewer: Emmanuel Karavousanos

    The Ferryman's DreamOnce in a while one reads a book that not only is a wonderful read, but has a magnet drawing a reader into it and fills the mind with at least a bit of wisdom and good sense. The Ferryman’s Dream is such a book with one difference: it delivers a good deal more wisdom than one might expect. Often when reading a book one quickly (perhaps all too quickly) dismisses much of what one reads, hastening to get to “the good parts” or even just to finish. Here, the reader cannot but go back and read once again the fully packed package of ideas this work contains.

    Aside from the story, which itself is joyful to read, ideas emerge right from the very beginning. The author, Dr. Bitkoff, can be recognized as one who has reached a state of consciousness that we call mystical. We see the wisdom begin to flow. Bitkoff quickly notifies us of a flaw almost all of us have. It is that the instructions given by spiritual teachers is often “denied or overlooked”. (more…)

  • The Ferryman’s Dream

    The Ferryman's DreamAuthor’s Newest Title Compares to The Alchemist

    Dr. Stewart Bitkoff’s The Ferryman’s Dream Hits Book Shelves

    Stroudsburg, PA– May 8, 2012- For those modern day men and women who are increasingly seeking answers from within to help make sense of the world today, Dr. Stewart Bitkoff’s newest title, The Ferryman’s Dream was written for you. Compared on some level to The Alchemist, by Paulo Coelho, The Ferryman’s Dream presents an updated version of the ever-elusive, and often misunderstood, ancient spiritual teachings which are intended to be an added essence to life and religion; not serve as a replacement there of. In a heartening tale, The Ferryman’s Dream brings to life the true essence of modern day spiritual learning. (more…)

  • From here to ‘Sacred Economics’

    by Elisa Graf and Thorsten Wiesmann

    A discussion of Charles Eisenstein’s book, Sacred Economics: Money, Gift and Society in the Age of Transition, which details the development of the use of money from gift economies to the current capitalism with its pathologies of alienation, competition and scarcity.

    Sacred Economics

    Few today would argue with the fact that nearly all human institutions appear to be in parallel crisis. Charles Eisenstein is a philosopher, teacher and author whose latest book, Sacred Economics: Money, Gift and Society in the Age of Transition, traces the history of money from ancient gift economies to modern capitalism, revealing how the money system has contributed to alienation, competition, and scarcity. In line with esoteric thinking he suggests that humanity is now making a transition away from a cultural identity that defines human beings as separate, discrete entities in competition with each other for finite resources, to one that expresses the connected relationship between ourselves and other human beings, and ourselves and nature. He presents an idealistic vision of how living without society’s over-riding focus on money would transform our sense of self and our relationship to others: a change in sensibility. He talks of “The self of ‘inter-beingness’ that understands that we’re the same being, looking out through different eyes; that what I do to you I’m really doing to myself; that your well-being is connected to my wellbeing; your suffering is connected to my suffering”. As our institutions fall apart, Eisenstein says that they are, in effect, ‘birthing’ us into a new world. (more…)

  • The Call of Sedona: Journey of the Heart

    The Call of Sedona

    “Ilchi Lee’s work flows from a deep curiosity and regard for the spiritual dimensions of human experience.”
    – Oscar Arias Sanchez, President of Costa Rica, Nobel Peace Laureate

    One of America’s most renowned spiritual leaders – Ilchi Lee of Sedona, Arizona has just launched a life-changing new book called The Call of Sedona:  Journey of the Heart. This is an essential book for anyone seeking peace, enlightenment and happiness – not just the spiritually-minded or fans of Sedona. (more…)

  • Sufism for Western Seekers – Book Review

    By Michael Greenstein

    Sufism for Western Seekers

    Depending on who you talk to, life has never been worse.  Cancer seems to plague almost every family, financial ruin is at our collective doorsteps, divorce rates remain alarming high and the news is rampant with spiritual leaders that have abused our young and led us astray.  Without much difficulty, you can add your favorite demise to this list. What are we to do? Almost every month a new remedy for our woes appears on the New York Times best sellers list. Each book promises the same hope as the one we read before.  And if we are lucky, we glean some nuggets of wisdom.  But all too often these nuggets somehow fade from our consciousness the moment we put down the book. (more…)

  • To Become a Sufi: Do I Need to Join a Sufi Order?

    By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

    “You may follow one stream. Know that it leads to the Ocean, but do not mistake the stream for the Ocean.“  Jan-Fishan

    Q: To study Sufism, do I need to become a Moslem and convert to Islam, or join a Sufi   Order?

    A:  No.  This is not necessary. While some westerners find joy in following this Path; the seeker after truth or spiritual traveler does not have to change their birth religion to sip of this ancient wine. A form of Sufi learning exists for everyone, because the Teaching is always being updated into a modern form. The seeker can learn from the Sufis, even become one and yet remain independent of these specific religious trappings. (more…)