The Secret is a recent movie and book by Rhonda Bryan that claims to reveal the secret to a happy, healthy, wealthy and fulfilled life. Bryan draws on the words of some of the finest Spiritual and inspirational teachers in support of the Secret, which is basically the law of attraction.
The universe is likened to some great catalog ordering service. All you have to do is place your order, for whatever you want, by thinking about it with feeling and acting in the belief it’s already in your possession. Amazingly the universe hears your request and pulls out all the stops to satisfy it.
Your thoughts and feelings are a self-fulfilling prophesy. If you feel good, you will be sent more to feel good about. If you think life sucks, it will. So all you need to do is change your way of thinking.
The Secret is fine so far as it goes. Positive thinking and feeling is pretty well necessary for any kind of success. You can be the world’s greatest player, but if your mind isn’t right you will under-perform and likely lose.
To my mind the danger of the Secret is that it continually implies that right thought and feeling are sufficient for success.
Let me explain why (I believe) that view is flawed.
There are only limited resources in the world. If everyone asks for a billion dollars and 20-room house on a huge lot. Some people will be disappointed, even though they follow all the “rules”.
Additionally, life isn’t about material acquisitions, it’s about having experience – both positive and negative. If success comes just by thinking about it, who’s gonna do any work, who’s gonna learn anything?
And as most of life’s lessons come from difficulties, if we wish our difficulties away altogether, won’t life become pointless?
I’d recommend anyone to watch/read the Secret. I’d recommend anyone to put its lessons into practice. But I’d recommend they are put into practice alongside a practical action plan designed to get you from where you are now to where you wanna be.