Is anybody out there? And are they friendly?

In a new documentary for the Discovery Channel leading Cambridge astrophysicist Professor Stephen Hawking says aliens almost certainly exist but warns that humans should avoid making contact.

Though Hawking believes most extraterrestrial life would be simple microbes he fears that superior life forms would be hostile, seeking to exploit earth for its resources.

If the universe is infinite, a distinct possibility in current scientific thought, then alien life is not only likely, but inevitable. Even the vastness of a finite universe tips the balance of probability in favor of our not being alone, or particularly privileged.

Given the human history of colonization, Prof Hawking may well have a point. But taking a more optimistic viewpoint, consider that the entire physical universe and all life within emanates from the single Spiritual source. Any life able to make first contact with us is likely to be more technically advanced, and so it might be hoped more Spiritually advanced too. In particular that it may gone beyond the need to subjugate, and instead seeks to befriend and aid.

All of which is mere speculation as we cannot possibly know the nature of alien life unless/until contact is made. Until such time it may be prudent to heed Prof. Hawking’s warning and not try too hard to advertise our presence.


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