There is a paradox. We are Spiritual, but while on earth our Spiritual essence is hidden so we can fulfill our purpose of exploring what it means to be an individual and to interact with others.
So should we focus on our earthly affairs, or seek to rediscover our Spiritual essence?
The answer is both. We have been born, chosen to be born, into this world. And we must make the best of this wonderful adventure of life; with all is difficulties/lessons (depending on you point of view).
But we should also be aware of our Spiritual essence. And in just about all of us there’s something inside that yearns to reconnect with that essence. It’s that part of us, that however many “things” we acquire, whatever our status in human society, always remains unfulfilled.
For the very few a life of meditative contemplation may be appropriate, but for most whenever we try to pursue the Spiritual, something, God or whatever, pulls us back to the material realm.
Eventually, when we are able to combine both Spiritual and earthly awareness, the need for physical incarnation will be over. And Spirit will find some other means to perpetuate its eternal evolution.
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