Category: externally authored

  • The Evolution of Mind (G.O.D.)

    by Craig Walter

    The science of physics took some two hundred years before it became largely accepted into popular human culture. Slow acceptance was partly due to the predominant stance of religious authority that clung to flat Earth ideals and creationist only worldview. Outspoken people paid a personal price for challenging the status quo with new thinking.

    Perceptions changed when scientific discovery and laws of physics were better understood. This meant that dominant cultural values were shifting ground. A collision course was bound in the literal interpretations of fundamentalist religious doctrine and emerging scientific culture. Even though the Bible never denied evolution there has been persistent renounciation of evolution by influential religions. The twists of logic have been remarkable in the defense of one-sided Creationism. (more…)

  • Emotional Depression: Building on Broken

    by Diana DeMar

    Emotional depression can be a debilitating and soul-crushing illness. For those of you who have suffered with it, you know that it can not only affect you emotionally, but also physically, leaving you feeling drained of energy, anxious, and plagued with chronic headaches. Some people might find themselves never wanting to leave the house; you might lose interest in the things you once enjoyed so much and find that you push away even your most beloved friends. (more…)

  • Learning Spirituality

    by Riannon

    Learning spirituality is an exciting, enlightening and rewarding process, but how do you get started? With all the information in the world at your fingertips, it can be hard decision where to target first, and with contradictory beliefs, in can be hard to establish your own. This article rewinds the process and brings the focus to the very beginning of a spiritual journey, making you ready for lifelong development. (more…)

  • The Reincarnation of Martha Washington

    by Doug Simpson

    When Edgar Cayce, the legendary American mystic, prepared to enter his self-induced trance state for a reading, those present were usually aware of some of the questions or instructions which would be asked or given, but normally an excited anticipation enveloped the room as no one could predict what new revelations might be uncovered over the next hour or so.  On March 7, 1941, as the afternoon life reading commenced for a three, almost four year old, young miss who was present but much too young to comprehend the process unfolding before her eyes, many a jaw suddenly dropped in unison as Edgar Cayce identified this innocent youngster as the reincarnation of Martha Washington. Here are some excerpts from that afternoon’s reading, 2459-1. (more…)

  • Resiliency Lessons From The Chilean Mine Triumph

    by Eileen McDargh

    A worldwide web of viewers watched 33 miners being pulled to the surface following a 600,000 ton cave-in that happened nearly one-half mile below the ground on a barren plain in southern Chile. Besides showcasing the tenacity of rescuers and the miracle of technology, the miners themselves offer dramatic lessons in resiliency that anyone can learn. (more…)

  • Entoptic phenomena as universal trance phenomena

    by Floco Tausin

    In the mid-1990s I met a man named Nestor living in the solitude of the hilly Emmental region of Switzerland. Nestor has a unique and provocative claim: that he focuses for years on a constellation of huge shining spheres and strings which have been formed in his field of vision. He interprets this phenomenon as a subtle structure formed by our consciousness which in turn creates our material world. Nestor, who calls himself a seer, ascribes this subjective visual perception to his long lasting efforts to develop his consciousness. He explains his vision as an extended perception of a phenomenon for which, in ophthalmology, the collective term “floaters” is applied. (more…)

  • Dealing with anxiety through spiritual practice

    by Ryan Rivera

    What is spirituality, if not the process of learning how to see life in perspective? What is a spiritual seeker, if not a person who aims for detachment from his lower self? Most people don’t realize this, but following a consistent spiritual practice can be a highly effective way to deal with anxiousness; in the same way, certain methods of anxiety management can be described as being almost spiritual in nature. (more…)

  • Empowerment through Surrender, Awakening and Divine Love

    by Dawn MacIntyre

    Making most of our time here on earth is not difficult but does require us to develop certain states of mind as well as the higher qualities of our soul.  This includes empowering ourselves to succeed and enjoy life, learning to trust and surrender to a higher power, our Divine Selves, and stop trying to do everything by ourself from the place of our personality and finally, becoming fully awakened by developing higher states of being.

    How can I transform my victim mentality to one of authentic empowerment and truly succeed in all areas of my life? (more…)

  • Gog and Magog 2012?

    by Alan Navarre

    David Wilcox’s documentary video The 2012 Enigma summarizes the “2012 movement” comprehensively. Wilcox demonstrates how several diverse sources predict that life on Earth will undergo a cataclysmic change of unprecedented magnitude at the winter solstice of the year 2012 (on 21 December). In The 2012 Enigma, Wilcox’s survey encompasses the Mayan calendar, Montauk Project and Project Looking Glass experimental subjects, crop circles, and more. What Wilcox does not include is the culminating fulfillment of the Gog and Magog prophecy of Revelation 20 and Ezekiel 38-39. It is hoped that this chapter’s exploration of Gog and Magog will supplement Wilcox’s excellent achievement. (more…)

  • “Hey Waiter…There’s God in My Soup!”

    Learning Kabbalah Through Humor Creation

    by Simcha Krause

    Harry:   What’s green, hangs on the wall, and whistles?
    Stanley:  I don’t know.  What’s green, hangs on the wall, and whistles?

    Harry:  A herring.
    Stanley:  But … a herring Isn’t green!
    Harry:  Nu, so you could paint it green
    :  But a herring doesn’t hang on the wall!
    Harry:  Nu, so you could hang it on the wall.
    Stanley:  But a herring doesn’t whistle!

    Harry:  Ok, so it doesn’t whistle. (more…)