
  • Is lasting peace possible?

    By William T. Hathaway

    The wise men of the establishment are again telling us that hopes for lasting peace are a delusion. They declare that human nature makes it impossible, that war is built into our genes. They point to research by evolutionary biologists that indicates our closest genetic relatives, the chimpanzees, make war. Therefore war must be part of our heredity.

    “We’ve always had wars,” they claim. “Humans are a warring species. Without a military to defend us, someone will always try to conquer us.” These assumptions have become axioms of our culture. They generate despair but also a certain comfort because they relieve us of the responsibility to change. (more…)

  • Report from Germany: Refugees Welcome – Sometimes

    By William T. Hathaway

    Posted on streetlamps all over Germany are stickers showing fleeing silhouettes with the caption, “Refugees welcome – bring your families”. Some have been blacked out with felt markers or ripped partially away. The Germans have mixed feelings about refugees, as demonstrated in the earlier waves from the Mideast and the current one from the Ukraine.

    Refugees Welcome
    copyright-free image from (more…)

  • Goddess power to the rescue

    By William T. Hathaway

    Humanity is now in disaster mode, trapped in three double binds: a choice between war or national decline if we don’t fight, between climate catastrophe or economic collapse if we make changes, between COVID 19 or drastic measures that are supposed to stop it. Threats surround us; chaos and confusion reign on all levels.

    Such extraordinary constellations of trauma indicate that massive stress is clogging the collective consciousness of humanity. In the ancient Vedic tradition purging this stress, or karma, is called killing the demon. (more…)

  • Consciousness is all there is

    By William T. Hathaway

    As Mark Twain once said, “It’s not what you don’t know that gets you in trouble, it’s what you know for sure but which just isn’t true.”

    Humanity is now in trouble because its fundamental assumption about the nature of the universe just isn’t true. The materialist worldview that has dominated science and philosophy for the past 200 years has crumbled. Discoveries in quantum physics have disproven it, but no consensus has been able to take its place. Materialists and idealists have been arguing back and forth for decades.

    This lack of shared understanding has repercussions that go beyond the laboratory. Without a consistent, agreed-upon worldview, societies don’t function well. As cognitive confusion spreads, our common basis for problem solving weakens. (more…)

  • Privatizing Nature

    By William T. Hathaway

    The financial wizards of Wall Street have devised a new way to profit from Mother Nature. They’ve created a class of stocks called Natural Asset Companies that will control the earth’s resources such as water, wildlife, forests, minerals, and farmland. The project was developed by the Intrinsic Exchange Group in partnership with the New York Stock Exchange, the Inter-American Development Bank, the Rockefeller Foundation, and the investment firm Aberdare Ventures. (more…)

  • Jesus’s Wife? Scholar Announces Existence of a New Early Christian Gospel from Egypt

    Rabbi Allen S. Maller
    Four words written in Coptic, a language of ancient Egyptian Christians, appear on a fragment of about one and a half inches by three inches. and translate to, “Jesus said to them, my wife…”. This is the first evidence that some early Christians believed Jesus was married Harvard Divinity School Professor Karen King told the 10th International Congress of Coptic Studies hosted in 2012 by the Vatican’s Institutum Patristicum Augustinianum in Rome.


  • The Real Vaccine

    By William T. Hathaway
    Our world now writhes like a wounded worm, helpless
    to escape its torment, blind
    to the cause but blaming
    a bug: “Stop it, stomp it, strangle it!
    Too late – inside us, breeding into billions of bugs!
    Kill them, poison them!
    But our poisons don’t work – oh no!
    Swarming with new bugs! Hopeless! Dying!”
    All the while Shiva whispers:
    “Beneath your terror and turmoil lies the tranquility of the transcendent.
    You’re trapped on the surface mind, tossed by the waves.
    Now dive to the depths and merge with me.
    In my bigness a bit of bugness won’t panic you.
    You’ll gain immunity to the insanity.
    Come on down, look around,
    here is where your Self is found.”

    Shiva, Lord of Transcendence

    The author of eight books, William T. Hathaway was a Fulbright professor of
    creative writing at universities in Germany, where he currently writes, meditates,
    and hangs out with Shiva. If you’d like to contact Shiva and enrich your life with
    his presence, this website will show you how, all for free:

  • Was Jesus a Prophet, a Rabbi, or the Son of God

    Rabbi Allen S. Maller
    Jews believe that Jesus, a young rabbi/teacher, was falsely accused by the Roman rulers of the Land of Israel, of claiming he was ‘The King of the Jews’ (Mark 15:2 & 18, Matthew 27:11, Luke 23:3, and John 18:33 & 19:21). At the same time Rabbi Jesus was being proclaimed by some of his followers to be ‘The Son of God’.
    Jews and Muslims are frequently asked by Christians why they do not believe that Jesus was The Son of God. It is true that Rabbi Jesus often did refer metaphorically to God as his father. He did this in accord with the metaphorical style of the Torah. He never expected that any Jew who heard him speak about God as his father would take his words literally.
    As the Qur’an states: “It is not (possible) for any human being to whom Allah had given Scripture, wisdom and prophethood, that he should afterwards have said to mankind: Be slaves of me instead of Allah; but (Jesus said): Be ye faithful servants of the Lord by virtue of your constant teaching of Scripture and your constant study of it.” (Quran 3:79)


  • Religious Leadership and Covid-19 

    by Rabbi Allen S. Maller
    Tens of thousands of Hindu devotees gathered by the Ganges River for special prayers during the Kumbh Mela sacred pilgrimage most of them flouting social distancing practices as the coronavirus spreads in India with record speed. The Kumbh Mela is one of the most sacred pilgrimages in Hinduism. The faithful come to enter into the waters of the Ganges river, which they believe will absolve them of their sins and deliver them from the cycle of birth and death.
    The Kumbh Mela comes during India’s worst surge in new infections since the pandemic began. On Friday April 23 India recorded 332,730 coronavirus cases, the highest one-day tally anywhere in the world for the second day in a row. Daily deaths from Covid-19 rose by a record 2,263 in the previous 24 hours.


  • One Unbounded Ocean of Consciousness

    By Dr. Tony Nader
    Reviewed by William T. Hathaway

    In his new book, One Unbounded Ocean of Consciousness, Dr. Tony Nader has attempted something very difficult and achieved it very well. He overcomes the conceptual gap separating matter from mind, science from spirituality, the human from the divine and takes us beneath these superficial dualities into a fundamental synthesis establishing the wholeness of life. He conveys the unity underlying all diversity, and he deftly and convincingly resolves the apparent contradiction between free will and determinism. Nader writes in a clear, step-by-step manner that makes this knowledge understandable and shows how it can benefit us as individuals. (more…)