By Gabriel of Urantia
When we think of any of the Founding Fathers, we think of them as men of honor, which is the quality that seems to be lost in the manhood of American men today. Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary defines honor as: “good name or public esteem : reputation; a showing of usually merited respect : recognition.” I would like to add that honor also is: the quality of being trusted and being loyal to a worthy cause. Honor and loyalty go hand in hand.
Free will as a spiritual concept is not taught in grade school, or high school, or college and should be. God created all sentient creatures with free will, and for humans it is evolving into making honorable choices, which is doing the right thing because it’s just the right thing to do, not because we have to do it.
In the true kingdom of God, we are not forced to do anything. Mortals of honor on all worlds in time and space choose to obey God’s commandments, the divine code of conduct, which keep us on the path of rightness. We understand that if we don’t follow those universal laws and make right choices, negative things will happen. We understand that having a healthy respect for and fear of the Creator is in relation to realizing the cause-and-effect law of wrong choices. (more…)