Author: abracad

  • Is anybody out there? And are they friendly?

    In a new documentary for the Discovery Channel leading Cambridge astrophysicist Professor Stephen Hawking says aliens almost certainly exist but warns that humans should avoid making contact.

    Though Hawking believes most extraterrestrial life would be simple microbes he fears that superior life forms would be hostile, seeking to exploit earth for its resources. (more…)

  • Voting to protect animal life

    This forum doesn’t generally involve itself in party politics, however, there is one issue on which we feel we ought to appeal from a Spiritual perspective to our friends in Great Britain who are currently in the process of choosing a new government.

    Though we have many issues with the current administration we congratulate it for introducing a ban on the hunting of wild animals with dogs, effectively outlawing the barbaric practice of fox hunting. Sadly, the Conservative Party – which is widely tipped to win the election – is committed to repealing this ban and re-introducing blood “sports”. (more…)

  • Animal and Human Connections

    By Catherine Poole

    We all love our animals. Many people ask me, as a medical intuitive, if their beloved pets make it to heaven. The answer is, “Yes, they do!” Animals are on a different vibratory level than humans, and before you are quick to pass judgment, I must emphasize that they are on a higher, not lower plane! Animals do not contend with ego like humans do. Also, many animals vibrate to the color green which is the color of teaching and unconditional love. (more…)

  • Animal Rights – How We Treat Animals Reflects Who We Are

    By Randy Wysong

    From a purely biological perspective, no creature inherently has rights beyond that which it has the power to impose. What is able to survive does, what cannot does not. But our world is not just biology. It is ethics as well. “Might makes right” cannot be the operating paradigm in a world where freedom, compassion, humanity, and love are desired. Nor are we removed from consideration of the rights of other creatures just because we are paying somebody else to create drugs, scent a deodorant, or raise our food. (more…)

  • Science and Spirituality

    The Growing Interface – Spirituality at the Work Place

    By : Lt. Col R K Langar


    A common belief that science and spirituality are not in unison with each other is not true. Results of science can be observed and demonstrated and so can be of spirituality. Spiritual experience can be clearly seen in the conduct and behavioral pattern of spiritual persons. A spiritual person is pure at heart, gives warmth to those who come in his contact, is a well wisher of all and attract others with his caring conduct. He believes in humanism, a philosophy which recognizes the dignity of man by virtue of his being Divine at the core and which establishes oneness, unity in diversity and interconnectedness of all. (more…)

  • The Rosicrucian Mysteries

    Many of us have seen ads for a mysterious organization offering to teach secret knowledge to enhance our lives, but what are the Rosicrucians really about? According to Wikipedia, Rosicrucianism is the theology of a secret society of mystics, allegedly formed in late medieval Germany, holding a doctrine “built on esoteric truths of the ancient past”, which, “concealed from the average man, provide insight into nature, the physical universe and the spiritual realm.”[Lindgren, Carl Edwin (Prof.), The way of the Rose Cross; A Historical Perception, 1614-1620. Journal of Religion and Psychical Research, Volume18, Number 3:141-48. 1995.]  It is symbolized by the rosy cross.

    In this classic work, now in the public domain, the Christian  occultist, astrologer, and mystic Max Heindel presents an elementary introduction to Rosicrucian secret teachings.

    Read in full as a free online ebook

  • An Outline of Occult Science

    Noted philosopher, social thinker, architect and esotericist Rudolf Steiner’s classic introduction to the occult realm including the Nature of Man, Sleep and Death, Knowledge of the Higher Worlds, and the Present and Future Evolution of the World and Humanity.

    Read in full as free online ebook

  • What Is Human Life All About?


    One way of looking at life is that man enters the world from one door and leaves it from another. Man enters the world when he is born, he grows up, get educated, obtains a job for his living, gets married, brings up children, gets old and leaves the world by an other door at the end of his life span is this a correct way to describe human life. Those who believe in this way of living live mechanically from birth to death. The fact is that life is much more than a sheer mechanical living. Life provides plenty of adventure and opportunities to those who live every moment of it mindfully. So what exactly is life. We have a few options to describe human life as perceived by our men of wisdom. (more…)

  • Edgar Cayce’s Story of the Last Supper

    by Doug Simpson

    For those readers who are not familiar with Edgar Cayce, I will give you a very brief history of the man regarded by many as America’s greatest psychic. Edgar Cayce was born in rural Kentucky on March 18,1877, and passed on in Virginia Beach, Virginia on January 3, 1945. He gave over 15,000 psychic readings in a coma-like trance state and there are copies of over 14,000 of these readings at his Association For Research And Enlightenment, or A.R.E. for short, in Virginia Beach. (more…)

  • Is Fate Unalterable or Negotiable?

    By Lt. Col RK Langar

    When things do not happen in life the way we want them to be, there is a temptation to attribute our failure to fate or destiny to derive some consolation out of it. Fate does play a part in man’s life but there is also a free will which a man posses and which enable him to take his work to its highest state of efficiency. Hence we can assume that both Free will and Fate regulate our life. (more…)