Candles of Love

Candles are often used as a metaphor for love. We each carry a candle (love) within us, but it’s no use unless we allow it to shine outwards. Here are three such metaphors I’ve heard over the years from those much wiser than myself.

I. There’s a large room with many people. Each carries a candle, but each shields his/her candle with their hands, keeping its light to themselves. Then these individuals remove their hands and the light from each candle is able to illuminate the entire room. Immediately, everyone benefits from the increased light.

II. You’re staying in an old house without electricity with some friends. You awaken in the night feeling thirsty and reach for the candle and matches that you’ve used once or twice before. Finding them once more you light the candle. Its light is dim but you are just able to find your way to the kitchen. Hearing your footsteps, one of your friends also decides to light their candle to investigate the noise. Greeting you in the kitchen their candle adds to the illumination and you begin a conversation. This awakes more friends who join you, each bringing a candle and adding to the light until the night is bright as day.

III. You live in a remote house on a lonely moor. Your only source of light is a single candle. You place your candle on the window shelf, offering just enough light to perform your necessary functions. But your small light (ie a simple act of kindness such as a smile or holding a door open) is visible for many miles through the darkness of night.


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