Set your spirit free, reconnect with your higher being

by Zelda Botma

The resonance of man has been influenced by the history of mankind, the ego and the quest to be the best in his alien nature of non-discovery of his spiritual reality. The essence of mankind and his quest for perfection is sorely lacking. True power is gained by tapping into his higher self and resonance and truly being the powerful being of his designed creation/nature.  Man has to understand that his energy, power, whether it be physical or mental is the true calling of his inner being and not a self-centered ego-tistical analysis of his being.

The true reality of your being is within you, but is being blocked from being released  by rules, regulations, past lives, current relationships, the world and media at large and basically any excuse you could possibly come up with not to face your true identity.

Step out of your man-made cage, let go of the inner rage and find the peace, harmony and power that your true inner being craves, needs and loves………………

The following chapters will reveal to you, who you are, why you are and what you’re true spiritual calling is in this current reality, which you have chosen and created within your higher self.

1. Tapping into source
2. Finding your blocks and removing your obstacles
3. Past life regression
4. Ordering your current path/reality/peace/resonance
5. Elevating your current spiritual vibration
6. Letting go of your past, living in the present
7. Creating your future
8. Understanding the karmic path/route
9. Finding the maze back to your home
10. Understanding the paths crossed by cell-groups
11. Breaking free of current cell-groups
12. Finding the key
13. Freeing the inner shadow
14. Flying and free

1. Tapping into source

Source is the inner divine power within every human entity.  We are all interconnected in the divine tapestry of life.  Look deep inside your subconscious, close your eyes and see the true being that you are.  The pure power and pleasure that you experience from this revelation will spur you on to greater heights and the quest for knowledge and increased spiritual awareness.

Mankind in this reality is truly only a speck in the universal flow/chain of existence.  A mere spark of eternal energy.  This energy can be tapped/channeled into and focused into the different realms and realities.  Once you have realized that to tap into source it is a simple matter of stepping into your higher power by seeing yourself as the true being you are.  Then you will feel and experience your true energy and power, that energy and power is source, you are divinely connected in the tapestry of life.  Climb up that thin silvery thread that you see, leave fear behind, enjoy the adventure of the discovery, be free to experience your true higher being.  Set your soul free, for a mere body is by no means your enslavement from spiritual enlightenment, it is but a casing for the divine, flow with the universe.  Feel the wonderful flow, continuous, wonderful, clarity washes over your every thought, harmony, peace and growth.  So, it will be when you have discovered the power of your true higher being.  Going against the flow of the universe is seen amongst many a mortal.  Beings are caught up with their bodily realities, worldly realities, rushing around with minds full of fear, anxiety, pain and resentment.  In this climate it is no wonder that mortals are not focusing on their true beings and are filled with chasing after their unchosen realities.  Most mortals are living a reality which is way off course of their chosen paths.  Mankind is chasing the dream of happiness, when they have chosen to forget that happiness lies within them and requires no external stimulus. 

2. Finding your blocks, removing your obstacles

Finding emotional blocks is simple.  What negative emotions wash over you daily, anger,
fear, depression, hopelessness, irritation, anxiety?  Make a note and pause every time a negative emotion washes over you.  Then question where that emotion resonated/originated from.  Make a list of every thought whether it be a person/situation appears in your conscious mind.  You will find a very strong pattern amongst your lists, normally relating to a person in your current reality.  This person or these people are binding you in a spiral of negative thinking and growth.  You are giving your power to these beings willingly or unwillingly.  These beings are literally taking your energy, blocking your spiritual growth and hindering you from following your true path in life.

You could term this person/ these people as your obstacles. Removing this obstacle/these obstacles requires a different conscious mind frame to your present one.  You will need to forgive these beings and forgive yourself for whatever occurred to create this/these blocks in your current reality.  There is great peace/clarity in forgiveness, a true spiritual cleansing of the soul.  For your soul requires only harmony and unconditional love.  You will find it very painful to live with any other negative emotions consciously, as this is a direct clash with source and your true higher being.

3. Past life regression

Our paths have crossed many times with the same beings in this reality.  We have chosen to cross paths with certain beings and we have also chosen certain of our life circumstances.  (Certain of our life circumstances we could possibly have been altered due to us being far off our chosen paths, due to us not being connected to our higher selves, which will be discussed in chapter 4)

Past life regression is a simple process of finding the gaps/spaces in our true beings.  Once you have connected to your higher self, you can see/feel/experience all your past lives; it is simple steps of quietening the mind, yes, literally stop thinking in the conscious mind and shift realities.  It might be easier for you to start in this reality, look back to when you were a child, and focus on a happy, carefree time.  Do you see yourself playing/laughing?  That was simple, now tell your subconscious mind to shift one life back, a darkened quiet room without any distractions is ideal and remember to shift consciousness and to ask for a happy, carefree time.  With time, allow more experiences to come to your conscious mind, some will be painful possibly, allow yourself to forgive yourself and all persons involved in your pain in unconditional love and verbalize at all times:  I AM IN DIVINE FLOW.  This is an absolute necessity to return to your spiritual flow and to remove any emotional blocks to your current spiritual growth.  For it is emotions that is the fall of spiritual growth in many aspects, so this needs to be emphasized at all times.

4. Ordering your current path/reality/peace/resonance

As discussed previously certain circumstances could possibly have been altered due to us
being far off our chosen paths, due to us not being connected to our higher selves.  So a simple check is needed.  Again connect to your higher self or rather shift to your subconscious mind, which is source.  Shift to a time/space just before entering this reality, you will receive images of a life/reality that you have chosen.  You will recognize your initial childhood years normally as planned with the persons relevant/places to your upbringing.  Then, this is normally where we alter our course when we reach the teenage years.  If you see that you were supposed to follow another life course, different career/spouse/living conditions.  Let it play out and you will be able to visualize the entire journey.  Well, by now you would have seen where you have altered your course!

All that needs to be done is a simple affirmation/verbalize that you forgive yourself and any other people/persons for your current altered path and most importantly:  I AM IN DIVINE FLOW. 

Your life will alter and change to the course which was originally chosen by you. This will happen as you are in divine flow and your true reality will materialize. True peace will be achieved as your conscious mind; reality will be in total spiritual enlightenment with your higher self.

5. Elevating your current spiritual vibration

Choices have been made before you entered your human being.  You have come from a long line/past of different resonances and you have chosen to have a certain resonance and vibration in your current reality.  This can be elevated at any stage and can be kept on a certain vibration of your choice.  Vibrations can be lifted by meditation, tapping into your higher being and source.  Do not let human negativity, mortality, ideas and vision trap you from finding and resonating in your higher vibration.  Revel in the knowledge and power of your true higher being at all times, being the unique creation of your own reality.

6. Letting go of your past, living in your present:

The past life has a large part to do with most beings reality and the negative space they carry within their higher selves.  Many beings have faced challenges, heartache, change, pain physical and emotional due to previous choices.  These situations are past, the optimum word being past, so leave the pain in past, the negativity, rise above that, fly and be the true inner higher god that you resonate with and like water, flow with the higher self, ever growing, changing, evolving and growing to a being with eternal flow, peace, higher evolving unto a plain of no return

7. Creating your future

Visualization is the key, plus affirmations, plus knowing and trusting that the universe will supply all your needs, desires and wants beyond your physical thought and being.  You attract into your life, what you think about and you create your own reality as well as financial ceilings, emotional happiness and well being. You need to have a clear mental and spiritual picture of what your exact needs are, what does your higher self resonate with?  Get in line with your higher self, the needs of your higher being and be on the same wavelength/page to ultimate joy, happiness, fulfillment and growth.

8. Understanding the karmic path/route

Your karmic/path route has been chosen by you long before you entered this reality.  Your journey, the people in your immediate family/cell group are all pre-selected and chosen by your higher self.  Future is only created by you, your higher self, you are the creator of your own destiny.  Certainly, people cross your path for a reason, but you have free choice whether to entertain them in your current reality or to move forward without them, including family and friends, no ties bind you, you are the creator of your own prison or any earthly/material ties that bind you.  Be like the wind, ever changing, flowing, with a resonance and energy of it’s own.  People of all energies and from different realities will cross your path, your higher being knows what people’s resonance is most suited to your spiritual growth, trust the source of your inner resonance and power at all times.

9. Finding the maze back to your home

Home, you might ask where on earth that might be?  Well, home is within your higher self, simple as that.  You are the keeper of your own castle, the alpha the omega and the eternal spirit of all times.  So, when you are feeling a little lost, depressed possibly or without purpose, resonate in your own power and find and connect to your higher self, then all is purposeful, has meaning and resonance.

10. Understanding the paths crossed by cell-groups

You have chosen to be with certain beings in your current reality.  Often your paths have crossed before in previous life times.  Your higher being decided before you incarnated that these people would lift and maintain your resonance.  So,  often you might resonate very well with one child, not another, with one relationship partner, not other, no fault of your own, this is because your choice was to be with a similar resonance and when you are not, your higher self does not connect in totality with the being and the beings spiritual resonance.

11. Breaking free of current cell-groups

When you find that people in your current reality, be it your partner, your superior at work, your child, family member are not resonating on the same level, you need to shift out of their reality and move onwards on your spiritual path.   This does not mean excluding them in your life, but it means realizing that they are not on your spiritual plain and noticing and being aware of the differences and not allowing that person to effect your current spiritual path and resonance.  Awareness is the key, plus accepting the fact that they are on a different plain and resonance and allowing them to resonate and be who they need to be, without criticism of any kind or negativity.  Free choice abounds, you have yours, allow them theirs and grow in your power by overlooking and embracing all beings with unconditional acceptance.

12. Finding the key

The key lies within you, by now you should have realized that inner joy and peace comes with resonating and connecting with your higher being.  Connect to your higher self, live the life and choices that resonate with your higher being’s vibration and energy.

13. Freeing the inner shadow

In our human being consciousness, we tend to be only to aware of life, situations and negativity abounds with our daily struggles of low self esteem, financial obligations and such like.  The inner shadow is that little voice of negativity that is allowed by you to resonate with such force at times, leading to frustration, anger and depression in extreme cases.  This voice of your current reality needs to be tuned out and turned off, much like you would switch off a light bulb.  The energy resonating with these emotions, thoughts are all negative, limiting and immobilizing at worst.  Switch to power zone of the higher resonance and leave all the human doubts behind you, surely you do not want to revel in the negativity?

14. Flying and free

True freedom comes from resonating with your higher self at all times, leave the human thought patterns behind, fly and be free in your true being……………………


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