Category: externally authored

  • A Plea to the World for the End of Western Fascism and for Alien/ET Disclosure

    By Michael Dargaville

    IF we are to judge western countries through their media we are led to believe that indeed the western world is consumed and controlled by fascism.

    Nothing, from the endless western  fascist wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Ukraine, Yemen, Libya, Sudan, and Pakistan, to the army of right wing and fascist writers, columnists and “journalists” who tell us how good the West is, how good Hollywood is, to the formation of a one party capitalist western world (where western political “left wing” parties have been turned into voices for capitalism), is ever really mentioned in the western media. Can you see how a true western totalitarian state has emerged because there is no official MAJOR left wing/socialist/communist political parties in all the western world. The USA is a genuine one party capitalist state with both Democrats and Republicans virtually identical as super capitalist endless war parties promoting the 400 billionaires who control 99% of the USA.


  • “Practicing The Presence”. Conversations With Yanni

    Below is the transcript of the Youtube video: ‘“Practicing The Presence”. Conversations with Yanni’ Part 1. The link for the video is below.

    Heather: Hello everyone. It’s lovely to have you here with us. We’re currently studying the mystical book, ‘Practicing The Presence’ by Joel Goldsmith in our Online Book Study Group (the zoom link for the group and the recordings are in Description). In this series, Yanni and I will be discussing the spiritual principles Joel shares in this book, together with some thoughts and questions that have been asked. We’ll work our way through each of the chapters, and in this video, we’ll discuss the Introduction and Chapters 1 & 2.

    So, Yanni, would you like to ask me the first question?

    Yanni: Yes. Qu 1. “Why did Joel decide to write ‘Practicing the Presence’ [PTheP] and how do people relate who’ve had similar life, or spiritual, experiences? (more…)

  • Ramadan And Repentance

    Rabbi Allen S. Maller

    “We have indeed (started) revealing this (Message) in the Night of Power. What will explain to you what the Night of Power is? The Night of Power is better than a thousand (ordinary) months. Therein come down the angels and the Spirit by Allah’s permission, on every errand: Peace!… This until the rise of morning.” (Quran 97:1-5)

    The yearly Night of Power brings down the angels and  the Spirit to empower every action that humans engage in that empowers Peace: Peace within and between our families, our neighbors, our communities, our country and all humanity.


  • Culmination — Everything is Culminating on Earth

    by Van / Gabriel of Urantia

    I’m a reader and teacher of The URANTIA Book, and my public name is Van / Gabriel of Urantia. I had already studied and taught scripture of the Old and New Testaments in the Bible before finding The URANTIA Book. I have also been used as a vessel to bring through the continuation of The URANTIA Book, found in The Cosmic Family volumes. I consider as valid and sacred scripture:

    • The Bible, given by humans, which goes back possibly 6,000 years.
    • The URANTIA Book (referred to as the Fifth Epochal Revelation) and given by celestial personalities, who contacted a small group of humans as early as 1911, bringing through the actual Urantia papers in 1934 and 1935, with the book being published in 1955.
    • The continuation of those papers first being published as The Cosmic Family, Volume 1 in 1993 and continuing with several additional volumes, known as the Continuing Fifth Epochal Revelation.


  • Libertarian Socialism as the basis of the Spiritual New Age Movement

    By Michael Dargaville

    The two major forces of the worldwide New Age movement – official alien disclosure and deep spirituality – must rest on libertarian socialism.

    All three areas are entwined and are at the root of our current reality.

    Currently benevolent loving advanced galactic human aliens surround our planet in their spaceships. They are called the Galactic Federation.

    Our planet will be destroyed by bad reptilian reptoid aliens if we do not officially join the Galactic Federation.

    Governments are currently playing an extremely dangerous wait and see game (and have done so for more than 20 years)  because they don’t won’t to change the current basic financial structures of the  planet which are based on the super capitalism of thousands of billionaires. (more…)

  • My Dear Other

    By William T. Hathaway

    Loving the other through mutualities of hurt,
    loving the other without understanding the other,
    groping in darkness to find the other,
    blundering towards and beyond the other,
    fleeing at the sight of the other,
    escaping from exile to greet the other,
    yearning for and recoiling from the other,
    two planets swinging in cross-orbit around the sun of our love,
    a sudden glimpse and then gone
    but ever returning,
    always affirming,
    Yes, this is our way,
    there can be no other.

    William T. Hathaway’s books won him a Rinehart Foundation Award and a Fulbright professorship in creative writing. His peace novel, Summer Snow, is the story of an American warrior falling in love with a Sufi Muslim and learning from her that higher consciousness is more effective than violence.

  • One God, One Planetary Family

    by Van / Gabriel of Urantia

    500,000 years ago the Planetary Prince Caligastia, a Primary Lanonandek Son, came to Urantia with 100 supermortals, some even from other universes, who were resident on Jerusem, the capital of Satania, our administrative local system. Monmatia is the name of our solar system. There is a huge administrative system of many sectors all the way to Paradise. I am just giving you some preliminaries. You can research the rest of this cosmology in The URANTIA Book.

    Nebadon is the name of our local universe that was created by Christ Michael, who came to this planet as Jesus, a Son of God and Son of Man, whose origin was Paradise. He is known as a Michael Son, a Creator Son, and is the creator of Nebadon. It is good to know the structure of your local universe and superuniverse as you ascend on this fallen world, so that you can have a sense of place.

    That place was distorted when a Primary Lanonandek Son, Lucifer, rebelled from the Divine Administration of his father, Christ Michael. Michael is not just an angel. There are tens of thousands of angels also called Michael (because they want to be named after their Father), but only one Creator Son who created all of them. (more…)

  • A Proven Path to Peace

    By William T. Hathaway

    The waves of war are rising again around the fragile ship of our civilization, threatening to sink it to the depths of barbarism and radioactive megadeath. The principle to preventing this is stated in the constitution of UNESCO: “Since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defenses of peace must be constructed.” But no practical way is offered to implement this noble principle and create the needed change.

    The ancient Vedic texts of India also state this principle, and they include a practical way to implement it that worked for thousands of years. The Vedic civilization was peaceful. No wars are recorded in its chronicles, and archaeological excavations have found no signs of it. This knowledge of how to implement it, though, was eventually lost, and warfare has become so common that it is now regarded as human nature. (more…)

  • Silex Scintillans

    By William T. Hathaway

    “Seek and ye shall find,”
    I keep telling myself,
    seeking along in my sneakers,
    trying to find the way back to you,
    my source, course and goal.
    The path gets steeper
    as I clamber over scree slopes of past deeds.
    In this deep karma the sneakers have no hold,
    so I boot it in hobnails
    until the path disappears midway
    into flinty rocks of despair.
    The sun drops, light deserts me,
    but in the dark night my soles
    strike sparks from the flint
    to show the way. But I stray
    and am lost. I cry out,
    and the sound bounces back from you,
    steering me by sonic echoes.
    Again I slip away, and they fade.
    Bereft of hope, I can only surrender.
    Body sinks to the ground;
    mind sinks to its ground –
    awareness without thought,
    consciousness without an object.
    There, humming and glowing, is your name, (more…)

  • Surf the Apocalypse | Jamming in Prime Time

    By William T. Hathaway

    Surf the Apocalypse

    We stand on doomsday’s beach
    watching waves rise and crash,
    breathing the brisk and final breeze.
    Shiva holds in one of his four arms
    a surfboard carved from a bodhi tree,
    His partner Durga and their son Ganesh
    stand beside him, boardless.
    I clutch a battered styrofoam body board,
    knuckles white.
    Over the waves gallops a white mare –
    mane and tail streaming.
    Kalki, the last avatar, rides her –
    white beard streaming,
    blowing his conch and shouting,
    “Time’s up!”
    Shiva paddles with four hands through the surging surf.
    Shivering, I flop onto my board and try to keep up with him.
    Durga and Ganesh mount the air and drop onto the waves.
    She rides them barefoot on a cushion of kundalini;
    he skims them on ivory skates.
    The sea swells and circles us,
    whirling in rings that seem to rise,
    but it’s we who are sinking into them.
    The ocean becomes a funnel of fire
    that doesn’t burn but caresses in farewell (more…)