This recipe will feed your soul. This is the one recipe you can abuse of daily. By the way, we strongly recommend it!
My husband and I have been dedicated to Spiritual Response Therapy (see bio) for years now and we’ve learned so much (and still are everyday) that we are changed. Our spiritual journey took us from our beliefs, perceptions and judgments to deep-seated negative patterns, to past life traumas and so on…I don’t think we’ll ever be done since we all are infinite beings but we do know there are many ways to create the life you desire.
Along the way, we’ve come across the Best Recipe to change one’s life. It is powerful yet simple. It is magical yet natural, as we remember we are spiritual beings in essence. Following this recipe means a guaranteed success to whoever tries it and perfects it.
Clearing of your Soul Records
1) The first ingredient you need and maybe the most crucial of all is the Clearing of your Soul Records (otherwise called Akashic Records) – basically what your soul accumulated throughout its countless lifetimes. Whether you are aware of them or not, past lives do affect us in many ways and are often the root causes of our present issues and challenges.
A quick example would be how my body rejected all types of foods for years, healthy, unhealthy, fruits and vegetables alike. As you can imagine, I was very frustrated. However, after some past life research, we discovered that I had been killed in many lifetimes by food poisoning. As a result, my soul was still carrying the trauma in its records and was systematically rejecting the food I was eating in an attempt to protect itself from another painful death. Sounds crazy? Well, I am glad to say that after clearing all the programs and negative energies associated with food (and following this very recipe), my body tolerates fruits and veggies a little more everyday.
The truth is we all have our Personal Soul Package and there is as much (if not more sometimes) negative as positive. A soul clearing aims at turning your soul package into a bundle of joy and happiness. Why would we need to live and learn through the negative after all? Included in a soul clearning are also all the vows most of us took during religious lives. Struggling with finances despite your best efforts? You may be influenced by many vows of poverty…Let’s not forget the vows of suffering, illness, celibacy or chastity. There is even a vow of unforgiveness that keeps you trapped in the past, preventing you from letting go of the old.
2) Once you’ve started clearing your soul and releasing your negative beliefs, perceptions and judgments, the next ingredient you need is Meditation. Why? Because in that moment of stillness, your mind is quiet and you are open to receive the goodness in store for you. By quieting your mind, you become aligned with your Higher Self.
Meditation is like cleaning up your new place before moving in. You need a clean space to rebuild yourself through the positive. Furthermore, the more aligned you are with Source, the easier it is to create and shape your own reality. And this leads us to our third ingredient…
3) Visualization! Abraham-Hicks always reminds us that we are “deliberate creators” and meditation guru, Kelly Howell, explains that our brains do not know the difference between reality and imagination. This is why emotionally-charged visual programing is so effective. We have the power to reprogram our subconscious mind by feeding it healthy doses of positive imaging. We are so powerful that we can literally design our dream life in our mind’s eye and make it come true! After all, everything that exists on Earth has once been thought and imagined in someone’s mind before making it to the physical world. Why would it be different for our lives?
Clearing Statements
4) And the final ingredient you need is some nice clearing statements. Positive affirmations are a powerful tool to heal and stay aligned with your purpose and dreams. It keeps your faith strong and your vibrations high, repelling any negative thoughts coming your way.
Some people find it silly to repeat over and over again the same positive sentences but trust me there is nothing more stubborn than a traumatized soul or a subconscious mind! The goal here is to literally convince yourself that whatever the problem is, it is only an illusion. The ego doesn’t like it but if you manage to do it, you are free.
To sum it up, 1) Clear your Soul 2) Meditate 3) Visualize 4) Use clearing statements. And you have the best recipe to change your life… Enjoy!
Nugget of wisdom: Keep in mind that who you are and what you have right now is worth your appreciation and gratitude as well. It will speed up the healing and manifesting processes.
Love and Light,
Sandy and Marco
Bio: Bliss You is a team of compassionate and dedicated Spiritual Consultants in Los Angeles, working with a powerful technique called Spiritual Response Therapy (also known as SRT). Book your Soul Clearing today at Let go of the old and welcome positive changes in all areas of your life. 
(i.e Career-Work, Money-Income, Family and Relationships). Sandy and Marco will quickly identify and clear the reasons behind your current issues and challenges. 
For your own comfort, SRT clearings can easily be done at a distance and do not require your presence to be thorough and effective!
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