Voting to protect animal life

This forum doesn’t generally involve itself in party politics, however, there is one issue on which we feel we ought to appeal from a Spiritual perspective to our friends in Great Britain who are currently in the process of choosing a new government.

Though we have many issues with the current administration we congratulate it for introducing a ban on the hunting of wild animals with dogs, effectively outlawing the barbaric practice of fox hunting. Sadly, the Conservative Party – which is widely tipped to win the election – is committed to repealing this ban and re-introducing blood “sports”.

Please note we are not talking about the slaughter of animals for meat, pest control, or in the interests of essential & life-saving medical research. This is the pursuit and ultimate violent destruction of living creatures, incarnate Spiritual entities like you and I, purely for the pleasure of participants.

Anyone who’s had the privilege to care for a pet can be in no doubt that animals are Spiritual beings with unique souls. In the name of human compassion please consider the animal kingdom when casting your vote, they don’t have a say.

For further information, please visit:

RSPCA Animal welfare issues during the General Election campaign

SAVE ME Use your vote to ensure that the present laws protecting animals from cruelty are kept in place, more carefully monitored, legally tightened up, and fully enforced.

IFAW Freddie the Fox and friends urge party leaders to protect hunting ban

BACK THE BAN The next parliament may see legislation introduced which specifically allows foxes to be ripped apart at the teeth of hounds. Will you join us in fighting this barbarity?

LEAGUE AGAINST CRUEL SPORTS works to expose and bring to an end the cruelty inflicted on animals in the name of sport.

you for your consideration.


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