I’d jut like to share the following variant of an exercise I recently heard described in the hope it may bring some comfort.
Sit comfortably. Close your eyes and relax.
Cup your hands together in your lap. Visualize a tiny point of white light in your hands. As you breathe so the light begins to get bigger and glow brighter.
Keep breathing as it continues to grow. You are now joined by your guides standing behind you, adding their breath to yours. Your loved ones in Spirit join you too, also adding their breath to the ball of light.
The ball grows and grows and also changes color. First red, then orange, then yellow, green, blue, purple and finally back to white. Its light now shines out from your hands, filling your whole body with light. It shines around the room and beyond. Around your neghborood and beyond. Finally, it extends all around the world. Bringing healing and comfort wherever it is needed.
Hold that imge for a minute or two. Then the light starts to get smaller, and smaller, until it becomes point size and fianlly disappears.
Thank your guides and loves ones and slowly return to full waking consciousness feeling refreshed and energized in the certain knowledge that your thoughts have had a positive effect on the world.
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