Trust me – I’m a healer

Over the past few weeks English BBC TV has been running a series of documentaries on alternative healers. Healers featured include Stephen Turoff, and John of God. The shows have adopted an objective approach being neither too credulous nor unreasonably hostile.

A commonality of those featured is their denial that the healing is done by them. Instead they claim to channel entities from the Spirit world. One healer even claims to channel Saint Paul of Tarsus.

Something, somehow leaves me unconvinced by the near-celebrity status of the healers shown. Perhaps it’s the amount of money they take by way of fees.

I’ve no doubt that alternative therapies can produce some amazing results. I’ve also no doubt the body itself has tremendous healing powers. Much “healing” results from the stimulation of the body’s own self-repair mechanism triggered by faith (a variant of the so-called placebo effect). But Spiritual intervention does occur too.


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