Category: spirituality

  • Honor, A Forgotten Concept In America

    By Gabriel of Urantia

    When we think of any of the Founding Fathers, we think of them as men of honor, which is the quality that seems to be lost in the manhood of American men today. Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary defines honor as:  “good name or public esteem : reputation; a showing of usually merited respect : recognition.” I would like to add that honor also is:  the quality of being trusted and being loyal to a worthy cause. Honor and loyalty go hand in hand.

    Free will as a spiritual concept is not taught in grade school, or high school, or college and should be. God created all sentient creatures with free will, and for humans it is evolving into making honorable choices, which is doing the right thing because it’s just the right thing to do, not because we have to do it.

    In the true kingdom of God, we are not forced to do anything. Mortals of honor on all worlds in time and space choose to obey God’s commandments, the divine code of conduct, which keep us on the path of rightness. We understand that if we don’t follow those universal laws and make right choices, negative things will happen. We understand that having a healthy respect for and fear of the Creator is in relation to realizing the cause-and-effect law of wrong choices. (more…)

  • Meet Shiva

    By William T. Hathaway

    Shiva is the deity of transcendence, the cosmic force that returns all matter and energy, all manifestation and activity, back to its Source. This return is the final stage of an evolutionary process that begins with creation through the power of Brahma, maintenance through the power of Vishnu, then dissolution through the power of Shiva back into the unified field of pure consciousness, the same unified field that quantum physics has discovered. This ground state is the universe’s interface with God. Manifested forms dissolve in it into waves of a nonmaterial, abstract field, and new forms continually emerge from it to continue the cycle.

    We can see this evolutionary process all around us. A seed becomes a plant that blossoms, creates new seeds, and dies. We manifest into a body that grows, develops, dies, then we later re-emerge as a new, more highly-evolved person. Socio-economic systems emerge, grow over centuries, and crumble like ours is doing now, then are replaced by more highly-developed, more egalitarian ones. As society enters this dissolution phase, more and more people are turning intuitively to Shiva because we need his support. (more…)

  • A Quick Guide On Finding Your Spirit Animal

    by Ashley Halsey

    According to Native American tradition, spirit animals are an embodied form of a spiritual guide. These guides can appear to us whatever way we are willing to see them, and it’s natural for people to connect with theirs anytime, anywhere. Therefore, you may find that you have one main power animal, or you’ll feel close to many spirit animals. But don’t panic! They’re here to give you more ease, faith, and confidence to help you navigate through life.

    But, how can you tell which animal is your spirit guide? In this quick guide, we’ll show you some resources to help you find your spirit animal(s). (more…)

  • Sacred Living

    By Niánn Emerson Chase

    Being raised by a spiritual, scientific father who was a water and soil conservationist on four different Indian reservations in Arizona (where I freely roamed the surrounding wild lands), I grew to understand the interdependence of humans with the natural environment and to hold sacred not only the life and health of human beings but also all life—plant and animal—and the ecosystems that keep us all alive.

    In college and the ensuing years, I increasingly realized that it was almost impossible to live in the sacred manner I desired under the influence and control of the dominant culture of materialism and the conquer-all-in-nature mindset. And so in my 20s and 30s I lived in a conflictive state of compromise within mainstream society, doing what I could to live simply, buy minimally and responsibly, conserve water, recycle, repurpose, garden, participate in a cooperative where we bought organic foods in bulk and split among ourselves, and so on. I constantly researched and learned of better ways to live sustainably and attempted making changes within my nuclear family unit, which was at times challenging when certain family members did not want to participate. (more…)

  • The Big Squeeze Is On, Between Right And Wrong, Between Good And Bad

    You Can Hop A Ride On Planet X (Also Called The Adjudicator) Or You Can Hop A Ride On The New Jerusalem. It’s Your Choice

    They’re Both Coming To A Local Pickup Location Near You

    by Gabriel of Urantia

    Well, here we are in August of 2020. The summer is half over, and our lives definitely seem to be moving faster towards some kind of inevitable end. The whole world we know seems to be dissolving, and many of us are sensing something accelerating in our lives, like we are being pulled in a direction we have no control over.

    We all realize that someday we will die, for that is the fate of living things on this world. There are many ways in which we can meet death at this time on the planet:  the Covid-19 (or the next one that mutates), earthquakes, fires, hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, and countless other so-called natural disasters, which may not be so natural in these turbulent times. And even more frightening is the threat of a world war of nuclear proportions. (more…)

  • Harmonic Duality within Divine Circuitry

    By Niánn Emerson Chase

    There is a building wave of multiple planetary movements working toward compassionate understanding of others, nonviolent solutions to our many problems, peaceful unification of nations, and an integrative and regenerative existence of humans with the planet’s natural ecosystems.

    Within that wave of movements for worldwide sustainability on all levels of human existence are the Me Too and LGBTQ movements, which have to do with gender identification, respect, and equality. The last three years witnessed an almost-instant rise in power and influence of these two movements, impacting every aspect of the dominant culture, including new legislation of laws protecting the rights and dignity of women and those who have lifestyles that do not include straight heterosexuality. (more…)

  • Renderings of Realizations

    by Niánn Emerson Chase

    It has always impressed me, in my study of the life of Jesus (as found in The URANTIA Book), that he often spent time in nature, away from the energies of busy towns and bustling people. In a family of several children, as the eldest son—who (at the age of 14) took the place of a father figure when their father Joseph died in a work-related accident—Jesus often took his younger siblings out on walks in the surrounding hills, pointing out various things they came across, teaching the children not only about the scientific facts of the natural world but also bringing in practical, moral, and spiritual lessons that related to what they observed in nature. (more…)

  • Reflections on The Super Bowl Halftime Show

    By Gabriel of Urantia

    I wonder how that show would have been produced if Jesus Christ would have been the producer, or at least would have stood beside the producer while he or she produced the show. I wonder what the wardrobe would have looked like, what the songs would have been.

    I understand that Jennifer Lopez prayed, with her daughter and others, before she went out on stage, so I wondered why she showed her crotch so many times, like she was a woman possessed with showing the world that crotch was still there.

    I wonder why she danced like a hussy, when her voice is so beautiful. Her sexual display actually took away from her God-given beautiful voice and made her look cheap in the eyes of any truly godly man or woman. Same thing goes for Shakira. She too has a beautiful voice, but she too has become lost in the Hollywood Delusion. (more…)

  • Lost Civilization Re-emerges

    By William T. Hathaway

    In the early 1950s, as the newly developed hydrogen bomb cast its mushroom-shaped shadow of megadeath over the world, an aged Indian monk gave his young assistant a mission: create world peace and enlightenment by restoring the ancient global Vedic civilization. The young man was Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, and he accepted the responsibility wholeheartedly, fully aware of what an enormous job it was.

    Contemporary civilization is in many ways the opposite of Vedic civilization, filled with multifarious forms of damage and suffering that seem to be avalanching us towards annihilation. Vedic civilization, in contrast, had achieved what seems impossible to us now: collective harmony and individual fulfillment. (more…)

  • 5 Stages of Spiritual Awakening

    In this article, we will be briefly exploring five stages of spiritual development. By being able to identify critical moments in our transcendental journey, we will be able to dive deeper into the unconscious and use it as a resource for understanding ourselves.

    Just as our consciousness is only the tip of the iceberg, it is crucial to understand that our spiritual journey forms part of our growth as human beings. Given that we can know which tier we’re currently in, we will have the capability to go higher.

    As such, here are the five key stages for spiritual awakening (more…)