Libertarian Socialism as the basis of the Spiritual New Age Movement

By Michael Dargaville

The two major forces of the worldwide New Age movement – official alien disclosure and deep spirituality – must rest on libertarian socialism.

All three areas are entwined and are at the root of our current reality.

Currently benevolent loving advanced galactic human aliens surround our planet in their spaceships. They are called the Galactic Federation.

Our planet will be destroyed by bad reptilian reptoid aliens if we do not officially join the Galactic Federation.

Governments are currently playing an extremely dangerous wait and see game (and have done so for more than 20 years)  because they don’t won’t to change the current basic financial structures of the  planet which are based on the super capitalism of thousands of billionaires.

Other lower level Galactic Federation human planets with lifespans of between 200-400 years have been destroyed very recently in this war with these bad reptoid reptilian aliens. Earth will be next unless it joins the Galactic Federation.

The spiritual aspect of the New Age movement rests on the notion that an all encompassing God (the Galactic Federation calls him/her the Great Isness of Being) created this universe/multiverse and has a multitude of angels and 13 Archangels.

All religions on this planet recognise angels and some even recognise the notion of Ascended Masters (who are superhuman beings with incredible spiritual powers) who are part of planet Earth’s Spiritual Hierarchy. All planets in the galaxy each have their own Spiritual Hierarchy (or spiritual government).

All higher level human Galactic Federation planets in the galaxy are based on socialism at varying levels.

And this brings us to EARTH.

I will number key points about why and how libertarian socialism is so important for Earth at this moment.

  1. Libertarian socialism is based on the notion of a 100 per cent FREE SPEECH socialist democracy where the ruling party is benevolent and socialist but where other parties and opposition groups exist fully  unencumbered. And no group should not be allowed a voice. In other words INFINITE FREE SPEECH, A FREE MEDIA WHERE ANYONE OR ANY GROUP CAN PRODUCE NEWSPAPERS, MAGAZINES, TELEVISION AND RADIO. But the balance of power is always kept by socialism. Always.
  2. Libertarian socialism advocates for the socialist ownership of industry and land. But they would allow capitalist opposition groups to have private property of industry and land (if they wish). However capitalist monopolies would never be allowed under libertarian socialism . The socialist government that is always under control (in an anarchistic and libertarian way) would always maintain a 60-75/80 per cent stake of industry and land (which includes farming). Socialist industry and land would be never privately owned.
  3. Small business could be totally free based on 100 per cent SOCIALIST free rents for shops, small factories and farming land so that a complete market economy exists. At the same time some small business could be privately owned as a much smaller percentage.
  4. The socialist government would have large socialist newspapers, radio and television but alternative privately owned newspapers, magazines, radio, publishing houses and television would also be completely allowed to operate. Anyone violating and stopping FREE SPEECH would be policed. FREE SPEECH IS KEY IN LIBERTARIAN SOCIALISM. The Galactic Federation strongly supported the Gorbachev communist government of the USSR before it was destroyed by nationalism in 1992. Gorbachev totally freed the media in the USSR and allowed opposition newspapers and total free speech. It was a new type of totally free communism. The Galactic Federation were horrified when the Soviet Union fell apart. There have also been various forms of libertarian socialist governments in the Western world but also in South America (via the Pink Revolution of the past 20 years) and Africa. I personally have a very open mind to other communist governments and parties, especially those vying for a libertarian socialist type of communism.
  5. Housing would be free for those that want it. FREE HOUSING IS THE FOUNDATION OF LIBERTARIAN SOCIALISM. Those wishing to buy “their free housing” are more than welcome to own it privately. Again there would be a percentage threshold of private housing (say 35 per cent). But the notion of ownership is redundant because the socialist government would keep private housing FROM EVER increasing in value. Thus owning a private house is really just the equivalent of a bank account.

THE MOST IMPORTANT aspect of a libertarian socialist government would be the creation of public government owned libertarian socialist hippie communes that are composed of brilliant organic farms that produce beautiful fruits and vegetables that can be sold outside. Housing on these communes would be totally free. All you would need is a tiny house, yurt, teepee, tent, VW electric Kombi van, bus, horsefloat, trailer sailer (to live in), van, motor home, camper van, caravan or Top-up. COMPLETELY FREE HOUSING.

Food would be free for a minimum of physical work. Those who are old, sick or disabled everything would be free.

These communes would have amazing alternative medical hospitals where Indian Aruvedic medicine, Chinese medicine, acupuncture, yoga, chi gung, mind body medine, energy medicine, kinesiology, homeopathy, naturopathic medicine, food medicine, meditation and much else would be available. These hospitals are paid for by the commune farm produce sold outside.

These communes could also be major artistic sanctuaries plus have incredibly funky extensive Zen skateboarding parks, wave pools for surfers, groovy vegan cafes and much else.

  1. Libertarian socialism is the basis of advanced human Galactic Federation alien planets located across the galaxy. The higher and more advanced the human alien planet is via their spiritual development and lifespans, the more perfect the version of libertarian socialism. EVERYONE IS FREE TO CHOOSE THEIR PATH. Galactic Federation human planets have lifespans that range, as mentioned earlier, from just 200-400 years (and this is where Generation Z has incarnated from with their planets being destroyed by bad reptoid reptilian aliens in this endless galactic war) to much longer lifespans. Hydrans look like black Africans  and have 500 year lifespans. Pleiadians live for 700 year lifespans. Sirians have 5000 year lifespans and look European. My home planet (I am high level starseed) has 10,000 year lifespans. Above my planet are humans living to a massive 30,000 years. Sai Baba, the world famous Indian guru who could do super miracles, comes from a human planet with 25,000 year lifespans. Many on his planet can do miracles. The Arctureans have 30,000 year lifespans and look Chinese. All humans in the Galactic Federation reincarnate back on to their home planets when they die unless they are sent out as starseeds when they die. Starseeds come from other human planets. The reptoids have 30,000 year lifespans. The grey aliens, who have no power and did a deal with the USA, have just 200 year lifespans and are extremely low level.
  2. Libertarian socialism is at the basis of spirituality. The reptoid aliens can be both good and bad. The good reptoid reptilian aliens work for the Galactic Federation whose leader is Archangel Michael. The leader of the bad reptoids is Archangel Lucifer.

About 60 per cent of the Galactic Federation is human and the remaining aliens are good reptoid reptilian aliens, dragon aliens, insect aliens and others.

Humans were first formed 7 million years ago in the Vega star system. By 6 million years ago they developed to a high sentiment level and then established human civilizations across the galaxy. By 4 million BC a Galactic Federation of humans were formed because bad reptoids had started a major war on our civilizations.

Earth was first colonised by the Galactic Federation 2 million years ago when Hybornea was founded. This was destroyed by bad reptoids. The Galactic Federation came back and founded Lemuria about 900,000 years ago which was destroyed by bad reptoids around 15,000BC. Earth humans during Lemuria had 5000 year lifespans. Good angels then created a lot of NEW SOULS for the remaining mutated humans as it was unfair to put advanced souls in these bodies from more advanced human civilizations. These mutated humans then collectively reincarnated until present day with good angels creating new fresh YOUNG SOULS as the population expanded. They are non starseeds because their souls were created on this planet. All of Generation Z (born 2002 and after) are low level starseeds from human planets with 200-400 year lifespans recently destroyed by bad reptoid reptilian aliens and have reincarnated here on Earth. Thus they are starseeds but low level starseeds.

Earth will be destroyed if governments don’t change, make formal Galactic Federation and full spectrum alien announcements, and join the Galactic Federation to get the military protection it needs from the bad Luciferic reptoid reptilian aliens.

Earth cannot join the Galactic Federation until a world government is started based on national sovereignty, peace and love. Galactic Federation SPACESHIPS can and will stop all nuclear weapons on Earth and are offering any government who seeks it complete military protection. This makes smaller governments just as powerful as any big country/government. Everything has changed. Truth is needed or this planet will be destroyed. Galactic Federation spaceships surround this planet.

Bio details: Michael Dargaville is an international journalist, punk poet, generalist poet, philosopher, physicist, academic/teacher, natural medicine oncologist and general clinician, veteran counter culture surfer, transpersonal psychologist, pioneering skateboarder, avant garde novelist, singer/musician and artist. Michael grew up and was educated in the counter culture hippie, punk, surfing and New Age movements of Sydney, Australia. He has been based in Asia for the past 25 years where he has taught at universities at professorial level and works in international journalism. Michael has done three major Masters theses on the physics of alien space travel, mind-body medicine, the New Age movement and post quantum theory. He then spent 10 years working on a PhD called THE NEW IDEALISM linking all these areas together in a major book that was widely published in hardcopy and internet form. His poetry has been widely studied at universities and he has performed both as a performance punk poet and singer around the world and he has worked with some out there punk bands including the feminist gay communist punk band CUNT.  He has published more than 100 hardcopy books and pamphlets with more than 80 plus works of poetry, five novels, four works of philosophy and many pamphlets of journalism. For many years he has been a major counter culture publisher and established famous publishing collectives with other people. Michael was trained as a journalist and spent 8 years as a full-time staff journalist for the Hobart Mercury and then worked widely on other major newspapers including the Melbourne Sun News-Pictorial and China Daily, where he worked on the newsdesk in Beijing and wrote features. Since then he has written for thousands of newspapers, magazines and websites around the world with more than 200 million readers and translated into more than 15 languages. Michael is a human alien starseed from the Galactic Federation and comes from a human planet with 10,000 year lifespans located on the other side of the galaxy.


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