Author: abracad

  • A Buddhist – Christian Path to Satisfaction

    Like most religions Buddhism and Christianity both consist of philosophical and “supernatural” aspects. This post draws on the key philosophical teachings of Buddhist pragmatism and Christian kindness to identify guidance for satisfaction and fulfilment in the 21st Century.

    Life is Short, Fragile and Uncertain

    A human lifespan is but the tiniest drop in the cosmic ocean. Life is fragile; it can be cut short in so many ways – illness, accident, at the hands of another. It is subject to countless unpredictable external influences, many with the power to drastically affect life’s course, or mercilessly terminate it.

    Life is like being given $100 and knowing it will vanish at some random unknown future time. Rationally, you’d spend and enjoy it now. That is living primarily in the moment, ie mindfully. (more…)

  • Abortion: Islamic and Jewish views on when a human soul enters a human fetus

    by Rabbi Allen S. Maller

    I am a Rabbi who frequently writes articles about the close connections between Judaism and Islam for Islamic web sites as well as for Jewish web sites; and 31 articles previously published by Islamic web sites are in my book ‘Judaism and Islam as Synergistic Monotheisms: A Reform Rabbi’s Reflections on the Profound Connectedness of Islam and Judaism’.

    The following article appeared this week on the Islamicity web site; and on The Times of Israel:

    All the continuing political disputes over abortion in the USA and other countries ignore the fundamental religious issue: when does the fetus in the womb of a woman’s body become a human fetus? At conception it is a living physical body, but when does this soul become a spiritual human being? (more…)

  • Stress and Worry World Wide

    by Rabbi Allen S. Maller
    People around the world are becoming more angry, stressed and worried, according to a 2019 Gallup Global Emotions Report survey of some 150,000 people interviewed in over 140 countries.
    A third said they suffered stress, while at least one in five experienced sadness or anger.
    If you think that stress is directly connected with unemployment and violence; look carefully at the 5 most negative and the 5 most positive countries in the world. The most negative countries were Chad, Niger, Sierra Leone, Iraq and Iran. Makes sense.


  • 5 Yoga Asanas You Should Follow With Your Family On Weekends

    by Manmohan Singh

    Summary: Weekends are not only meant to sleep till late, eat junk, or take a stroll at a mall. Alter it with yoga, making it healthy and enticing for your family. Learn about five asanas to follow with your family on weekends.

    Is there anything better than spending time with family over the weekends where you can have fun, talk, remember old times, and lots more. Relaxing at home after a tiring weekend is simply an amazing feeling, but during those two days, most of us endure hours of lying in bed watching TV, keep on munching food out of boredom or do nothing progressive.

    Make your weekend fun with your family with yoga. Practice some amazing poses with them creatively, which you might have learned during 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Bangalore or at a yoga retreat in Dharmashala. (more…)

  • The Quantum World and The Physics of Healing

    by Gabriel of Urantia

    Excerpted from the book Teachings on Healing From a Spiritual Perspective co-authored by Gabriel of Urantia available at

    Those of us who study the fact that human beings have various bodies all functioning with the physical body should know that any one of those bodies may need healing before the physical body can be healed.  Often, band-aids are put on the disease where deep soul surgery or emotional surgery needs attention.  The physical body or cellular body has to deal with impure air, impure water, impure food, and bacteria and viruses.  All that breaks down the immune system.  But very few individuals realize that many diseases of the body are actually caused by impure thinking, in both emotional (etheric) and astral (soul) bodies.  A series of negative thought patterns is called dio thade thought.  This dio thade thought can disrupt any of the body’s systems over a period of time and cause any of a number of diseases.

    One thing that distinguishes human beings from animals is that we have emotions.  These emotions, when handled properly and in balance, can bring forth beautiful music and art and wonderful novels.  But when emotions are imbalanced, they can disrupt relationships and cause actual physical pain to the cellular body.  Many people fail in all endeavors of life because they have not learned to control their emotions. (more…)

  • 5 Stages of Spiritual Awakening

    In this article, we will be briefly exploring five stages of spiritual development. By being able to identify critical moments in our transcendental journey, we will be able to dive deeper into the unconscious and use it as a resource for understanding ourselves.

    Just as our consciousness is only the tip of the iceberg, it is crucial to understand that our spiritual journey forms part of our growth as human beings. Given that we can know which tier we’re currently in, we will have the capability to go higher.

    As such, here are the five key stages for spiritual awakening (more…)

  • Trekking helps to change your behavior

    by Bipin Baloni

    Summary – Have you ever thought about the lurking beneficial properties of Trekking? Read the blog to discover how trekking can help you to change your own behavior.

    There are infinite ways to react to statements, to actions, to consequences, to results, to people, but we choose our own way. Why wouldn’t you? After all, we all have the right to enjoy the freedom of our speech and expression.

    Your gestures may or may not hurt the other person, but it will surely give them a reason to remember you for a long-term. It could either be a sour or a sweet memory. Since you cannot please everybody on this planet, you can at least try to put your best foot forward. Even though you are not accustomed to being liked by everyone, your social behavior somewhere affects your own mental health.

    This blog post is not directing you towards being socially-acceptable; instead it’s revealing the natural characteristics which you and the mountains can have in common. (more…)

  • Balanced Living

    By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

    Q: How do I balance the physical, mental and spiritual?

    A: In order to live a complete life, a life that is tuned to your higher destiny, you must participate in the world and, at times, spiritually withdrawn. Each person is created with a multitude of talents, emotions, hopes and dreams. Each person is an ocean with vast depths of undiscovered marine life, organisms, valleys, peaks and wrecked ships with treasure. All of these capacities, with training and opportunity have the potential for expression.

    The key to a balanced life is moderation, expression of the many parts of self and following a spiritual path to completion. We came into the earth phase to do and be many things. A balanced life is working in the world, sharing a family, contributing to the benefit of others, seeing each day as an opportunity to grow closer to your lasting self, and serving Truth. (more…)

  • Can Two Things, Seemingly Different, Be True At The Same Time?

    By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

    Yes. Have you ever gotten into a discussion with your significant other where both were at polar opposites? For example one wishes to paint the house and the other does not. In this situation, we are not considering if the house needs paint, to what degree and by which standard but simply if the people involved want it painted. In this scenario there is no correct answer and in time a compromise is reached, one gives into another or the matter remains unresolved.

    Now one of the characteristics of indoctrination systems, is they foster particular beliefs and state others who disagree are incorrect. Each will claim that they are “really right.” This type of belief system is rigid with little room for difference and is the most difficult to engage in compromise. Examples of indoctrination systems exist within political, religious and extremist groups. Followers of indoctrination systems often oppose anyone who does not believe similarly.

    One might think that indoctrinated people are single minded extremists and maybe a bit crazy. Therefore due to their beliefs, it would be easy to recognize, discount or even marginalize them. However, this is not always so, because sometimes we are the indoctrinated. What makes indoctrination so insidious is that we are often unaware of our own intolerance, prejudice, feelings of privilege and dogmatism. (more…)

  • Is 2019: The Beginning of the End?

    by Rabbi Allen Maller

    A May 2, 2012 Reuters Poll reported that “nearly 15 percent of people worldwide believe the world will end during their lifetime. “Whether they think it will come to an end through the hands of God, or a natural disaster or a political event, whatever the reason, one in seven thinks the end of the world is coming,” said Keren Gottfried, research manager at Ipsos Global Public Affairs which conducted the poll for Reuters.

    Gottfried also said that people under 35 years old, were more likely to believe in an apocalypse during their lifetime or have anxiety over the prospect. Responses to the international poll of 16,262 people in more than 20 countries varied widely. Only six percent of French and eight percent of British residents believe in an impending Armageddon in their lifetime, compared to 22 percent in Turkey and the United States and slightly less in South Africa and Argentina. (more…)