Review for Intuition, Cancer & Miracles: A Passage of Hope & Healing by Sara Wiseman

intuition, cancer & miracles

In an honest and moving voice, intuitive author Sara Wiseman shares how her journey through cancer challenged her belief system. The waiting and wondering, the pain of multiple surgeries, and both the doubt and desire in trusting her inner voice of wisdom — Wiseman gives a heart-wrenching account of the tainted gift of cancer. This truthful look at cancer through one woman’s experience is inspiring and life-affirming: you are not alone in the universe, and you can find meaning in even the most painful situations. A vital tool for those with cancer; the book also includes seven powerful meditations for healing. A warm, beautifully produced audio course is also available for this book.

— Vicky Thompson, editor of New Connexion Journal

$15.95 ISBN 978-935254-77-5 Norlights Press or
Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Norlights Press, Ingram


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