Author: abracad

  • Subtle Matter: Where the physical and spiritual unite

    By William T. Hathaway

    Dr. Klaus Volkamer’s new book, “Weighing Soul Substance”, builds bridges across the gulf that has separated science from spirituality, materialism from mysticism. It confirms the reality of auras, clairvoyance, remote viewing, psychokinesis, telepathy, and precognition, and presents empirical evidence that these phenomena have a material aspect. By using newly developed measuring technologies Volkamer detected changes in the mass of objects and people resulting only from mental activity. He proved that our thoughts produce physical changes in us and the world around us. “[H]uman thought and directed attention leave a detectable impression in our surroundings.” (more…)

  • Introducing ‘Decoding Schopenhauer’s Metaphysics’ by Barnardo Kastrup

    My new book, Decoding Schopenhauer’s Metaphysics (DSM), is now available for pre-ordering from amazon UK, amazon USA, and other retailers as well. In this post, I want to give you a brief overview of the book, tell you why I wrote it and why I think it is important.

    After I finished The Idea of the World—over a year before the book was actually published—I started an effort to trace my ideas back to their historical predecessors and anchor them in the Western philosophical tradition. Regarding 19th-century philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer, I took it light at first and read Christopher Janaway’s little book Schopenhauer: A Very Short Introduction. I describe this experience, and what happened next, in DSM: (more…)

  • What’s Going On? Is There A Real Answer?

    The Cleansing Process Of The Earth In Relationship To The Cleansing Of Our Souls At This Time Of Pandemic, Social Unrest, Rioting, and Earth Changes

    by Van / Gabriel of Urantia / TaliasVan

    More than twenty years ago in Sedona, Arizona, I began to talk about a spiritual revolution that would be the solution for the ills of our country and the entire planet. Since that time, many have picked up on the idea of a “spiritual revolution” and used it in their own outreaches and ministries to the world, because it is a great concept. But we should not just talk about the problems of our nation and world but actually do something about them.

    The term I coined, Spiritualutionsm—the fusion of spirituality with activism, which actually creates a spiritual revolution—is unique, because basically it puts the responsibility of change on each individual. Spiritualution is not a movement of millions on the street doing civil disobedience. It goes way beyond that. (more…)

  • “Consciousness and the Quantum: The Next Paradigm”

    Reviewed by William T. Hathaway

    At last a book that not only makes quantum physics understandable for general readers but shows how it has practical value for us. Author Dr. Robert M. Oates Jr. presents this abstract, theoretical topic in a step-by-step manner that makes it comprehensible. He explains the discoveries that are revolutionizing the way we see the world, and he captures the drama and conflicts involved in overthrowing the old scientific worldview and building the new. In conclusion he presents the benefits this knowledge can have for our individual lives. (more…)

  • The Hermetic/Vanetic Marriage

    In Relationship To Evolutionary Mortal Marriages, Based Upon An Example Of The Creator Son And The Universe Mother Spirit In Complementary Relationship

    by Gabriel of Urantia

    Just a few of these concepts come from Manly P. Hall and his Philosophical Research Society. But the majority is actually Continuing Fifth Epochal Revelation and comes from Paladin. This will become Paper 366 in The Cosmic Family, Volume VI.

    A definition of Hermetic marriage is: Hermeticism, also called Hermetism, is a religious, philosophical, and esoteric tradition based primarily upon writings attributed to Hermes Trismegistus, relating to an ancient occult tradition encompassing alchemy, astrology, theosophy, and male and female polarities in marriage.

    A definition of Vanetic is:  the writings of Van[1] pre-rebellion and post-rebellion eras. Van wrote for 300,000 years on the relationship of the Creator Son and the Universe Mother Spirit in relationship to evolutionary marriages. Most of the writings of Van were destroyed when the Library of Alexandria burnt down.

    Continuing Fifth Epochal Revelation (The Cosmic Family volumes) teaches that as a result of the romantic relationship between the Creator Son and Universe Mother Spirit, their universe was sung into existence. Everything, every particle, every rock, every tree, the oceans, everything was sung into existence. This relationship between the two of them is the example of relationships between angelic beings, the positive and negative, and the example on evolutionary worlds of the goal for complementary relationships between mere mortals.[2] (more…)

  • Renderings of Realizations

    by Niánn Emerson Chase

    It has always impressed me, in my study of the life of Jesus (as found in The URANTIA Book), that he often spent time in nature, away from the energies of busy towns and bustling people. In a family of several children, as the eldest son—who (at the age of 14) took the place of a father figure when their father Joseph died in a work-related accident—Jesus often took his younger siblings out on walks in the surrounding hills, pointing out various things they came across, teaching the children not only about the scientific facts of the natural world but also bringing in practical, moral, and spiritual lessons that related to what they observed in nature. (more…)

  • Covid-19, From a Spiritual Perspective. How To Keep From Getting It

    By Gabriel of Urantia – ADDENDUM ADDED – 10/15/2020

    The University of Ascension Science and The Physics of Rebellion (UASPR) has a staff of medical personnel, a Ph.D. clinical psychologist, and other professors and instructors who study science, metaphysics, and spiritual phenomena—not UFOs, etc., but how true spirituality is a tool that the Creator gives us to heal ourselves and other people.

    The study and practice of healing is not new, for it has been used by adepts and sages, shamans and mystics throughout the centuries, which includes the ancient Druids and their priests, who were students of the energies of the sun and moon in relationship to evolutionary mortals and understanding the laws of nature.

    The science of healing is a big subject that volumes have been, and continue to be, written about. However, we humans are still just at the beginning of our learning. So when we, as healers, hand out a business card, we should realize that we are just beginning to be a healer, and just beginning to be a shaman, and just beginning to be a doctor or acupuncturist or counselor or chiropractor. We need to realize that none of these disciplines has all the answers when it comes to healing, because healing has to be threefold:  the soul, the mind, and the body. (more…)

  • Enlivening Your Inner Serpent Power

    By William T. Hathaway

    Slumbering deep within you lies a serpent named Bhujagendra coiled 3 1/2 times around the sacral bone at the base of your spine in Muladhara chakra, your inner powerhouse. Awakening this serpent activates your kundalini, giving you powers of higher consciousness, filling your heart, mind, and body with a divine energy that enhances your thoughts, actions, and relationships. Your kundalini can be awakened through a combination of yoga, chanting, and meditation. (more…)

  • The Supreme Awakening

    Reviewed by William T. Hathaway

    The Supreme Awakening: Experiences of Enlightenment Throughout Time — And How You Can Cultivate Them is the ultimate guide to higher states of consciousness. This latest book from Craig Pearson presents inspiring experiences from mystics and saints, then shows us how we ourselves can live these states permanently in enlightenment.

    A sampling from the anthology: (more…)

  • Reflections on The Super Bowl Halftime Show

    By Gabriel of Urantia

    I wonder how that show would have been produced if Jesus Christ would have been the producer, or at least would have stood beside the producer while he or she produced the show. I wonder what the wardrobe would have looked like, what the songs would have been.

    I understand that Jennifer Lopez prayed, with her daughter and others, before she went out on stage, so I wondered why she showed her crotch so many times, like she was a woman possessed with showing the world that crotch was still there.

    I wonder why she danced like a hussy, when her voice is so beautiful. Her sexual display actually took away from her God-given beautiful voice and made her look cheap in the eyes of any truly godly man or woman. Same thing goes for Shakira. She too has a beautiful voice, but she too has become lost in the Hollywood Delusion. (more…)