Category: edgar cayce

  • The Story of the Essenes – The Beginning

    by Doug Simpson

    Essene scholars basically rely on four sets of ancient writings for their knowledge and speculation on the Essenes. The Jewish philosopher Philo of Alexandria, c.20BC – c.54AD, in his manuscript titled Quod Omnius Probus Liber, mentioned over 4000 Essenes in villages throughout Palestinian Syria. Next, Pliny the Elder, c.23AD – c.79AD, a Roman soldier, naturalist, historian and biographer produced the 37-volume Natural History, indicating that the Essenes had existed for thousands of generations and located them at his time in the desert along the north-west portion of the Dead Sea. Flavius Josephus, c.37AD – c.100AD, Jewish soldier turned Roman historian and politician, included the Essenes in a number of his manuscripts, offering us the most comprehensive look at this mystical religious order. The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls in 1947, in caves outside of Qumran near the north-west coast of the Dead Sea, helped, or possibly complicated, the analysis of Essene history. Some scholars believe that the Qumran colony were Essenes, and others most definitely do not. I will leave you to do your own research, if you have the inclination, and to draw your own conclusions. It is now time for us to turn our attention to the information obtained through the in-trance, legendary American mystic, Edgar Cayce, on how, for many centuries and with Heavenly guidance, preparations were slowly being set in place for the eagerly anticipated birth of the Messiah. (more…)

  • Edgar Cayce’s Story of the Soul of John The Baptist

    The soul of John the Baptist was apparently not reincarnated at the time of the readings of the legendary American mystic, Edgar Cayce. I will explain the ‘apparently’ reference as we proceed with our story, but first we shall look at the information in the Scriptures and the Edgar Cayce readings linking the soul of John the Baptist to the renowned prophet Elijah/Elias. Elijah’s story is recounted in I Kings, Chapters 17 to 21, and II Kings, Chapters 1 and 2. I am not going to retell his story here, except for his demise. Somewhat similar to Enoch in Genesis 5:24, and Jesus the Christ at the Ascension after the Resurrection, in Mark 16:19, Luke 24:50-51, and Acts 1:9-11, Elijah did not die but was taken up in a whirlwind into Heaven, as revealed in II Kings 2:1-11. (more…)

  • The Reincarnation of Elizabeth, the Mother of John The Baptist

    by Doug Simpson

    The life readings of the legendary American mystic, Edgar Cayce, present details about John the Baptist and his family not found in any discovered ancient documents. The soul of Miss 2156, the reincarnation of Elizabeth, was definitely one of those highly developed souls that I have now mentioned a number of times in other articles, so the story of Elizabeth contains a story within a story. This story-within-a-story begins with letters, carefully preserved in the archives of Edgar Cayce’s Association For Research And Enlightenment, in Virginia Beach, Virginia. (more…)

  • The Reincarnation of Thomas Jefferson

    by Doug Simpson

    The birth of a first child is always a monumental occasion for every family. Mr. 391 and Mrs. 934 of Virginia Beach, Virginia, were no exception. They named their newborn son Thomas Jefferson …. , after Mr.391’s late father, Thomas Jefferson …. . Mr.391 was a relative of Gladys Davis, the long-time secretary and stenographer for Virginia Beach’s renowned mystic, Edgar Cayce, and it should come as no great surprise that the new parents requested a reincarnation or past-life reading for their two-day-old pride-and-joy, who would soon become affectionately known as T.J.  Here are the surprise revelations from that day’s reading. (more…)

  • A True Believer Meets His Angel

    by Doug Simpson

    Edgar Cayce, the Edgar Cayce who was destined to become America’s legendary mystic, began attending Sunday School classes around the age of ten. The lesson being taught on that first day was the story of creation from the book of Genesis. Edgar was mesmerized. He asked his father for a book with the entire story of creation in it, and soon received a gift of his own personal Bible. Edgar’s life-long love of, and expertise in, the contents of the scriptures had commenced. Edgar quickly vowed to read the entire Bible at least once each year for the rest of his life, a promise he faithfully kept. But, at age ten he considered himself ten readings in arrears. Edgar was fourteen years old when he completed his fourteenth complete reading of the Bible. He was quickly regarded as the local Biblical expert and began teaching adult Bible classes while still a teenager. (more…)

  • The Reincarnation of Martha Washington

    by Doug Simpson

    When Edgar Cayce, the legendary American mystic, prepared to enter his self-induced trance state for a reading, those present were usually aware of some of the questions or instructions which would be asked or given, but normally an excited anticipation enveloped the room as no one could predict what new revelations might be uncovered over the next hour or so.  On March 7, 1941, as the afternoon life reading commenced for a three, almost four year old, young miss who was present but much too young to comprehend the process unfolding before her eyes, many a jaw suddenly dropped in unison as Edgar Cayce identified this innocent youngster as the reincarnation of Martha Washington. Here are some excerpts from that afternoon’s reading, 2459-1. (more…)

  • Who Were You In Your Past Lifetimes?

    By Doug Simpson

    The legendary American mystic from Virginia Beach, Virginia, Edgar Cayce, gave approximately 2500 life or reincarnation readings for some 2000 different individuals. Needless to say, most of them were delighted to receive information on their previous incarnations, and a few were startled to discover their past connections to historical individuals and events.

    Mrs. 5373 was one of the last people to be granted a life reading from the very-ill Edgar Cayce, who would shortly after suffer a stroke which would ultimately result in his death six months later. Her friend, Mrs. 808, had received twenty medical and past-life readings from Edgar, so Mrs. 5373 had some idea of what she might discover from her past, but the results certainly propelled her into the startled minority. Mrs. 5373 was not present in Virginia Beach when her reading took place; she was at her home in Washington, D.C., and therefore we can only imagine her reactions when she opened the envelope and commenced to read its contents. As an experiment, pretend that you are Mrs. 5373 and you just received your first, and only from Edgar Cayce, reincarnation reading. Imagine how you would have reacted to the excerpts from the reading below. I am reproducing only the highlights, not the entire, rather long reading. (more…)

  • Edgar Cayce Becomes a National Celebrity


    This is the third article in a series of three articles about Edgar Cayce’s interesting and sometimes unimaginable discovery of his psychic abilities and connections with the Divine. If you have not previously read the first installment, titled Edgar Cayce’s Earliest Psychic Readings, and the second article, titled Edgar Cayce’s First Miracle Reading, I politely recommend that you do so before you continue reading this article. These articles appear directly below this article. (more…)

  • Edgar Cayce’s First Miracle Reading

    by  Doug Simpson

    This is the second article in a series of three articles about the early years when Edgar Cayce was uncovering and attempting to understand the unusual psychic abilities he had apparently been blessed with. If you have not previously read the first article, titled Edgar Cayce’s Earliest Psychic Readings, I politely recommend that you first read that article. It can be located on the blog where you are now located. (more…)

  • Edgar Cayce’s Earliest Psychic Readings


    Edgar Cayce, the Edgar Cayce who was destined to become America’s legendary mystic, began attending Sunday School classes around the age of ten. The lesson being taught on that first day was the story of creation from the book of Genesis. Edgar was mesmerized. He asked his father for a book with the entire story of creation in it, and soon received a gift of his own personal Bible. Edgar’s life-long love of, and expertise in, the contents of the scriptures had commenced. Edgar quickly vowed to read the entire Bible at least once each year for the rest of his life, a promise he faithfully kept. But, at age ten he considered himself ten readings in arrears. Edgar was fourteen years old when he completed his fourteenth complete reading of the Bible. He was quickly regarded as the local Biblical expert and began teaching adult Bible classes while still a teenager. (more…)