Eckhart Tolle’s Power of Now is one of the few contemporary Spiritual classics. Its message is deceptively simple but deeply profound, and for the few who manage to apply it will prove truly life-changing and potentially enlightening.
The Power of Now is all about recognizing the illusions that surround us and replacing them with the underlying truth that is ever-present but nearly always obscured. As hinted by the title the first of these illusions is that of time. Time is a creation of the egoic mind to perpetuate its own existence. The mind frequently either looks to some point in the future when everything will be alright/perfect, or harps back to the good old days of the past or is filled with bitterness/guilt/anger/regret over things that should/shouldn’t have been said or done. This is all utterly futile since the only moment that exists, that can ever exist, is now. (more…)