Author: abracad

  • The Power of Now

    The Power of Now

    Eckhart Tolle’s Power of Now is one of the few contemporary Spiritual classics. Its message is deceptively simple but deeply profound, and for the few who manage to apply it will prove truly life-changing and potentially enlightening.

    The Power of Now is all about recognizing the illusions that surround us and replacing them with the underlying truth that is ever-present but nearly always obscured. As hinted by the title the first of these illusions is that of time. Time is a creation of the egoic mind to perpetuate its own existence. The mind frequently either looks to some point in the future when everything will be alright/perfect, or harps back to the good old days of the past or is filled with bitterness/guilt/anger/regret over things that should/shouldn’t have been said or done. This is all utterly futile since the only moment that exists, that can ever exist, is now. (more…)

  • Candles of Love

    Candles are often used as a metaphor for love. We each carry a candle (love) within us, but it’s no use unless we allow it to shine outwards. Here are three such metaphors I’ve heard over the years from those much wiser than myself.

    I. There’s a large room with many people. Each carries a candle, but each shields his/her candle with their hands, keeping its light to themselves. Then these individuals remove their hands and the light from each candle is able to illuminate the entire room. Immediately, everyone benefits from the increased light. (more…)

  • Rememberance

    Today, Remembrance Sunday, has seen England and other countries remember their fallen soldiers of two wars and other mass conflicts. This coming Tuesday will see further commemoration of the 90th anniversary of the armistice that ended the “great” war in 1918.

    As a kid my father explained the importance of remembering, highlighting the human cost of war and explaining that by remembering the fallen we hopefully ensure it never happens again. Fortunately I have never has direct experience of war in either my countries of citizenship or residence. But sadly I am only too aware that despite the peace I have enjoyed conflicts continue to rage around the globe. (more…)

  • Barack Obama & The New Dawn

    Today saw the election of Barack Obama as the next President of the United States. A remarkable victory for this amazing man, not least because within his lifetime racial segregation was widespread.


  • In Tune With the Infinite

    or, Fullness of Peace, Power, and Plenty by Ralph Waldo Trine.

    Within yourself lies the cause of whatever enters into your life.  To come into the full realization of our own awakened interior powers, is to be able to condition your life in exact accord with what you would have it.

    Read this classic work in full, online, for FREE

  • Up time, down time

    Every moment’s a precious gift to be used to its full potential. But don’t you ever get periods (hours, days, even weeks) when you just want to allow time to pass doing nothing particular at all? We all do, and there’s no need to feel guilty.

    As human beings we are creatures of limited energy existing for a while within a universe of infinite potential. We each have to determine how we allocate our time and resources to best serve our particular life path. (more…)

  • Is Capitalism Dead?

    There’s no doubting the success of the capitalist free market approach in delivering material growth. Indeed the 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union, unable to keep pace in the cold war, signaled its victory over communism, its main rival for much if the 20th century.

    Yet capitalism is not utopia. Its greatest achievements are overshadowed by vast inequality. The greed is good philosophy espoused by Michael Douglas’s character in the movie Wall Street is responsible for much human misery, including among its own advocates who bypass the very purpose of living. (more…)

  • What the Bleep Do We Know!?

    Discovering the Endless Possibilities for Altering Your Everyday Reality

    What the Bleep Do We Know!? What the Bleep Do We Know!?

    What the Bleep Do We Know? is a movie and book exploring the nature of reality and showing that the apparent schism between science and religion might be disappearing.

    Often humans are comfortable in the realm of the known. We avoid asking questions that might disturb that comfort, or confront us with answers we’d rather not hear. What the Bleep suggests that asking questions is good because it challenges and expands our worldview. It discusses a range of life’s most fundamental questions in an accessible and entertaining way. (more…)

  • Earth vs Spirit

    There is a paradox. We are Spiritual, but while on earth our Spiritual essence is hidden so we can fulfill our purpose of exploring what it means to be an individual and to interact with others.

    So should we focus on our earthly affairs, or seek to rediscover our Spiritual essence? (more…)

  • Avoid Negativity – Turn Off the News!

    An alien that landed on Earth and turned on the TV news could be forgiven for jumping straight back into his UFO and going home. Our news paints a grim picture. But is it a true reflection of the human condition?

    Sure, a lot of negative stuff goes on in the world. A lot of stuff goes on in the world. But most of that stuff is positive. (more…)