2012 Prophecy – The Great Choosing

By Shanti Toll  July 31, 2012

Back in 1987, Jose Arguelles introduced the world to the Harmonic Convergence and the awareness of the  Mayan Calendar ending (Winter Solstice 2012). This December 21st is the end of the 5126 year Mayan long count  Calendar of Time. Other prophecies and theories have surfaced for this year as well that concerns the End of Time. What are these different prophecies and theories? Who and what is right? Is the final end or just the end of a cycle?  Is there a metaphysical  reason for this end date or is this just the end of the Mayan calendar?

It is intriguing to think about the end of time! . Mystics and mediums have all identified our time as a time of great change, struggle and “the great choosing”. As with all interpretation of future prophecies,  experts and seers will vary in their interpretations of the signs, so you will have to make up your own mind.

Archeologists agree that the longest cycle of time according to the Old Mayan Calendar does complete between December 21 and 23, 2012. Time was sacred to this culture; Mayans gave divine names (personalities) to each day according to many cyclical calendars of different lengths. They had overlapping calendars: the Tzolk’in cycle of  260 days (13 cycles of 20 days), the Haab cycle or 365days(360 days with 5 nameless bad luck  days), the bak’tun cycle of 144,000 days and many more. Their cycles were based on the movements of the sun, the moon and Venus. It was all very complicated and only the elite priests/astrologers could understand it. The Mayans never indicated what would happen when their calendar completed its cycles.

The Hopi Indians have a  prophecy which seems to correlate with other 2012 prophecies

The Hopi and other Native American tribes speak of a certain period of a time referred to ask “Purification” of the human race.”   In Oraibi Arizona the “Prophecy Rock Petroglyph” the historical  Hopi  describes a future time of purification when there is  a great divide in the Life Path the Great Spirit created. The lower path shows humans living in harmony with nature. This path  is continuous and eventually is abundant after times of planetary turmoil.  The upper path follows white man’s philosophy and technology , but it has an abrupt end.  There is on this “map of time” a later short path which connects the upper and lower paths, allowing people to avoid the catastrophic end of the white man’s path and rejoin those who walk the path of harmony with nature.  The future is the natural outcome of humanities choice to live  harmony with nature or struggle against the forces of the Earth.   The Hopi also have oral traditional  stories that lay out the signs that the end purification is at hand.  The “Blue Star Kachina” myth gives the nine signs that  the Days of Purification are here.    Many elders believe the signs have already been manifested.

The date of December 21st  2012 is nowhere mentioned in the Hopi prophecies or any of the other American Indigenous people.  However these myths and prophecies are talking about our time. of evolutionary history.  First Nation Elders around the world have  foreseen a time when modern material civilizations would become so out of balance with nature, that the earth would react.  Human over-population and all the problems/scarcities associated would overwhelm the ability of science, technology and government to cope.  The elders predicted a tipping point when we have destroyed, polluted and consumed so much, that the ecosystem will no longer support human life as we know it.  Hard times are ahead. Is 2012  the prophesied time of the Great choosing?

There is a long tradition in the West of the “End Times” and a Day of Judgment.  In the bible’s Book of Revelation  end of time is apocalyptic for the physical world.  The 4 horseman of death, disease, petulance and war wreck havoc on the earthly humans at the end time.  God comes to send followers to heaven and sinful people to hell.

The bible does not mention 2012 AD, it just give signs that the day of judgment is near.  We have all heard various ministers and Christian prophets pointing to current events  as proof that the Second Coming  and Armageddon is close.   As with most cultural and mystic traditions, salvation of the individual human is based on being part of the chosen group. It is scary for most of us who are just trying to be good people doing good work.  Prophecy of doomsday does encourage people to take refuge in  divine  grace and protection. It is easy to see how mixing the ending of the Mayan Calendar with Christian Culture creates a lot of fear.

Perhaps the most famous prophecies from the Western traditions come from Nostradamus in the 1500s.  He wrote predictions of the future in short esoteric quatrains (verses) and drawings.  He describes a series of historical events and natural catastrophes  as signs that the end is near. Much of his warnings about earthquakes, fires, floods, planetary pole shifts, changes in earth movement are tied into astrology and divination.  Much of what you see and hear in sensational 2012 movies and stories are based on interpretations of his writing.  However , Nostradamus never mentioned 2012 specifically.

A more modern [1877 to 1945] prophetic seer who has impacted current 2012 prognostication is Edgar Cayce.  He also never mentioned  the date specially.  He did describe many of the changes we see today as signs of end times.  He taught that humanity was ending one phase  for one Age of Man and  beginning  a new higher phase of human evolution.  He wrote about a coming of “The New Age”  after a time of cleansing.  He did have a number of doomsday predictions but they were followed by an Age of Purity.  The new culture would be based on three things:  purity,  global awareness  and high spiritual consciousness.  In one way he was a leading teacher of the holistic lifestyle and conscious evolution.

Modern Interpretations of Old Prophesies

When we look at the current future concerns of our time we can see a convergence of many prophetic traditions and  intensifying worldwide  disasters.  Over population, depletion of natural resources, devastations of climate change means many more people live on the edge of survival and will perish when there is a disaster. Current modern civilization is unable to cope with issues of social order, economic stability, energy, water and food shortages ,  and environmental  deterioration.  As the life and death struggle intensifies between segments and locations of the world,  everyone will be effected according to their preparation, adaptability, wealth and perhaps luck [or divine protection].

Today our worldwide media is telling and showing us that humanity has come to a tipping point, where we are creating many more problems than we are solving.  For every good news story there are two sad news story.  For every movie, video game or book about love and human triumph, there are three media sources  portraying human violence, death and sexual exploitation.  We do not have to be a psychic to see what is happening.

Pessimism seems realistic, if we get caught up in the news and pop culture.

It is  sad to watch the self-made destruction, when we have the technological, scientific, ethical, creative capacity to create a positive future.  In a small interdependent ecosystem the old evolutionary paradigm “survival of the fittest” doesn’t work.     The new paradigm of conscious and personal evolution is needed  to allow for constructive  collaboration.  On a personal level survival  means honoring and harmonizing with our mind, spirit, body and nature.  On a planetary level, it means accommodating and honoring the whole social/nature interconnected system of our world.   The “Grand Choice “ humanity is offered in all the end time prophecies is expand our empathy to the human condition and the needs of the earth.

Almost all end time predictions not only have apocalyptic destruction, they also have a way to be saved.

It seems like humans wish for a clearing way of all that is rotten, corrupt and broken in society.  We want to have a new start, where we can do it right this time.   Maybe one religion or cultural prophecy is right in timing and specifics. Time will tell.

There are tipping points in history when big shifts happen.  Those who have consciously prepared themselves spiritually and physically will survive and even prosper.  They will be more able to adapt, accept, and move beyond the trials and tribulations of the purification.  Working  on self-purification now before the crisis appears will make it easier later.  Using  intuition, new science/technology, and courage we can join with other awakened beings to position ourselves to flow beyond the hard times.

All the prophecies of this year  are planetary,  not nationalistic.  All the prophecies are about the end of this period time –this  “Age of Man”.  All of the prophecies are about the old dysfunctional society being purified and a New Age of man beginning.  All the prophecies talk about the commonality of all people as mind, spirit, body and nature.

If you are holistic in your thinking, then you can see the bigger picture of humans as mind, spirit, body, and a living part of Earth.  If you believe this is a time of re-birth, then death of the old is necessary to embrace the new.  If you believe we are spiritual beings having a physical manifestation, then learning to  make a positive difference in the lives of your friends and the greater community is your reason to live.  If you believe that reality functions on more dimensions & levels than you can possible imagine,  then transcending limited thinking and awakening to new paradigms is a glorious and necessary journey.

Time is part of physical reality, while timelessness is part of spiritual consciousness.  Physically, it is absolutely true that “This too shall pass”.  Metaphysically and spiritually it is absolutely true  “All is one”.  The end of time  is a cross-cultural myth that describes the connection between these realities. The end of time calls on human consciousness to prepare and act now to be ready for what is to come.  Action and love dispels fear of the unknown.  If and when we embrace holistic consciousness, we approach the unknown future with empowered freedom and peace of soul.

Shanti Toll is the founder of the Celebration Metaphysical Fairs, the oldest New Age Festival in the USA.  Shanti is a man who has spent his life pursuing spiritual and metaphysical  understanding. He used the trials and  tribulations of growing up with physical limitations to find inner strength and focus. He majored in Religious Thought at the University of Pennsylvania and  received a Masters degree in Agency Counseling.  Shanti taught in public schools for over twenty years. For years he used hypnotic past life regressions to explore the subconscious. Now lives in Colorado helping with the Metaphysical Fairs and wild land trail building. His websites explore humanity’s search for balance of mind, spirit, body and nature.

www.CelebrationNetwork.NET  and www.CelebrationFair.com


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